Thank you! I really do love how his skin has turned out. I originally did pink dots, but it was too busy and made my mind spin a bit, haha, so i ended up going over them with Sotek Green again... and it came out great I think. And yeah, his face I love especially. Debating if the next skink I do is a group of 3 that are primed or a special Character from my Homebrew, Kuto. This made me laugh out loud haha You have been a part of my blog since the beginning... you know the rules of this Jungle too well ahahaha! But for real, you gonna believe cause the Old Ones have given me strength to do so! Tzunki, the Old One of cleansing waters refreshes my resolve. Tepok the Old One of Protection (magic) and of the Wind allows my creativity to soar among the clouds. The Old One Itzl gives me the strength of the Thunder Lizard to lift my paint brush til the task is done! And yes, a little vodka draaankkkk + Lustrian Medical Plant helps too!
Pending touch ups and better pictures... he's done! Very excited with how he has come out, absolutely love this color scheme! Real stoked to have a more skinks lined up looking like this. It also just feels good to complete something lol Almost 5am, when i post new pictures with a better background I'll go more into the colors and such I hope everyone is having a great day so far! C&C welcome!
lol Kuto deserves a model for sure Good call to leave the speckling off, it is a bit to much. Grrr, Imrahil
Just noticed the blue spots on him, they look smooth and give him some more depth. Also the THUNDERLIZARD freehand. I LOVE THAT!!! Grrr, Imrahil
While Handling my custom Engine for my Unirontosaurian kinda... fell a part lol but! This sparked a new idea which i feel is much better than the previous. The idea is that the machine uses the Humidity/moisture in the air to create electrical currents around it, or it can super charge the orb and focus concentrated electrical blast at a larger target. This better shows the lore i had come up for it and im stoked! Also... more skinks are coming!
Thanks so much man! I also love how subtle the dots are on him, I think once you notice em its like a new level has been unlocked lol love how it all plays together. And same, love the freehand! Debating if ill do it on all the shields.
Awesome to see good progress on this project It looks very good. The lightning looks amazing, what color will the core ball be? Perhaps a nice extra touch to wash the stone pieces with a Yellow wash? I am not sure how it will turn out on grey, but it would be nice to see some glow of the lightning on them. Keep up the great work, you can finish this project. Yes you can! Grrr, Imrahil
Been working on something big, another sculpted dino for my Seraphon! Named the Amargadon, or Scientific name Parakentriadon, it's a cross between a Sauropod and a Stegosaur of sorts. No engine of the gods for this one, instead I am creating a unique Dual barrelled Sunfire Turret. Using the Skystreak Bow base and 2 Sunfire Throwers is how i created it, so hoping i can use it as either in a real game. Homebrew wise... well, details coming! Also planning to have Bastiladon skinks hanging from the sides as seen in the pictures. I am also planning to have it rearing back a bit for a more menacing and active look. Still WIP but it's getting there! Small greenstuff things to finish and then the final bits to be put on. Ontop of that, I have also finished more skinks only 4 but we are getting there! Gonna build and prime more tomorrow I think. Cant decide if ALL my skinks should he tjis scheme or if those riding dinos should be slightly different, like with orange/amber back scales maybe? What do you think?
That is an impressive dino and I like the stegosaurus feel to it! For the skinks I vote for amber, but I also like the purple scales. Perhaps orange/amber scales coupled with a slightly darker skin? Very excited to see more of this project.
Love it! Different colours would be my vote, they were spawned destined to ride the kings of the jungle!
Awesome build!!! yet again I love the pose. The Leviadons face makes it an nice angry composition. The Skinks on the sides are an amazing addition I am the uniform kind of guy I love the colors of those 4 and would apply it on all, but I think different colors suits you better Grrr, Imrahil
Thank you! Yes, Stegosaurus was a must tie in for this one while also keeping a semi Saurpod feel also (not all Sauropods had king necks). Overall real real happy with the outcome, priming the dino tonight or tomorrow depending! Thank you! The face does give it a nice angry vibe, like its really wanting to smash some Chaos or Skaven... or anything to defy Itzl's will! And yeah, absolutely love the skinks hanging from the sides, just a nice flavorful touch. As for colors! I think ive decided to combine the two as I was kinda planning with a dark Turquoise (leaning green?) With amber scales for the beast riding skinks. Slowly my army is becoming more uniform but as one did say... total uniform just isnt my style lol so this is best of both worlds, as I do want some uniformity. So I think that is the plan for the skinks. I need to still decide on the Amargadon itself and if ill continue the same redwood howdah scheme. I will be doing a dark amber color for the central spots, much like the purple & Turquoise on my Engines respectively.
Full Build + first close ups of the Skink crew which includes a semi custom Warchief. Using five kits total (all i already had) i am very pleased with this project and might be my favorite kitbash I've done to date. This project will take awhile to complete, but is going to be so worth it when done. There are some improvements to be made for my next sculpt, but again much improvement shown from even the Unirontosaurian and the Engine of Tzunki. Minor clean up of things overlooked, but it looks so good to me regardless During the Age of Beasts and Destruction...the Old One of Beasts will be feared once again.