He is looking stunning! I love the extra colors of the leather and robe Keep up the good work Grrr, Imrahil
Hey everyone! Some good progress on the Hippogryph which I plan to continue more today after some sleep (420am atm). Changed the tabard colors, i think the black and orange works a lot better than the red over red. I did keep the wild rider red on the backside of the tabard, i might keep it... but haven't decided yet. I still need to do a wash on it, the red under shoes through a little which looks kinda cool actually. Ive also begun picking out the white spots on the wings again, they kinda faded when i did the washes of Reikland Fleshshade and light dry brushing of wild rider red. Also! I finally got a turn table, which is what it is resting on in the first pictures, ill post a link to a video soon
Looking good! You're right, the black and orange looks much better than the red I think. I do like the red underside though
I posted a video of the Hippogryph + Base on the turn table if anyone is interested: https://www.instagram.com/p/CQdn-DenJsG/?utm_medium=copy_link
Thank you! And yes, agreed, the black and orange play better with the body for sure. I also like having it the reverse of the shield armor Also agreed, gonna keep the red underside!
No painting update tonight, I've been doing some writing instead and some drawing for the Animosity III Campaign coming up for my Lumineth and Hathorians. One of the drawings I'm working on is an Alarith Floating Island Fortress, this is how my armies get around: Housing not just an army, but possibly multiple settlements as well. The perimeter is dotted with walls and ballista towers, among other defenses. Aside from that, I'm thinking of doing more voice chat hobby time, at least once or twice a week for an hour or so? Not sure on the time as it'll probably be random, but if anyobe ia interested we can work out a more solid time. Ive been popping in here and there already incase anyone pops in. So if this interests you, pop in if you see me
My lovely girlfriend showed this to me with a loving laugh and wink... I feel personally attacked by the person that knows me best!
Thanks man! Definitely a fun color scheme, and theme in general, a lot to draw from. Haha, I know it does for me! I finish things... eventually....haha, and some things sooner than others
A lord Regent is a part og my Animosity list, so building a custom one with sets I have! Giving mine a Ymertrica Longhorn Still WIP, lots of greenstuff to come, and still working on the wardens + Asana/Hippogryph
Great stuff Suds! Even though I've seen you turn out completed mini's, I can't help but think about that meme when you show another project starting...
Thank you! Lol that meme is going to live forever! Haha Indeed lol another project indeed, however! I am focused on 3 projects currently: Hippogryph, Wardens (first 10) and now this. After the Hippogryph is finished that'll free up some time for sure. Wardens if i focus wont take long at all, goal is 20 by the end of the month. The new kitbash I'm thinking will be a more towards the end of the month? We'll see. The Animosity campaign doesn't technically begin until tue 14th, so i have some time to build still. My passion i feel is building and kitbashing lol Im decent at painting, and i enjoy seeing a finished model.... but kitbashing and building is where im happiest for sure.