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AoS The Aurelian blades strike.

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Lord-Marcus, Feb 5, 2023.

  1. Lord-Marcus

    Lord-Marcus Sixth Spawning

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    Hey guys,

    I'm going to dump gaming photos and reports here for my Aurelian blades stormhost, a stormcast eternals collection.

    I recently have attempted to kindle an escalation league locally, in an effort to get out and meet people (and maybe get a few games in.) I've been rather reclusive for the last few years.

    I had 2 individuals RSVP for today's scheduled game day. Neither showed. I ended up getting a game of AoS with my league force against one of the gents there for open gaming, who had cities of sigmar.


    I interpreted +1 attack on the judicator champion wrong and did more damage than I should have.

    I forgot stormcast blow up in their enemies face. I need to remember that.

    Sequitors with maces are surprisingly punchy against light infantry targets.

    Casting two spells per wizard for the magic themed city of sigmar seems overpowered.....

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    Killer Angel and Imrahil like this.

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