Fiction Sun-Blooded: The Spear of Chotec

Discussion in 'Fluff and Stories' started by Carnikang, Jan 1, 2017.

  1. Carnikang

    Carnikang Well-Known Member

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    Part 1: The Spear of Chotec

    All was lost in Gurensburg. The walls were over-run, the gates smashed to bits, and the foul monsters of Chaos pouring through the breach. Mortal men and women stood their ground or fled in equal parts, both dying to the cursed blades of the Great Enemy. A single officer stood with a few soldiers whom he'd managed to rally, shouting orders. Those with handguns let loose into the fray, killing what seemed to be an insignificant amount of the enemy. Halberds and swords met corrupt flesh and warped metal as the attention of the attackers was attracted to these desperate defenses.

    Laughter echoed through the cobblestone square that had been the lynch pin of the town's defenses. A massive, pustular and bulbous creature stomped through the gateway, wood and metal shattered on either side. His helm covered the sickly face, though anyone looking on could have gathered he smiled with rotten teeth at the sight of the town's deathknell.

    "BURN IT ALL, LEAVE NONE FOR THE WORSHIPPERS OF SIGMAR!" he bellowed, mucus flying out of the grill that guarded his chin "Bring me their hero, I wish to be granted a boon from Father!" his laughter bubbled and oozed, infecting the other fetid warriors that stood around him.

    "Throw them back! Aim for their heads! Cut th- Urghk!" the officer was caught from behind, his mean having been in a semi-circle around him, dying. The culprit hissed and picked up the groaning man, whom had gone almost completely limp from the tap he'd been given. It was a horrific mass of mutations and gaping maws, surrounding in grasping claws. It made to eat it's prey, before a beastman bleated at it angrily and struck at it with it's spear. The spawn retaliated with another hiss and tossed the man down, scurrying up the wall behind it to find other prey.

    The man turned over where he was dropped, looking up at the sun-filled sky for a moment, praying to Sigmar for deliverance, or even to take him now before the enemy could. A goat-like face blotted out the sun and the butt of a spear met the side of his temple, before he felt himself being hoisted off the ground and dragged through the square he had known all his life.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    "The Men die Great One." a voice said, the sound originating outside of Aztotquin's sight. He knew it to his favorite attendant, Tzuisi, a skink priest. The pool before the great Slann showed Gurensburg.

    "All will die..." Aztotquin's mental communication was much like a niggling thought in the back of one's head, but clearly heard "..but this day, we shall keep them alive. Prepare the Saurus, and the Riders. The Great Game is to be played again." His eyes slid shut for a moment and Tzuisi was gone, hurrying down the dark corridor of metal and stone. He let a low hum flow from his throat, while his mind focused on a specific memory. A Saurus of white scale, huge in stature, scarred from countless battles. A great shield made of impenetrable hide and stone, paired with a toothy maul made similarly. Opening one eye slowly, Aztotquin was pleased to see that Saurus standing before him, next to the pool.

    "Great One..." the creature said, it's voice scratchy and tentative at first, the first words familiar and yet also foreign to it.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    "Pitiful man, what is your name?" The giant of pus and maggots asked, drool dribbling from his lips. His hands were wrapped around a massive axe, corroded on the blade, but oh so sharp where it was meant to be. Ten paces away was the officer that had stayed, two beastmen standing on either side, keeping him on his knees as he spoke.

    "Allan Gurenstein, a pleasure, filthy beast." he said, his pale skin flustered and his thick mustache slick with sweat. He could feel the fever that had now gripped him, the sickness coming off of the great oaf was so thick it no doubt had done this too him "Can I have my sword and Akubra hat? I need both of those if I'm going to gut you." he asked, struggling slightly. The beastmen held him firm, though they laughed at his words. The rest of the band of Chaotic warriors did as well. The smell of their breath was atrocious, Allan's nose wrinkling of it's own accord.

    The warleader laughed the hardest and the longest, almost an awkwardly long time "Give him his sword. And his hat." the amusement was palpable as the two beastmen let go of Gurenstein. The sword that he had used was tossed to the cobblestone in front of him. His hat was much more difficult to retrieve, as one of the beastmen was loathe to give it up. The large orange plum and wide-brimmed design made it quite fashionable. A spear to the throat of said beastman was the end of it though, and the soldier quickly gathered it and the sword up "Satisfied now mortal? Come kill me then." the taunt was again filled with mocking amusement.

    Allan Gurenstein was still kneeling, saying one last prayer to his god before he knew his death to come. Not normally the most pious of men, he figured he might as well "Right, let's begin then" he said, standing. In one fluid movement, he pulled a small flintlock pistol from his boot, leveling it at the warleader and firing. The shot rang out, a hole appearing in the left side of the Chaotic lord's helm. Puss, blood, teeth and other disgusting bits of the monster flew everywhere. Not hesitating a single moment, Allan leapt forward to engage, intent on taking at least one of these bastards with him.

    A deafening roar interrupted the sudden attack, Allan, the warriors and beastmen around him looking around. Unnerved by the roar, and the choatic warriors' reactions to it, the officer's gaze darted around the square, searching for what would make these monsters fidget and ready themselves. It took him a moment, but a shadow caught his attention. It was oddly shaped and moving oddly on the ground. There was nothing directly above it to cast the shadow, so what was it. Another terrible roar, suddenly joined by dozens more. The man's eyes went wide as he realized there were more shadows, and he looked to the sky. What he saw made him question his faith, and filled him with the urge to be afraid or rejoice.

    From the sky, hundreds of scaly beasts descended, on wings of sunlight. Colors of the spectrum played across them, their roars filling the air with righteous fury. Each lizard thing blazed with a fire that was unearthly, as if the stars themselves had come to do battle against Chaos. The very first that he could make out clearly was a massive white brute, jaws agape as it came down like a thunderous spear. It aimed itself directly at the diseased giant, while the rest of it's kind seemed to soar out across the sky and pick targets themselves.

    In the last few seconds that the creature took to reach the earth, the chaos lord looked up. A curse was upon his lips as the great scarred lizard slammed into him. Metal and flesh screamed as they were rent into shreds. The heavy shield that the White One swung smashed into the Nurglite creature's chest, following through with an overhead swing of it's toothed club. The gelatinous remains fell to the cobblestones and lay still, all around it a similar scene played out. Beastmen where cut and torn in half, while armored barbarians were crushed and mauled by the great lizards. It was over in a matter of moments, dozens of the Enemy cut down like so much wheat in a field, while the reapers roared and lashed their tails. Allan was frozen, unable to move, his saviors paying him little mind as they made sure the dead were truly dead.

    "Who are you?" he asked, none of the lizards seeming to hear him. He was wide-eyed and starting to tremble. They were clearly of Sigmar's kin. They still blazed with starlight, but their wings had gone, and they seemed much more real now "Wh-"

    From the heavens again came another roar, even more lizards came, riding atop ugly beasts galloping through the sky. A much larger monster followed, a huge and heavily crested lizard warrior directing them to the ground on wings of fire, similar to before. It was heading for the middle of the town, no doubt to enact bloody violence as was done here at the gate.

    Gurenstein's mind went blank and he almost relieved himself when he turned his eyes back to the square, and the White One stood before him. Or over him, to be more precise. The lizard was nearly eight feet in height, and corded with muscle. Scales as thick as armor plates covered it, and the weapons it carried seemed to be made of fiery gold. Ur-gold, the man thought as he spied it. All of the lizardmen were bedecked in it. What was more surprising was when the White One opened it's many fanged jaw and words came spilling out.

    "You fight with usss, we will cleanssse the Anathema from your home. Lead." it hissed. The deep voice and rumbling words jarred Allan from his stunned reverie, forcing him to speak.

    "Uh- righto, if you'll follow me then..." the mustached man said, nervously turning and jogging past the many mangled bodies of his friends and foes alike. The warriors behind him were silent as they followed, the only sound their clawed feet on the cobblestones, and Allan's ragged breaths.​
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2017
    2Hands, Juxtion, n810 and 4 others like this.
  2. Carnikang

    Carnikang Well-Known Member

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    Alrighty, let me know what you all think. Give me a good read-through and then run me through with your critic. I need it.
    Bowser likes this.
  3. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Sorry, not much of a critic, I liked it so far, really epic opening, bad guys were well written, revolting and reviled, the hero, while fragile, still willing to fight to the end. The battle descriptions were great, I could picture the action like a movie. Keep it going.
    Carnikang likes this.
  4. Carnikang

    Carnikang Well-Known Member

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    (And here's part 2. I have the writing bug at the moment, so this thread will be updated with any and all writings dedicated to this specific storyline.)

    Part 2: Rays of Sunlight
    The battle for the streets of Gurensburg had ended in a bloody and diseased stand-off at the gates of the small keep that made for a modest nobleman's estate.

    Before, the Nurglite war band had pushed through the town, murdering, pillaging, and enjoying every moment of it. Diseases unnumbered had been spread to the people there, and those who would stand their ground mercilessly butchered. When the tide of rotten foes met the final hold-out of the cities people, they laughed at it's pitiful size. That was, before a hail of bullets and arrows met them, shattering dozens of bones and exploding pustules in the mass of evil. Monsters shrieked and surged towards the twelve foot walls, and wrought iron gates bared with boards and a carriage. Stone and metal were torn in chunks away, and the defenders fired volley after volley into the writhing mass of Chaos. Spears and Halberds stabbed from both sides, gutting beastmen and human. Blood drenched the inside of the courtyard and the outer walls were covered with filth, yet the hordes kept on, climbing the bodies of their dead, and grasping at the parapets of the wall. Hope was a desperate creature, fleeing all too quickly as the men and women started to fight with frenzy. Loved ones shrieked and cried below them, not fifteen paces from the slavering horde.

    It was the the Roars that Allan had heard rang out, and the great winged lizards of the sky descended. Here, the mutated fiends and warriors of Nurgle saw their adversaries before the struck like a spear from the sky. The more eldritch of the creatures knew the mighty lizards that descended, and cursed them with screams of both rage and fear. Saurus impacted the ground and burst into motion where they landed. Many chose to land a few scant paces from the enemy, springing forward on tails and coiled legs, while others recklessly sold themselves as they landed amid the enemy. They died in a flurry of plagued claws and rusty blades, the cruel mockery of their foes the last things they heard. Yet with each that dies, explosions of starlight ripped through the ranks of Nurgle, cleansing diseases and burning daemons to crisps. The warband faltered as the first wave got to grips with their warriors, claws and blades tearing mortal wounds open. From the sky more reptilian saviors arrived, riding atop ugly beasts that roared and snapped as they made their charge down city streets. Spears leveled, the cavalry barely slowed as it crunched into it's target. Warriors crumpled and within minutes, only the dead were left. Any of the lizards that had fallen were gone, their corpses starlight and shafts of sun.

    The fighting done, the lizards looked to the twisted gates and cracked walls, the men and women behind them shivering in fear at the sight of their saviors. It would not be odd to them to be saved from one evil, to be brought low by the claws of a new foe. Minutes passed, the impassive saurus moving about and forming into groups, directed by a much larger lizard that held a wicked spear and curved shield. His crest was decorated with a large golden sail-spike, and he stomped amid the corpses without a care if they exploded beneath and oozed between his claws. The tongue it spoke in, when it did speak, was all roars, growls, hissing and lashing of it's tail. The others responded without delay, disappearing into the webwork of streets and sniffing out any chaotic corruption that still remained.

    "What in Sigmar's name are they?" a soldier atop the walls asked his compatriots. He was young, and had an ill-fitting helm balanced precariously on his head "Why do they ignore us!?" he asked with more urgency.

    A gruff reply from an older man, as well as a slight cuff to 'steady' the boy came quickly enough "Shut it dolt, they want the nasties, let 'em have 'em. One move towards us, and sure as sure they could die to a bullet."

    "Ignore the lizards, we have people that need tending. Couple of Reids boys got clawed, they look bad." another soldier said, His words sparked an argument, which was settled when one of the other spearmen down the line coughed up blood and fell off the parapet. His comrades went to work, a few keeping watch on the quickly disappearing lizards.

    Not long after, much to the surprise of the watchers, a man came jogging up the road, stopping before the mushed mess of their chaotic assailants. Battered and beaten, his brilliant hat could only mean it was Allan Gurenstein. The figurative hackles of the men went up as they spied him being followed by a massive white lizard and a good few of the 'normal' kind they'd seen. They made to warn him, frantic arm-waving and a few panic fueled calls, but he waved them off with a tired smile "Oh keep your knickers laced, they're friendly!" he called back, the big white one behind him snorting. Whether it was because of his words or the beast was getting tired, Allan couldn't tell.

    "You daft!? That thing could bite you in two!"

    "Could it now? I seem to be whole..."

    "You really Gurenstein?"

    "Who else would I be!? A Gryph hound?"

    "How do we know you're not some lizard trick?"

    "How am I supposed to prove that? We bloody just had our skins saved by a bunch of walking iguanas from Pox and Friends, and you want me to give you my secret word or some-such business? Are you daft?" Gurenstein's wounds and fever were wearing on him now, not to mention the few warriors of chaos that had to have been dealt with between here and the main gate "I have a mind to dress you in fool's clothing and have you caper around the hound-pens with meat tied round your neck! What sort of respect you give me!"

    The men on the wall had heard enough, their officer clearly the man he said he was, or at least his threats being classic Gurenstein "What do they want then? We've got nothing of value. Not like they could fit my vest and trousers." one of the men called, a few uneasy laughs following.

    Another snort from the white one, this time accompanied by a few words that only Allan heard "We work asss the will of the Great Game, and in time we will asssk much. Not clothesss though." the massive lizard said, the mustached man turning to eye the creature as it seemed to frown "For now, bring the sssick and infected here. They mussst be dealt with."

    "Excuse me, but dealt with? I don't know your methods, or even your names, or what you are, but I can say that if you intend to kill my people, we will have a spat." Allan was fully facing the White One now. It towered over him, yet he didn't seem to have a care of that detail. It cocked it's head slightly, eyeing him with it's deep golden eyes. It made no move as it started to make an odd wheezing noise, a low rumble coming from it's chest. Others behind it did similarly, though the lot of them barely moved. Gurenstein realized they were laughing.

    "No." was the simple reply as the White One's mouth twisted into a very toothy grin "They mussst be dealt with." it supplied simply, again. Frustrated by the reply, Allan frowned and barked an order at the men on the wall to clear the carriage from the gate and to gather the sick.
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2017
    2Hands, n810, Warden and 2 others like this.
  5. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    This is great, started with a bang and then had me laughing, Gurenstein's insults were brilliant! Well written and well put together. I am definitely looking forward to the next installment, hopefully that writing bug sticks around!
    tom ndege and Carnikang like this.
  6. Carnikang

    Carnikang Well-Known Member

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    Part Three: Sun and Stars

    The sick assembled in a haggard and coughing mob, sitting or standing close together. All counted, there were two dozen, those that survived the more virulent and fast-acting diseases. Surveying the frazzled and exhausted folk, Allan couldn't help but feel responsible. It had been his actions that had let the gate fall. The white giant next to him impassively watched as the last few stragglers were escorted back by saurus and human soldier alike. Of course the mortals covered their mouths with cloth that smelled of flowers and spice, while the lizards simply ignored the odor and possible sickness. Those that gathered watched uneasily, the people hesitant to approach the massive beasts as they stood guard over them. Already the town felt guarded and protected as it had when the walls were whole. Albeit it didn't feel like predators were around every corner, watching for another predator.

    "So, eh, what did you mean, my scaly friend?" the ragged officer asked of the White One as he stroked his dirty and tangled mustache. The lizard glanced at him, it's eyes slowly turning from the sick in front of it to Allan and back "You said you wouldn't kill them. So how are they to be dealt with?" the man asked, his tone more hushed as he noticed a few of his people watching him intently.

    "Watch." was the simple reply. Saurus moved aside and stood at attention, much like well-trained soldiers should, as the White one moved forward. It dropped it's shield to the cobblestone, the massive piece of stone and gold landing there with a crunch. The stones where it landed were nearly dust beneath it's bulk.

    Sigmar's Shiny Bollocks... Allan said as he stared down at the spot mere inches from his foot where the shield lay. He turned wide eyes back to the albino that moved much like a mountain might if it had legs. Two other saurus discarded their weapons and shields, coming to stand next to him. There was a few moments of conference between the three, giving Allan a few moments to gauge the three and relax some. The other two were less-decorated, and smaller than the White One, Gurenstien guessing they might be subordinates, making tall, bright and scaly an officers of sorts. His thoughts moved along this train of thought as they spoke in their odd tongue. Sudden movement and action caught his attention again, his eyes shooting wide and his mouth practically hitting the ground as the scene played out.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​

    "It is decided then. We will purify them." Gar'Guk said, seeming fidgety about the ordeal. He was young, still wet behind the sail. Or at least he was in this iteration. The other saurus, Tuack'li didn't seem as nervous, but had a wistful look on his scaly visage. To humans, it would have appeared a cold and impassive mask, but to the Sunblood the lines of Tuack'li's eyes and the subtle cock of his sailed head gave him away.

    "May the Old Ones guide you." the Sunblooded said, as the two saurus turned and moved into the crowd. He leapt forward in a blazing white bolt, and struck first Gar'Guk in the very nape of his neck with the wicked club. The young one's nervousness best sated now than after. Turning on the ball of his clawed foot, the albino maneuvered his body like a serpent through tall grass, the spiked club striking out again as it crushed Tuack'li's skull. Both exploded into Starlight, touching each and every human with their life-essence.

    Screams erupted as the Sunblooded stopped and turned it's eyes to the once infected. He saw no taint left, even as the people screamed and moved to flee. Even the oddly ornamented human he had spoken with seemed shocked.

    "They are dealt with." he explained, standing tall and ignoring those that shrank and ran. He also ignored the soldiers that were leveling pikes and spears at him out of fear. The smell was noticeable though, preying on the saurus's base memory-instincts. Yet his own soldiers rumbled and the men froze.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​

    Far off, amid the forests of Ghyran, trees creaked and groaned as the enemies of all life capered and danced amid the branches and trunks. Nurglings and lesser daemons cackled in a putrid clearing filled with tents made from human, aelf, and duadin skins. Warriors of chaos and daemons most foul went about their sickly work, corrupting, eating filth, and wetting their diseased blades in the blood of innocent prisoners.

    In the greatest flesh-tent sat a corpulent creature, barely able to move for it's cancerous tumors and atrophied legs. It rested amid numerous females of every race, many chained and weeping pus and tears. The hairless mass of tumors laughed, it's mouth without blackened teeth or even a diseased tongue. Those hung from a cord of leathery muscle that wrapped around it's trunk-like neck.
    A lanky boy, pale and gaunt, came through the tent-flap. The hot and musty air was wet on his throat, and he could feel a new blessing of Grandfather taking host within him "Plaugespreader Vileulge, Rotgum the Hubris is dead."

    The cancerous blob giggled as Vileulge sat up as best he could "WHAT!? How?" the liquid that sprayed across the young man's face wasn't spittle, and it most definitely wasn't blood.
    "I know not my most toxic and pungent father." he bowed low, only for a goblet of tarnish silver to collide with the crown of his head. He fell back, grasping at the few strands of wispy hair that clung to his scalp "I am sorry I have displeased you repulsive one." he said as a parting honor. Narrowly avoiding a knife that was thrown, he scurried away.

    "ROTGUM, YOU BASTARD! YOU WERE TO MAKE ME THE GREATEST OF ALL NURGLE'S CHILDREN IN GHYRAN!" the vaugley manish gelatin quivered in fury, the women shrinking away. They made it only a few feet as the rusty chains that bound them forced them closer "Come back my darlings, shush shush, Father Vileulge will not hurt you. My pretties, sit, come sit. I apologize, I should not have done that. COme, sit here with me!" he said, gently patting what was assumed was his leg.

    ((And so is Part 3 complete. Continued feedback, if only from you @Bowser, is appreciated. ~Cheers))
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2017
    2Hands, Warden, Bowser and 1 other person like this.
  7. tom ndege

    tom ndege Well-Known Member

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    Great story so far! Keep posting it!
    Quite interesting take on how seraphon handle their new (kind of) immortality and their way to die ... Seems your seraphon do quite well known what they are now and what they are doing... Though I don't know if their self-sacrifice would happen so easily when it comes to just some villagers... Something like an order from a Slann in the style of "rescue them! One of those will be important for our game one day..." Would make it more plausible for me.
    But that's really the only thing I can find for now. The landing of the saurus warriors amidst the enemy to clear up the battlefield is a great thing and for me a much more plausible way of using the purifying effect of a seraphon's death.

    Keep the stuff coming! I like it!
    Bowser likes this.
  8. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    This is brilliant! Quite funny, but really shows how great the Sunblooded is!

    The last part was fantastic. Really well written, amazing descriptions. I almost want to parallel the plaguespreader to Jabba the hut, but for all the right reasons. He's not just a bad guy for the sake of being a bad guy. He is the hero of his own story. Makes for a great villain, even if he is not the main antagonist.
  9. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Interesting way to cure the infected warmbloods. I would not have expected it to end with the sacrifice of two fellow saurus to save the puny humans, but I guess if you are made of stars you are basically a walking miracle.

    I like the "angelic" imagery you used when the lizards were arriving. I always envisaged the new AOS lore of having the lizards "teleport" in to save the day; this makes me think of something more akin to coming down on a cloud. Or maybe an Old-One sky-flying machine, like a lizardized version of a gyrocopter/zeppelin. Or better yet, you could airdrop in the stegadons using a really big coatl...

    Only name I didn't like was "Gar'Guk," sounds more like an orc name! Aside from that I thought the lizard names were very characterful, full of the good old Aztec-maya flavor I love about them!

    Thanks for sharing.
  10. Carnikang

    Carnikang Well-Known Member

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    Thanks for the kind words my fellows. @tom ndege and @Warden, I was actually going to address the sacrifce in my next part. It does seem odd that these star-beings would simply and so willingly give themselves.

    Warden, n810, Bowser and 1 other person like this.
  11. thedarkfourth

    thedarkfourth Well-Known Member

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    Super enjoying this - if you don't know, I tend to not post on threads like this even though I am reading them and loving it. The only issue I have so far is a lack of paragraph spaces. You have to either leave

    gaps or
    indent them (use [indent in bbcode editing)​
    Warden, Bowser and Carnikang like this.
  12. Carnikang

    Carnikang Well-Known Member

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    @thedarkfourth To be perfectly honest, I've completely forgotten how to properly indent and format my writing, huge chunks of it taking up space. Heh, it's been ages. I'll make an effort to format and edit what I've read before, so it's much easier on the eye and flows. Much thanks.

    @Warden , I agree with you on the name, I couldn't formulate a good name that sounded young yet brutish for a Saurus, instead going for something similar to Gor-Rok. But unsurprisingly getting closer to Gore-Grak or other Orruk/orc names. I'll have to be careful of that going forward as to not jarr the audience.

    No Part tonight sadly, long day and all that jazz, stuck in snow. Tomorrow and Friday will bring a part or two no doubt. ~Cheers.
    Bowser and Warden like this.
  13. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Can't wait for part IV. :D
  14. Carnikang

    Carnikang Well-Known Member

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    Part 4: Constellation Rising

    Women and children screamed still, although things were slowly calming down. Many had managed to find their wits, or a loved one, and soon realized they were free from sickness. Or being hunted down by lizards. The few that still screamed or had lost control of themselves fled into the streets, looking for shelter and safety from these scaly daemons.

    The great albino saurus turned to look at smaller human from where he stood, who unsurprisingly started to scream louder. Moving over to the small child, bending his massive frame into a crouched position, it cocked his head to the side quizzically. The little girl, clutching a small gryphon shaped doll, was clinging to her mother, despite the woman being frozen in fear. Allan hurried over, having picked up his jaw and doing his best to appear confident amid the tense moment. As he walked, he made note that the two lizard's were gone, or at least their bodies were. Starlight twinkled amid the rays of sun, and what appeared to be liquid stars were scattered about. It would have been eerily beautiful if it wasn't spattered all over his people.

    "What in the name of Moor's pits are you doing? What did you kill your own men for!" the mustached man hissed at the lizard, who ignored him for the moment. Instead, it opened it's mouth slightly and cocked it's head at the little girl, who's attention was squarely on the massive white block of scales and spikes. A quick puff of his throat, and a beastly bark* startled the little girl. Clinging again to her mother, who might as well have been stone, she stared still with big eyes. Yet she'd stopped screaming.

    "Why roaring? No more enemiesss here." The albino asked of the girl, who's eyes swelled in size until they appeared to be popping out of her skull. The gryphon doll's head would have popped off had it not already been sewn with thick threads "Be calm, no more corruption or fighting, you are well. The Great One sssaid so."

    Gurenstein watched, hands on his hips, cutting an irritated figure as he was ignored. He was about to speak, prodding the lizard to respond to his queries, when the small child spoke "You Sigmah's angles?" she asked, hiding behind her mother's skirts. The albino lizardman cocked his head again, jaws closing and his impassive face regarding the gryphon in her arms.

    "Yesss" it said, earning a small smile, hidden behind a skirt.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    It was not much later after, that the humans and lizardmen began to disperse, the mortals going to see what was left of their homes and salvage what they could. The soldiers left, nearly fifty and one, plus Gurenstein, were gathered together away from the piles of fetid and stinking corpses. The Sunblooded, as well as two other larger, more decorated saurus, stood with them. Many of the lizards had left to guard the gates or scour the basements and storehouses of the small town.

    "Before we get down to thankin; you proper like, I's gotta ask," one fo the soldiers asked. They'd become slightly more talkative to the lizardmen when they found out they could speak Freguildan ".. but what're you? Really. Angels? Tha'll keep the kiddies happy, but Sigmar ain't somethin to tease." Allan stood beside the man, who was older, leather-faced and strongly built. His words too, the officer stood beside, wanting some answers to all of his questions.

    Of the three saurus, the albino stood behind the other two, stock still as a statue. The one that opened it's toothy maw was slightly smaller, yet still much larger than a man "We are the First, the will of the Old Ones. Your god-king is also part of their Plan, whether he believes to be or not. We side with him, as long as he continues to follow the Order, and play the Great Game." it said, it's much larger and more ornate head crest bobbing once as it nodded. Silence followed, as the men processed the barrage of words and terms. Allan took note that it did not speak with a hiss like the great albino.


    The one that spoke clapped it's jaws together once, a loud clack following. It was an interesting creature, covered in thick scales on it's back the color of the deep oceans, while it's face and underbelly were like the sky. Golden eyes blazed with a fury matched only by the odd gauntlet it wore on it's left claw. A spear of what looked to be solid Ur-Gold was held in it's right claw, and armored plates made of more Ur-Gold covered it's shoulders, chest, and thighs "We are Angels of Order." it said, it's tone seeming frustrated. To it's side, the other saurus let out the odd barking laugh that these creatures seemed to have.

    "Kroq'Gori is not accustomed to humans, forgive his frustration. He knows not how to treat you warmbloods." the third creature said. Allan eyed it curiously, this one seeming more relaxed than the other two. It had a large crested head-dress made of bright feathers, and was colored similarly to the other, Kroq-Gori. He was also similarly armored, but carried a curved shield like the others, and a wicked looking weapon. Appearing half sword and half club, it too was made partially from Ur-Gold, though a glittering black stone was it's core.

    "I am the Old-Blood Tzauri'Ma, he is Old-Blood Kroq'Gori, and you have already met the Sunblood Chotrok'Gor." it said, gesturing to each of themselves with a claw.

    "Allan Gurenstein, now Lord of Gurensburg. These are what is left of my garrison." the mustached officer said, earning a few dark looks from the ranks behind him. He felt the cold daggers of many eyes for just a moment, before speaking once more "And now that we are introduced, why are you here? Not that we do not appreciate your timely arrival and heroic rescue, but seeing you butcher two of your own makes me wonder. Keenly wonder." the man said, one hand stroking his mustache, his body posturing confidently.

    The three saurus were, as ever, impossible to read as they stared at him. The silence that followed seemed to last forever as they continued to stare, the man wondering idly if they could communicate to one another with their minds.

    No, they cannot. Though I can, little man.

    A voice suddenly dominated Allan's consciousness, the visage of a great bulbous toad-thing flashing before his eyes as a pain lanced through him for a mere instant. Gurenstein fell, clutching his skull, without a peep. Around him, others fainted or cried out. The saurus relaxed, aside from Chotrok'Gor. All three rumbled with content as a familiar presence filled their minds and they felt their master coming into the Realm.

    ((Short Part this time, but much more interaction between the characters. I hope you like it.
    *Also adding a link later when I find it.))
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2017
    2Hands, n810, Warden and 2 others like this.
  15. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    I am excited for the next part. Fun dialogue and some great build up here.
  16. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Ouch. Slann mind-communicating with mere mortal warmblood? I am betting his head explodes.

    Or he gains superpowers.
    n810 and Bowser like this.
  17. Carnikang

    Carnikang Well-Known Member

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    Part 5: The Alignment

    Allan jerked awake, his face pressed against the cobblestone. The light hurt his eyes and his head felt as if it had been split in two. Gingerly he moved and gathered his surroundings. Good, the same place he'd been met his eyes, though his hat sat on the ground in front of him. A streak of irritation followed as the mustached man stood, snatching up his hat and dusting it off, before placing it back onto his head. Noticing that the three saurus were still there, he assumed he'd been out for a few moments at the least.

    "Bloody scalies, what was th-"

    Come to your gates, I would address you mortal.

    "BLOODY LIZARDS!" Gurenstien yelped, jerking this time. The pain was there, but it was much more manageable. The two Old-Bloods seemed to take notice of him then, both throwing sharp-toothed smiles at him, while Tzuari'Ma spoke.

    "That is our Great One. I ask forgiveness for the pain. Mortal minds are so jumbled and full of superfluous things. So little room for our Great One to speak." he said, motioning to a radiant star that seemed to be falling from the sky "Come, we will meet our Great One where he said, so that you may find your place in the Great Game."

    Allan twitched his mustache at the three, frustration apparent. Behind him, a few groans could be heard as boots scraped the stones. The men that were recovering were few in number, and many had nosebleeds or bruises around their eyes. The officer sighed and spoke a few words to those who were steady, asking them to stay and take care of the rotting carcasses. Preferably to burn them. After, he hurried after the three lizards, who had set off up the street at a brisk pace. The man huffed and puffed after the hard-fought battle and plenty of running already done today, in half-plate no less.

    "Could you three slow down? I'm young, but I think I might have come down with something when you popped that pustular oaf." he said, when they had finally reached the square courtyard before the gates. The man raised his head to look about and froze, sweat beading on his brow at the sight that greeted him.

    Two massive lizard beasts stood guard over the gates, both bright purple or blue, with what looked like stars gliding across their hides. Gold was beaten into their scales, and massive thrones were strapped to them. Both were empty, but the fearsome looking beasts with crests of pure midnight sky stayed where they had been set. One caught wind of Allan, and turned it's thick neck towards him. A maw filled with sparkling teeth and a bright orange inside seemed to take up the man's entire vision, even from twenty paces away.

    "Gryll, heel" Kroq'Gori snapped at the beast. It growled at the saurus, but turned back to glaring down the gate with eyes like little suns. Above, the star was descending ever further.

    When it was nearly blinding the human, he nudged the Sunblood "So, who is this Great One, and why can he pluck the words from my head? And for that matter, why are you lot so in love with him?" he asked of the albino beast. It snorted and nudged him back, throwing the human to the street. It laughed, but turned back to the star.

    "I'm going to wear white boots soon," Allan muttered, dusting himself off again for the third time that day, and looked back to the sky. His jaw dropped as he spied what the star really was, "This has to be a dream."

    A massive throne of stone, Ur-gold, and swirling galaxies floated down from the sky. Each and every rune etched into every inch of the stone glowed with power that burned to gaze upon. Yet it was dim in comparison to the being that sat atop it. Magic like no other seeped out of every pore of the creature that guided the stone seat to the earth. It was white, but not white like the color, white like a thought. Pure and clean, clad in Ur-Gold or charms made from planets and stars. Swirling around the creature where thousands of scaled bodies, wings of light flapping furiously as they moved like fish in the sea. Blues, teals, greens and a myriad of other colors were reflected off of them as they wheeled and turned in the air. If the Saurus had been angels, than these creatures were certainly the cherubs and messengers of the gods that tended them. Which would make the creature that they circled, their God.

    You are correct. Though I am no God. I am Starmaster Aztotquin. Bow, and know you are now a part of the Great Game.

    Allan stood stock still, staring in awe at the vaugely frog-like creature that radiated light and the holy essence of of Order. The sudden urge to kneel was powerful, and he saw every other saurus in the square do just that. Even the little lizards, now landed and without wings, prostrated themselves readily to this Starmaster. The man blinked and looked around, then back to the frog.

    "I'm sorry, but you've already ripped my skull open and sent your, uh, men to save us. Now, normally, I'm sure every peasant and wretch bends the knee without question.." the officer crossed his arms and glared now at the Slann "... I have several."

    Silence followed, every being in the square still. Allan wondered if they'd stopped breathing. He also wondered whether it had been wise to question a being that had literally come from the heaven to save his small hamlet. The thought occurred a little too late as a sudden force pulled him within a single step of the throne. Head spinning, and his body held by some otherworldly thing, the man could only attempt to meet Aztotquin's gaze.

    Insolence. Be wary. I allow it only this once. You and your people are important to the Great Game, and so you will cooperate or watch all of this Realm die.

    Oh, well, when you put it that way." the man managed to say, finding the strength within him to sound sarcastic "That makes me feel much better about all this. Do t-"


    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Gathered amid the filth and rotten tents of the Nurgle camp, the warband of Vileulge stood. Much less could be said of the 'man' himself as he sat atop a palanquin of questionable design. Four burly ogors, plagued and chained, carried it on their shoulders. Each also carried a wicked club that dripped something oily and orange. The many beastmen, warriors and even large contingent of diseased skaven stood atop the dying grass and bile-puddles, waiting for their leader to address them as a great leader should. Many already hoped that he would lead them to another grove like this one, where the tree spirits had cried out and writhed beneath the attentions of their plague sorcerers. A few walked among them now, swollen mushrooms and black bark marking them as Nurgle's kind.

    "Brothers, Sisters, Sons and Daughters! Cousins as well..." Vileulge began, waving a fat-laden arm a the gathering, eliciting a ragged and wet cheer from the crowd "I have come to you today, to bring the gift of love. Our great Grandfather has deemed us worthy to move on to another place in need of his gift! a small, and unloved hamlet. It has since been difficult, striking out like a petulant child. In his gracious eyes, Grandfather has asked that we discipline this naughty youth, and make it see how much he cares!"

    The band cheered again, weapons and banners raised at the thought of spreading their family's touch further. Coughing-fits and wheezing laughter followed, the many various Nurglites tittering at the many attentions they would give their new kin. Once they were captured and held in place of course.

    "But that is not all!" the cancerous blob jiggled as it waved both stumpy arms above it's lump of a head "He has also gifted us with ANOTHER band of his own Plaugebearers, and many of his own pets!"

    Out of a massive pit, full of filth and refuse, arose two dozen daemons, followed by twisted and bulbous creatures that slithered more than walked. They joined the crowd, embracing all they met with arms wide, spreading their vile sickness to those willing. Vileulge continued to speak, waving his pallid arms and stirring the diseased band into a frenzy, extolling the virtues of what they did, and the righteousness they had in their hearts. It was only the love of their Grandfather that would save this place from Life. Only his touch that would bring them all into the Family.

    ((I feel like this was much less than it felt like I was writing. Anyway, hope you enjoy it, and any advice is appreciated. ))
    2Hands, Warden, n810 and 2 others like this.
  18. tom ndege

    tom ndege Well-Known Member

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    enjoyed! :cool:
    Carnikang and Bowser like this.
  19. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    This was a great build up. Tension high with the mounting armies, and the slann seetihing with power and anger. This is going to be great.
    Carnikang and tom ndege like this.
  20. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    well worth the wait. :D
    Carnikang likes this.

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