I have had a go myself without any of the detail I would love to know. I went 5 wide, 3 deep, Musician, Old blood, Scarvet, Scarvet, Scarvet Standard bearer. Can't remember what I kitted them out with but I do remember the scar vet with the other tricksters shard on the end, blocked off by the musician, and then the rest of the heroes so that it didn't effect my own units. Needless to say it wiped the floor with my mates CW unit but wasn't worth the points investment, the overrun keeps them way out of position at times but that is probably my generalship. It needs refinement for sure.
Nice! I'm planning to use an OB CO with 9 COR as a character killer in my game on the 11th, will let you know how it goes. Kitted out with Steg Helm, armour of destiny and other tricksters shard, GW, light armour. I want to kill either a DP or chaos lord with it, but have a back-up plan with a bastiladon solar engine attack and WD magic or 2 ancient steg charges depending on where the DP or chaos knights with lord unit ends up.
@NIGHTBRINGER @Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl @ASSASSIN_NR_1 @Karnus I love the CO Bus idea, but can't see how it really works with two OBs... Just seems to lack the necessary killing power when you stick the SV's in it. But I can't seem to get the two OB's and still have a Slann and I needs that magical advantage... thoughts?
If no Slann, how do you deal with the inevitable enemy level 4 wizard that your opponent has taken to counter your non-existant Slann...
Don't underestimate the power of the Scar-Vet Cowboy. Point for point he is often considered to be more efficient than the Oldblood. He is exceptionally good and has nearly the same killing power as the Oldblood. I love the Slann. In any game of sufficient size, I would never leave home without a Slann.