Fair enough, that one is my bad for sure.... Major props to the creator though. Still a really cool project, and i would proudly field one of them if i could!
Some serious thread necromancy going on here, i am not going to complain as i absolutely loved that Thunder Lizard diarama, so great.
Yeah I was curious why it was listed as "unread" for me lol when I saw the first post was from 4.5 years ago I was like "wait a minute...wut"
My bad, I kinda' just jumped in with both feet here. Answering polls and commenting on long dead threads all willy-nilly. Just glad to be back playing Lizardmen, and glad to get others input!
I have played maybe 10 or so games since i have started playing again (still playing 8th ed rules) and i would say 70% of those games i have 1 or 2 steggies w/both upgrades and they have wrecked face every time or have held up my opponents nasties long enough for me to flank with another unit. mind you i have won very few of these games over all but i have learnt one thing always bring at least one steggie they help a lot
Steggy is awesome... but it depends from what I have in mind, and also from my current meta. Sometimes is absolutely a must include (skinks army in 8th, EotG in 7th for Casandora Storm), and sometimes I can do without it (when facing too much cannons)
i always try to run at least 1 steg & 1 bast or 2 stegs, but this also depends on the point value of the battle I'm fighting as well. One of my fav set ups is a carno, 2 stegs and a bast for the target saturation. i have not yet been able to field all my big beasties in one battle yet but when that day comes i'll be happy as i have a carno, 3 stegs, a trog and a bast but i know my main opponents purposely keep the point values on the low end because of this reason. what can i say i love dinos llf