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Blog Suds Painting & Kitbashes of 2020

Discussion in 'Personal Paint Logs' started by Sudsinabucket, Jan 4, 2020.

  1. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    The Symbol of Haset, Goddess of the Hathorians

    Designed for me by a hobby community member I met, very very pleased with it
  2. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    Awesome, it has some Nice Egyptian feel to it. Well done, even doable with the parts of the big mountain cow.

    Grrr, Imrahil
    ChapterAquila92 likes this.
  3. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Oh yes, she is designed primarily off of Hathor from Egyptian mythology, so definitely needed that feel to it!

    And yes, yes... exactly... I have... plans....
  4. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    I have seen some awesome stuff from you on Instagram.
    How is the project coming along?

    Grrr, Imrahil
    Sudsinabucket likes this.
  5. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    It's coming along quite well! I was actually getting ready to post some stuff here, wanted to get some lore written down before sharing. In many ways I miss painting Seraphon (I did actually finally start my two final coatl wings last night for my Artisan guild coatl, I'll be sharing that once updated too) as I love how crazy I can get with it, but I feel my creativity has benefited from branching off for a bit into another faction. It also means I can eventually bring some battle shots and what not to my blog/IG/etc which is something Ive always have wanted to do, so thats exciting!

    Now, the project you asked about!

    So, I tend to go into projects headlong and go all out, this one was no different (my true issue is finishing projects, a hallmark of my INFP personality apparently lol) Ive spent a good amount of money to bring this vision to life, and honestly... its the proudest I have been of any of my projects, save one.

    So, taking a Keeper of Secrets kit & a Spirit of the Mountain Kit I designed using both Egyptian & Indian influences my new Goddess of Hysh, Haset:

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    I just absolutely love her, its honestly like these two kits were meant to be kitbashed.

    Based primarily off of Hathor of Egyptian Mythology, Haset (Hathors other main name being Hesat) is about balance of the natural order, in a nutshell. She is also a Twin God, her Twin Hashut resides in Ulgu.

    The nice thing is that she is the same height as a Spirit of the Mountain & the same base, so legally I am all good to use her in legal play! She still needs greenstuff work, and I am debating on constructing a second true breast for her, but given my greenstuff work im nervous to do such. To make her was a lot of money, and to mess her up with greenstuff would be heart breaking. So what i may do is construct a few trat boobs with cloth on them and go from there. If one is good, ill put it on her and pray lol

    I was also able to finish off the last kitbash for my unit of 3 if the Hathorians! Using the Avalenor head from the new kit, knee pads and a few other bits allowed me to make a badass 2h mace user. Ill try to get some better pictures later, but here he is & the whole group, a Hero + a unit of 3. They too need greenstuff work.

    I know we've talked on FB a few times, didnt think I knew about IG (if I did I apologize! My memory is shotty)! That's awesome, glad you've seen my stuff!

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    Shall post lore down below in a few!
  6. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    So its not a lot but it definetly shines some light on them a bit! Really hoping to flesh them out both lore wise and with TT rules.

    Hope you enjoy, any C&C is welcome, just remember its a very early draft of many drafts to come.

    The Hathorians
    (Color on Banner not final, Symbol at the top is my own Symbol designed for Haset herself)

    “There on the brink of destruction, when all hope was lost for the small village of Yriqual Tor in Ilithia, the sound of slaughter was drowned out by massive war horns and a small glimmer of hope was restored as the ground trembled. The Slaaneshi mortals standing over the innocent wounded, dead & dying look up, with their blood-stained teeth grinding their twisted expressions melting away at the sight before them. A thunderous charge from a Hathorian war party sends the chaos raiders into a panic, many being gored with massive horns, trampled under hooves or smashed with massive hammers. Those aelven villagers still alive looked upon the new slaughter, the hunters had quickly become the prey. Just then a portal began to open, and a greater demon of Slaanesh appeared and sorrow again filled the villager's hearts. The Hathorians continued to fight, though they held their own the greater demon began to turn the tide as it ripped through the minotaur race. As the chaos forces regrouped and pushed back the ground below them began to grow feverishly with plant life, species of light bursting vine, flowers that burned with the light of hysh began to spring up and subdue the tainted mortals. A deafening cry let out; a voice full of anger. In a display of blinding light of greens and yellows, the Goddess Haset leapt at the Greater Demon of Slaanesh and gored it with her own horns through the heart, with her weapons cut off each of its four arms and soon sealing the portal to the chaos realm. Seeing the greater demon dispatched the mortals turned and ran, but it was too late as they were ran down or eradicated by magic.” - History of Yriqual Tor, Twin Spirit Peaks of the Ilithia Nation

    Brief Race Overview:

    The Hathorians are shamanistic tribal creatures that live throughout the mountains and grasslands of Hysh and are natives of the realm that predate the arrival of the Twin Gods. Hathors are Large muscular Bovine humanoids standing as tall as two men and weighing upwards to 1000 pounds. Their immense strength allows them to crush boulders with their hammers for building or just as easily tear an enemy’s arm off in battle. Covered in both smooth short and long hair, many sporting different colors of greys, blacks, browns, tans and whites – these divine bovines do not have any deformities like the Beasts of Chaos.


    The Realm of Hysh has been the home to the Hathorians for as long as the two have been. This shamanistic tribal race consists of Warriors, Nature Callers, Hunters and Priests and have built a complex culture over generations. Hathors do not look for war, though they are highly skilled in its arts and have clashed with Chaos and other nations, including the Lumineth of the Sayr Great Nation, over the centuries. Although not pacifists, when dealing with external conflicts they prefer to think of non-violent solutions before war is called upon, the act of killing even in self-defense is not a choice made lightly. Their Ilithian allies describe the Hathorians as Stoic, embodying the strong and silent type with their quiet contemplation. This quiet thoughtful disposition is highly respected by the Aelves of Ilithia in particular, as they respect sound and thoughtful thinking. This high intelligence and calculated reasoning combined with the immense size and strength also make them to be considered dangerous by many, even their own allies and in particular those of the Great Nation of Sayr. A highly spiritual society the Hathorians pay homage to the mountains they live in the shadows of, however all worship Haset above all else, the Mother Spirit. The indiviual Hathorian is curious, though cautious and prefers to listen rather than speak.


    Throughout the Age of Myth the Hathorian culture flourished, their small villages bloomed into large trade centers, outposts turned into mighty fortresses built into the mountain slopes themselves, large trade routes were built throughout the mountain ranges of the four great nations. Their connection with Hysh itself was so great that the Nature Callers and Priests seemingly called the wilds to their aid and wove magical prayers with beautiful hymns and throat calls that rivaled that of the Lumineth spell casters. The Spirefall brought dark days to not just the Lumineth but to the Hathorians as well.

    The early days of The Spirefall brought destruction upon the realm as the land itself cracked and waned under the magical onslaught of Aelven rivals. As the land lay broken, the Nature Callers of the Hathorian Temples of Renewal began to travel to the worst hit areas. At first sight the Hathorians were mistaken for Beasts of Chaos aligned with Slaanesh. The similar bovine-humanoid form from afar made the first Aelves to come across them hostile and unforgiving, mistaking their healing magics as further tainting of the lands. As time went on however more interactions began to happen, the small villages along the mountain slopes that Tyrion was not able to defend slowly began telling stories. These stories were of large mountain guardians protecting the small villages from the Slaaneshi hordes, they were then said to just return back to the mountains never to be seen again, rumor even grew among the aelves of a previously unknown Goddess amongst these mountain guardians. As hordes of Daemons ran rampant and Aelven Civil war clashed, the Hathorians fought for their own survival, the Realm and their Goddess. It wasn’t until the Battle of Twin Spirit Peaks, the home of Haset herself, that an alliance between Lumineth and the Hathorians would be forged.


    Hathorian society on a basic level is a Might makes Right society, it is however a bit more complex, not just one leader is in charge of running a tribe, instead leadership is broken into 3 roles based on the 3 pillars of Haset: High Warchief, High Elder and High Priestess of Haset. The Pillars of Haset are War, Wisdom and Spirituality and the goal is for all the pillars to work in harmony with one another and create true balance. No Hathor may challenge for the desired position until the age of 75 human years, this ensures that those challenging have had time to gather the experience needed for all the trials ahead.

    The High Warchief is considered the physically strongest, battle hardened, tactically gifted of the tribe. When the current High Warchief is challenged, per the Haset Ukase, the current High Warchief may either accept and start the Trial of Honor & War or they may decline and yield to the challenger; to try and retain control is to go against Haset. To be the High Warchief is to be in charge of all things associated with war, defense of the tribe and possible territory expansion, they and their advisors are also in charge of all diplomatic matters.

    The High Elder is who the tribe looks to for guidance and the running of the tribe on the day to day, they are the face the tribe sees when authority speaks in time of peace. They will hear disputes between disagreeing Hathorians, if judged a worthy issue the High Elder will either issue a Ukase and decreeing a verdict or will have the two parties settle the issue through a primal show of strength to settle the dispute.

    The High Priestess of Haset is the Spiritual leader and connection to Haset herself to the tribe, this position may also be only filled by a female; the less common among the Hathorians. The High Priestess of Haset is considered to be the most connected to the Realm, to Haset and the most gifted magic user of the tribe and is said to be blessed by Haset herself.

    Although each oversees a different aspect of the tribe's complex society each much get the agreement of the other two leaders for any major plans with long lasting effects, this is to ensure one leader does not become sick with power, to maintain balance and to ensure the plan is sound.

    [​IMG]A being of pure light and a primordial goddess of Hysh, Haset commands the light and magics of the realm as a master weaver controls a needle, all with the sound of her voice. On the battlefield the foe is mesmerized, not only the slaughter before them as she is potent in melee with a sword and hammer, but also the hymns and prayers that are song that make whole regiments burst into searing light or worse. For her people, the Hathorians, she is the Mother Spirit and a beacon of hope that does not falter. Her charge is to maintain the fluid natural balance of Hysh with the Mortal realms, in particular with Ulgu, at any cost. Without balance there can only be Chaos.

    The Goddess Haset of the Hathorian Nation is an ancient twin spirit that resides in Hysh, her twin residing in Ulgu. Possibly as old as the Realm itself the goddess has seen the realm grow and evolve, along with the civilizations that grow and crumble within it. Her form glows with the light of Hysh as her spirit within is pure light itself, blinding and purifying and only when she dims her light can mortals look upon her. Many different things are rumored of the goddess’s form, for she can take on many. and no one but the High Priestesses of Haset know of her true form Some say they see an Aelven woman with a bovine head with not only two long horns but six horns in total, within the two top horns a large disc is held. Others say they see the form of a beautiful white bovine, not dissimilar to the Ymetrica Longhorn. The most outlandish tales tell of a symbol that dances in radiant shades of light as it whispers message of knowledge. Only the High Priestesses of Haset know the Goddess’s true form, only one thing is constant in any of the sightings beyond the raging light: The Sphere above her head.

    The Great Awakening

    Eons before the Age of Myth there was the Great Awakening throughout the mortal realms, if this was the first or one-hundredth time no one can be sure, but life sprang forth. From the smallest insect to gods and goddesses themselves, life seemed untamed and among the mad expanse of life came Haset. Haset’s existence began in a burst of light and all alone. In golden fields met by forests of permanent autumn leaves she walked looking in awe of what would come to be known as Hysh. Wildlife all about her made her curious and she it, small squirrels to mighty forest cats would come close to the Goddess, her light drawing them in like moths. Over time Haset earned the trust of the animals, but even then, she felt an emptiness inside, she had nothing or no one like herself. Searching over the course of years she travelled the lands, no where she found what she seeked. Seeking companionship as she travelled the realm, she began communicating with the mountain spirits of what would become known as Ymetrica of the Lumineth. As those relationships grew the mountain spirits knew they were bound, they however wanted to help Haset in her quest to find what she longed for. They made an offering of gemstone boulders, this act of kindness would allow Haset to craft her own companions that could travel with her. Haset took boulders from the mountain, in wanting a part of herself to be in her creation she also took beams of light from herself and two of her ribs. Over the course of days Haset crafts a stunning light infused gemstone bovine statue in one of her two true images. Pleased with it she then sings an enchanting prayer that turns the statue into what would come to be known as the Ymetrican Longhorn.

    Haset’s creations brought her much joy, they proved in many ways to be what she had yearned for. Together they travelled the mountains and the other numerous landscapes, over many years Haset was happy, however eventually she felt a hole form as if it were a part of herself she yearned for.

    The joining of Light & Shadow

    Having travelled all what would become known as the Ten Paradises, Haset set it in her mind that she needed to search outside of Hysh itself, she felt a pull to the Realm’s Edge and beyond. She found herself between Hysh and Ulgu, this pocket realm inside the void where light and shadow danced in harmony, in this place she felt home more than anywhere other than Hysh. Purple mixed with blue and black mists crawled around her, orbs of light and shadow pulsed about seemingly leading Haset to a destination, where too she did not know. What seemed like days passed, the goddess even in her brightest and purest form of light could not see beyond what the shadows would allow, but eventually thousands of light and shadow orbs illuminated what was a giant field and a figure in front of her. Hesitant she did not go further but the orbs about her began to push her forward even as she resisted, a voice then let out, “Do not push her, she is not a captive, she is my twin” a masculine voice comes from the shadowed figure. Confused, Haset asks the questions her soul seeks but answers are not found all that is known is that her twin found out of Hasets existence by chance and has since then waited in this pocket realm for when she might meet her twin. One last question remained, “What is your name?” Haset asked and in reply the shadowy figure responded, “Hashut”.

    Over the course of two centuries Hashut showed Haset the secret to controlling the Shadows and she him the Light. After these trials and lessons came to pass both Gods returned to their native realms, however with a pact between them and a bond that burns inside them both. For as one Wanes the other Waxes, a cycle of balance and power.

    The Age of Myth

    During the Age of Myth when the Lumineth Civilization was flourishing the cycle of balance between Haset and Hashut....

    The Age of Chaos

    The Age of Sigmar
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2020
  7. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    You better be putting in a short story entry after this Suds... :mad:
  8. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    I have what... 1 day? I could maybe bust out a 500 word or so short short story lol The theme was "A Place to call home" right?
  9. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    After a year I have finally finished my Coatl! Lol!

    Ive had to finish the back wings for awhile now and finally sat down and did them

    A year later im still pretty happy with the paint job.

    Now to eventually do the 100mm base itll rest on for better stability 20201030_163607.jpg 20201030_163810.jpg 20201030_163835.jpg 20201030_163903.jpg 20201030_163942.jpg 20201030_164005.jpg
  10. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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  11. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    Never mind, I haven't replied on any of your IG updates yet ;)
    Was wondering on your progress so I started following you on IG.

    I love how the Slanesh DP is a perfect fit for the Cow parts(mostly because of the hooves ;) )
    I have to Read a Fair part of your Lore, butbi like what I see.

    Great Banner.

    Good luck working on all of your projects

    Grrr, Imrahil
  12. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    You sneaky devil... lol
    Im glad you decided to check it out!

    I was surprisingly and happily shocked at how well the two kits worked together. I could have gone more heavy on the armor and such, but I really didnt want to create just another SoTm look alike. And yes, its all due to the hooves ;)

    Thank you! I've added and have edited a small amount, but its largely the same. Any feedback is highly appreciated!

    So many projects, thank you!
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2020
    EFHILT 167 and Imrahil like this.
  13. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Attempts at construction of a second female breast, attempt #2

    I ended up using an old unwanted belly button ring of my gfs and used one of the orbs from its end. Rolling greenstuff around that i began to form the breast around that.

    It looks ok but i ended up scrapping it before it set. Undecided if ill do a 3rd attempt, I have a plan B in mind which will help give the illusion of a larger breast/cover the male breast more but be at the same angle/length as the female breast side.

    C&C on attempt #2 of the breast is welcome for if I do a 3rd attempt! 20201031_143528.jpg 20201031_143545.jpg 20201031_143554.jpg 20201031_143558.jpg
  14. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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  15. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    Nice work, size seems correct. The transition might be done smoother.
    (I am not one to talk, actually, not yet done greenstuff myself...)

    Grrr, Imrahil
  16. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Through a lot of trial and error... this is where my progress ends tonight 20201103_000322.jpg 20201103_000300.jpg 20201103_000343.jpg 20201103_000647.jpg
  17. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Trial and Error:
    20201102_125054.jpg 20201102_145206.jpg (never should have painted over this original pink scheme, this is where hell began) 20201102_165438.jpg 20201102_193333.jpg 20201102_204700.jpg 20201102_221950.jpg 20201103_000322.jpg (good recovery Id say)
  18. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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  19. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Im glad it gives you those vibes! Trying to capture both the Egyptian and Indian influences a bit

    Thank you, the colors are definitely coming together. I've begun her armor a bit on some greens and darkened her skin a little bit too, I'll have to go over some spots as it pooled a tad in some spots

    Overall, happy with the progress 20201103_141124.jpg 20201103_135501.jpg
  20. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Small update!

    Been working on more greens on the armor and also slowly adding metallics :)

    For the pinks I super water downed some crimson and have been working up gentle layers on the stockings & back of the cloak.
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