Do you mean the pink of the tree or the lilac purple on the robe/ribbon? I personally think the lilac purple goes great with the moon colors! The pink on the tree might be a little off color, but i think it adds some much needed pop, but i can see why people wouldn't feel it fits. Stones I had to redo a couple of times to get the glow how I wanted it, but they came out pretty well! Apothecary White and dry brushing of white/grey for the top, little bit of agrax all over. Yep! The freehand is indeed a moon, well, a cloudy moon rather, or is supposed to be. Thanks for the feedback man! Ive beem debating changing a few things, but gonna focus on a few things before going back to it
I meant the Lilac indeed. You're welcome. Don't change anything if you're okay with how it looks. I just write down what I notice Grrr, Imrahil
Of course! I appreciate the honest feedback, even if I don't change anything it makes me at least think! Suggestions often lead to better end results! So thank you
Also quickly finished these two, or to a point where I am happy with them, my first Scinari Cathallar & Second Truestone Seneschal. I challanged myself to only dry brush and use shades on the Scinari Cathallar, I think it came out real well given the challenge. The Truestone Seneschal is for my second Alarith Temple of the Destruction & Rebirth theme.
I love the girl with veil. The face looks great as does the dress. I still can't overcome the sculpting error of the enormous hand, looks so weird. Nevertheless nice paintjob. Grrr, Imrahil
Fantastic. I think you did a really good job with the veil, totally conveys the concept of gauze pressing against the face.
The beginning of my Speckled Hummingbird Seekers, the mount of my High Tempter. Inspired by one of my partners favorite paintings (pictured) below
Good choice to go for the dudes with helmets, I think all of the mortal followers look better that way. Wow, this colorscheme fits the beast very well. Great choice. What are you planning for the armor? Grrr, Imrahil
Yeah, GW shouldn't have been lazy and should have redid the sculpt, otherwise its an amazing one Thank you! Thank you its probably not as good as it would be if i did more than Dry brushing and washes, but it definitely came out well enough for sure! I have a second one to do as well! Yeah, when it comes to the unit leader, I hate his head lol so went with the Slickblade leaders head, I'll likely keep to the original heads for the other 4 however. As for the armor... haven't fully decided, but I'm thinking silver, like a clouded silver. But any suggestions are welcome! Really happy I saw that painting in my bedroom, the colors do work super well for the Seekers, could see it as a good Cold One or other Dino Scheme too. Would be awesome on a Dread I think.
Really like how you have painted your hummingbird seekers! Great execution of a beautiful color scheme, I really do love the color choice you used here
Thank you! Honestly, this might be my favorite model I've painted lol might transfer the scheme to my future Dread Saurian if I'm honest. I love the colors, and the speckles remind me of a whale shark a bit. They are just beautiful sculpts I hope I do the mount justice with the rider. I've done a lot of work on it since the original post, going to share a larger post soon
Took a break from models to do a quick back drop painting Its no Van Gogh but I think itll add some nice immersion thinking if adding a proper bottom with a river scene to it Back to the Seeker
Bob Ross eat your heart out A very nice and theme-y background. I spot some happy little trees. Grrr, Imrahil
Ha, definitely some Happy Trees! Love Bob Ross Need to do a different one at some point that is a better point of view... likea mountain, or a city in the background, a forest... something. Itll do for now though! ***** Wasn't feelijg great today, but I wanted to get a little bit of painting done, so I worked on the High Tempter for my seeker mount! Some good progress, though a lot of touch ups and still a lot to go on him. The biggest parts done tonight were purple hued silver parts and his helmet. I ended up filling the design in the purple part of the helmed with gold. I'm still on the fence about the skin tone, darker vs paler, kinda thinking a tad darker? We'll see. Pretty happy with the progress thus far! Looking good with the mount
I like the work done on him/her(?) The last picture has captured the colors very nice The skin looks good, wouldn't go paler as it will look more like the belly of the mount. Darker can be nice. Grrr, Imrahil
Not a hobby post (though I have one coming soon), but today is my Birthday! Turning the big 33 today and I was already in a great mood but my girlfriend surprised me with this... she worked on it during the night when I slept... Very special, all of it. Monty Mole & Yoshi are who we play when playing Mario Party on our Switch I'm quite speechless & overwhelmed with joy at this time. Hoping to get a hobby post out soon... have a very nice Blissbard seeker and a few other things to share... Until then, Happy Birthday to me!