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AoS Tactics for other Armies

Discussion in 'Seraphon Tactics' started by Killer Angel, Jan 6, 2016.

  1. dwarfepic
    Chameleon Skink

    dwarfepic Active Member

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    Ok thanks! I'm working on a list and synergies now. I will be doing a pestillens based force and so will do a presentation on them. I anyone wants to do verminus or other clans then that would be great. I enjoy seeing different themed army's from the same race!
  2. dwarfepic
    Chameleon Skink

    dwarfepic Active Member

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    Ok, so, here is what seems to me a big glass cannon, but is can deal a scary amount of mortal wounds. Not sure if this could become competitive, but is certainly a nasty list for a bit more than casual play. so, without further ado, here is 150 wounds of pestilens.

    verminlord corrupter
    plague furnace
    plague furnace
    20 plague monks
    20 plague monks
    10 plague censer bearers
    10 plague censer bearers
    6 stormfiends
    plague claw
    plague claw
    plague claw

    so, into army tactics
    put the plague claws right at the back, and let them weaken enemy unit by sizing them down before the main show. place the censers in the center behind a wall of monks, armed with foetid blades and woe staves, doom gongs, icons of pestilence and plague scroll. that wall is behind another wall of monks this time with dual foetid blades, contagion banner, book of woes and bale chime. so, if the verminlord uses his ability on the front row of monks, they will have four atacks each if charging, re rolling all hit rolls and re rolling wounds of one, sixes followed by sixes causing mortal wounds, and standard sixes resolved with rend, these guys will hit hard. the plague furnaces are to come on either side of the assault, dropping plague ball things everywhere and causing lots of mortal wounds. the row behind them is to make sure of no enemy charging you, only you charging them, thanks to the banner, subtracing one from enemy charge rolls and as they are back row you will get a two inch attack range so you can still hit them with woe staves. the censer bearers are to spam two inch attacks with rend, and for lots more mortal wounds. this combined with the plague claws doing insane damage to big units, your opponent will have a hard time stopping the plague. now for the stormfiends. equip one with grinder fists, and the rest with warpfire projestors and enjoy popping up next to an enemy hero and dealing 10d3 mortal wounds. take a moment for that to sink in. 10d3 mortal wounds from warpfire projectors! ouch. this may hurt. a lot.

    so, mortal wound spam. not sure how this would compare to a forest goblin army for mortal wound output, but would still hurt a lot. especialy the stormfiends. really hurt. any improvements please say, I am always looking for different approaches to skaven, especially from other clans. if you have lists for other skaven let me know! enjoy mortal wounds!
    Tip4Tap likes this.
  3. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Can you please adjust your list to fit the standard we're using in the thread?
    (aka: 125 wounds, and a boldened title, so the tactic is immediately recognizable)

  4. dwarfepic
    Chameleon Skink

    dwarfepic Active Member

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    Ok sure. If you take out 7 plague censer bearers and make one squad of 13, take out one plague claw and a plague furnace you should fit this list in!

    Sorry for going over with that...:(
    Tip4Tap likes this.
  5. YZK

    YZK Member

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    I've been slacking like a sloth moving to another tree!
    I'll update the Google doc as soon as I can!

    Would anyone be interested in doing a Beastmen (either Brayherds, Warherds, Monsters of Chaos, or a combination of those) list?
  6. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Well, I'm not a Beastmen's expert, but I can take a look at them.
    I'll keep you informed (edit: I'll probably do brayherds + chaos)
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2016
  7. Rekmeister

    Rekmeister Member

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    In the effort of keeping this thread alive, here's a post I made on the AoS reddit (check it out) about Dwarf Miner hordes. The post is not about a 125 wound army, but it is an in depth analysis, and placing the 125 limit seems so weird given wounds are a terrible way to decide balance; and only dissecting large scale tactics won't help anyone out looking to start a new force. I figured I'd post a link instead of copy/pasting because the formatting and size of post may be frowned upon here. If you guys would rather I just post the text here, I'll edit this post.


    Killer Angel likes this.
  8. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    mmm... It's interesting, but sadly, you cannot use the steam harpoon after an underground advance, which kinda undermines (if you forgive me for the pun) what could be a surprise attack. That's why Bugman's rangers are far better.
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2016
  9. Rekmeister

    Rekmeister Member

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    Honestly, the surprise attack ability is nice, but completely overshadowed by the bizarre amount of rend the explosive charges provide. I honestly think an equivalent number of Miners could take on a unit of Guard. Much more so if each one is backed by a Runelord level hero such as a Starpriest.
  10. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    I'm doing all of them, with 2 separete lists. Stay tuned, this weekend I'll post something! ;)
    dwarfepic and Crowsfoot like this.
  11. dwarfepic
    Chameleon Skink

    dwarfepic Active Member

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    looking forward to it, always loved the beastmen / monsters of chaos models, and their backstory!
  12. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    I’m not exactly an expert of these guys (read: faced ‘em just twice). But hey, you just need to lower your head, charge and head-butt your enemy ‘til he’s dead, right? Right?


    Few things to know about beastmen. They are fast. They can deliver a lot of attacks. They have a nice number of wizards. They have lot of units with different keywords, so they don’t mix well together. For this last reason, I’ll keep them divided (as you should).


    These ones are the physically weak beastmen. But they can hurt you, a lot.


    Gorthor the Beastlord: your general on chariot, he’s fast and strong, on charge he delivers mortal wounds, can re-roll failed hits, and does a lot of attacks. Deadly against heroes. His Command Ability, adds 1 to charge, run an to hit to brayherd units within 16”. Really good ability. It’s our first “must have”.
    Khazrak the One Eye: he’s moderately useful agains small-models hordes. Nasty for opponents’ wizards, that must subtract 3 from their casting rolls, but only if within 12” from him. Interesting command ability: the brayherd units can retreat and still charge in the same turn.
    Beastlord: a sort of toned down Gorthor (for example, he’s got the same combat ability of Gorthor, but works only if he killed an enemy model in the previous turn).
    Wargor Standard Bearer: 4 attacks, and if he plants the standard, he gives to Brayherd within 16” a sweet +1 to wound. “must have!
    Malagor, the dark omen: he’s got a strange spell that gives him a sort of bizarre missile weapon. His most peculiar ability, it’s the “harbringer of disaster”, that gives him a chance to be immune to attacks in the combat phase. Don’t count on it, against units with high bravery.
    Great Bray-shaman: our third “must have!”. A wizard that gives a +3” move to brayherd for just being near them, and knows the fantastic spell “Savage Dominion”: the casting value is 9, BUT you can summon one monster, adding it to your army (Beastmen’s monsters are great), and the only limitation is that it must be summoned within 6” from the battlefield’s edge and more than 9” from the enemy!
    Morghur, master of skulls: a 2° lev. Wizard, with a really interesting ability, “Spirit essence of chaos”: you can kill one of your models within 12”, and on a 4+ replace it with a Chaos Spawn.


    Gors: on paper they’re weak; a decent save 5+, but 1 wound, 1 attack 4+/4+, no rend. But they’re far from bad… move 6”, and, as many Brayherds, they can run and charge, and move an extra 1” when piling-in.
    You can bring them at save 4+ with a shield, of give ‘em 2 weapon, so you’ll re-roll 1s to hit (“rend and tear”).
    The nice ability “Anarchy and Mayhem”: in the first combat phase, you roll a dice (adding +1 if near a hero and another +1 of they’re at least 20 models): on a 4+ you add +1 to wound, on a 6+, all models have an extra attack.
    Bestigors: 2 attacks each, 4+/3+, rend -1 (can run and charge, with an extra 1” to pile-in). They gain a +1 to hit attacking units with standards.
    Tuskgor chariots: 6 wounds, save 4+; move 10”, can re-roll charges and failed to hit during the charge.
    Ungors: a weak version of Gors. They seems useless, but in truth they have a niche...
    Ungor raiders: they have bows that can run and also shoot at 18” at 4+/4+. They could be useful, given the lack of shooting of Beastmen, but you need at least 20, if you want to re-roll 1s.

    Monsters (none of them is a Brayherd)

    Cygor (warherd monster): our wizards killer: not only he can unbind spells (inflicting also mortal wounds if successful) but his missile weapon 4+/2+, rend -2, range 18”, deals d6 dam… and re-rolls to hit against wizards!
    Ghorgon (warherd monster): a melee machine, up to 6 attacks, that delivers from 3 to d6 wounds, and for each 5+ to wound, does extra attacks. And can also heal himself
    Giant (monster): again, melee machine. More attacks but less damage output than the ghorgon
    Jabberslythe (monster): move up to 12”, fly; up to 6 attack 3+/3+ with rend -2, plus a tail for d3 dam; interesting abilities: 1/6 chance to “freeze” enemy units within 6” and, most of all, inflicts mortal wounds to those that hurt it in combat.
    Chaos Spawn (not a monster): 5 wounds, move 2d6”, 2d6 attacks at 4+/4+, with 1/6 chance to attack at 3+/3+
    Harpies: 1 wound, and 2 attacks each at 4+/4+. The nice thing is that they have move 16”, and an ability that let then devour for free additional models, if a model within 16” from them is fleeing (you need to roll a 6, but you roll for every model fleeing).

    Army List & strategy (125 wounds)

    We’ll use the formation of Furious Brayherd (1 beastlord, 1 shaman, 3 gor units, 1 unit of ungors, 1 unit of bestigors/centigors/tuskgor): they can do one extra attack when within 8” of their beastlord OR Shaman, AND re-roll 1s on “to wound”. We are going to have FUN!

    Heroes (total 38 wounds):
    Gorthor (8), 2 standard bearers (10), 3 Bray-shaman (15), Morghur (5).

    Troops (total 87 wounds)
    3 units of 23 Gors (69 wounds); 1 unit of 10 Ungors (10 wounds), 1 units of 8 Bestigor (8 wounds).

    (alternate version: 22 gors, 7 bestigor, 4 shamans).

    You don’t have shooters, but you can run like hell toward your enemy. Tnx to the nearby shamans (+3”), the banner bearer ot the units (+1”) and the command ability of Gorthor (+1”), your units will have a move 11”, plus run and charge.
    But you’re not going to do only that. You need to weaken the enemy, and you have 3-4 shamans, that are going to cast savage dominion: keep an eye on terrains that give a bonus to casting, and with 3-4 castings that need to roll a 9 (or an 8), you’re almost sure to cast one succesful summon each turn (with some luck, even 2!), to give the enemy something hard to deal with, while you run toward it. You can place the monster you want, in the place you want, and they will hurt.
    A wizard in the rearguard? Let him enjoy the Cygor’s boulder!
    A strong melee unit with good saves, or a unit of kinghts? Lure them into attacking a Jabberslythe.
    Some dangerous monster? Go with a Ghorgon.
    So yeah, your advancing horde, will be helped by heavy hitters, and your casters will stay alive, because the enemy will have too much targets more immediately dangerous (the summoned monsters and the units of gors).
    But your magic phase won’t end here. Do you remember that unit of Ungors? They’re our less valuable troop… the perfect “victims” for Morghur, and his “Spirit essence of chaos”: turn an ungor into a Chaos Spawn, throw the beast toward a target and the ungors toward another, ready to be turned again into other Chaos Spawns…

    Anyway, soon you’ll arrive at charges’ range with your gors, bestigors and also with Gorthor. Let’s see what 20 Gors can do.
    Keep them near Gorthor or the formation’s Shaman, and they will do 2 attacks each, instead of one… and, tnx to “Anarchy and Mayhem” and the bonus for heroes / unit’s size, you roll a dice, on a 2+ you add 1 to wound, on a 4+ they do another extra attack.
    So, those 20 Gors, are going to do 40 attacks, with a 50% chance of 60 attacks. Given the +1 to pile in, you should be able to maximise the number of models in contact with the enemy.
    They hit at 4+/4+, but tnx to Gorthor’s command ability (+1 to hit), “Rend and Tear” (re-rolls), the Standard bearer (+1 to wound), “Anarchy and Mayhem” (+1 to wound), and the formation (re-roll) they’re going to hit at 3+ (re-rolling 1s), and wound at 2+ (re-rolling 1s). This means around 45 saves…
    The 8 Bestigors will go toward a unit with a standard / banner / whatever, so they’ll do 25 attacks, hitting at 2+ and wounding at 2+ (re-rolling 1s).
    And at that point, your caster will be at range also to spam Arcane Bolts.
    dwarfepic likes this.
  13. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    These ones are the physically strong beastmen. They’re few in numbers, but they’re fast and brutal, and will hurt you. A lot.


    : this pretty cow can rip you apart. Equipped with 2 axes, can deliver 5 attacks at 3+/3+, rend -1, 2 dam (with a Geat axe, less attacks but more damage). For every roll of 6+ “to wound” can make an extra attack. His Command Ability, adds +1 to wound to warherd units within 16” (including himself). It’s our only hero, and obviously a “must have”, for a warherd list.
    Great Bray-shamans: They’re not Warherd, but you need some casting. And, most of all, they know “Savage Dominion” (you can summon one monster wherever you want)!


    : they hit at 4+ and wound at 3+. As for the Doombull, you can choose how to equip them (Greataxe for 2 attacks, rend -2, 3 dam; Dual axes for 4 attacks, rend -1, 2 dam; or axe + shield for 3 attacks and a save 4+). Move 7 (+1 to charge). For every roll of 6+ “to wound” they can make an extra attack.

    Monsters (listing the ones with Warherd keyword)

    Cygor: our wizards killer: not only he can unbind spells (inflicting also mortal wounds if successful) but his missile weapon 4+/2+, rend -2, range 18”, deals d6 dam… and re-rolls to hit against wizards!
    Ghorgon (warherd monster): a melee machine, up to 6 attacks, that delivers from 3 to d6 wounds, and for each 5+ to wound, does extra attacks. And can also heal himself.

    The warherd list is pityfully short, so you don’t have many choices and tactics available.

    Army List & strategy (125 wounds)

    We’ll use the formation of Bullgor Stampede (1 Doombull, 3 minotaurs units, 1 Ghorgon). It gives mortal wounds on charges, and Bloodgreed let models do 2 extra attack, instead of 1.

    Heroes (total 28 wounds):
    Doombull (8), 4 Bray-shaman (20)

    Troops / monsters (total 87 wounds)
    3 units of 6 Minotaurs (72 wounds); 1 Ghorgon (12 wounds), 1 Jabberslythe (10), 3 units of 5 Harpies (15 wounds).

    The combo for the formation, here, is pretty clear.
    Doombull adds a +1 to wound, so (tnx to Bloodgreed) you’ll have TWO additional attacks for each 5+ for Doombull, 5+ for Minotaurs and 4+ for Ghorgon!
    Equip the minotaurs’ units in a mixed way: 2 with the greataxe, 1 with dual axes (or vice-versa). Send the greataxes agains targets with good saves, to use the superior rend, and the dual axes against targets where more attacks are better.
    The 4 Bray Shaman will pass the battle casting Savage Dominion and (if there’s need) some buffs. You’re going to summon additional Warherd Monster, to exploit your Doombull’s command Ability (remember that, while it’s true that summoned units count toward the total number of losses, a single monster is just one model, and you start with a good amount of models)
    The jabberslythe is not a warherd monster, but it’s ability to spurt bile blood and deal mortal wounds, will help you in dealing with high save units as buffed Saurus Temple Guards. Basically, a unit that kills the Jabberslythe, is going to suffer around 5d3 mortal wounds.
    Now, the harpies. Why them?
    They fly at 16” (which is always a nice thing to have), and their ability works within 16”… every time an enemy model flees, on a roll of 6 an additional model from the same unit is devoured by the Harpies. So, you attack a unit, killing a bunch of models. After the battleshock, 4 models flee: tnx to the 3 harpies’ units, you’re going to roll 12 dices, killing a couple of additional models.

    Personally, I think that Brayherd gives you more versatility (and I'd tend to pick them), but in both cases, you need to play with an aggressive and brutal style. (soundtrack recommended: Born to be wild)
    dwarfepic likes this.
  14. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Any volunteer for the next army?

    (alternatively, any request for a particular race you would like to see discussed?)
    Bowser likes this.
  15. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    We have two goblin builds, but no orcs, and no orcs and goblins. I have a few things down, but would like some more ideas.
  16. dwarfepic
    Chameleon Skink

    dwarfepic Active Member

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    I would like to do or see someone do a death army. have some ideas in mind for one of them.
  17. Rekmeister

    Rekmeister Member

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    I could do Dark Elves? I know they just got updated (ruined?) but I'm sure the old ideas still stand.
  18. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    That would be cool (especially DE... we need more infos on those pointy ears)
    In the meantime, i'll take a look at the Orcs
  19. dwarfepic
    Chameleon Skink

    dwarfepic Active Member

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    I would like to see some dark elves. the aos counterpart to my 40k dark elder would be intriguing!
  20. Rekmeister

    Rekmeister Member

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    • Cauldron of Blood: As far as army hubs go, the cauldron of blood certainly isn't as impressive as a Plague Furnace, a Slann, or the Mortis Engine. With Hellebron on the altar, it is a reliable unit that offers a 6+ shield and allows a unit to pile in twice: an insane ability.
    • Dreadlord on Black Dragon: Once again, not as good a leader as other armies have to offer, but still solid. he's no Carnosaur, but his command ability is very important given what troops we will be using, and is nice way to alleviate battleshock. Lastly his breath weapon is pretty nice and allows him to function as a support unit.
    • Shadowblade and Assassins: Assassins can pop up at the start of the combat phase within 1" of a chosen unit and pile in even if it is your opponents turn to pile in, and Shadowblade can do the same without designating a unit before the start of the game. The basic idea behind assassins is that if you are playing defensive, designate the assassin to your most valuable units and only pop them up when said unit is in danger; even the Dreadlord on Dragon could do with a hand if he gets taken by surprise. The offensive way to play assassins is to designate both the assassins on Shadowblade: Shadowblade pops up next to whichever you unit you want, and the two assassins can come out next to him - you get three models piling in before your opponent can do anything.
    • Doomfire Warlocks: Not exactly a difficult choice. Doombolt is probably the best spell in the game. 6 mortal wounds to a unit with 10 or more models means, if not unbound, the enemy army is going to be shredded to pieces the entire game. A 14" movement is also very fast for casters, so getting them in position to not be unbound shouldn't be too hard.
    • Har Ganeth Executioners: Executioners are the Saurus Guard of the dark elf army; 1" weapons with huge damage potential. Every hit roll of 6 or more deals 2 mortal wounds to the target unit, that's nuts. Saurus guard are better in the long run and be buffed to kingdom come, but having a troop core than can dish out mortal wounds is very valuable.
    Army List:

    Dreadlord on Black Dragon
    Cauldron of Blood
    Master with Battle Standard
    Assassin x 2
    Sorceress x 2
    Doomfire Warlocks 2 x 5
    Har Ganeth Executioners x 25
    Darkshards x 23

    Total: 125 Wounds, 4 spells/turn, 5 unbinds a turn.


    I've already covered a lot of this, in the unit entries, but the strategy should be apparent now, the Executioners need to roll as many 6's to hit as possible. The Dreadlord allows them to re-roll hit rolls of 1, which is very important, the Battle Standard lets them re-roll wound rolls of 1, also nice, but he's more of a red herring than anything, especially given that he can steal the Dreadlord's command ability. The blood cauldron's buff of +1 to wound is a great buff which makes the Executioners more than just mortal wound machines. The Sorceresses are there to -1 off of enemy hit rolls, when it comes down to block vs block, the one with -2 hit rolls will be suffering even more than usual against the Executioners.

    Overall, the Dark Elves are one of the best fluid armies around, with really high damage output regardless of offensive or defensive playstyle. They favour defence, but have units like the Doomfire Warlocks which pump out so many mortals from so far away that getting more board control is as simple as moving them wherever you want a little more reach.

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