Thank you i really appreciate the criticism as well, helps me become better. Must admit the oldblood, was a bit "old'ish" though. My plan for the army was to make it in all sorts of colour, as the history describes the various spawnings not nescesarily being in the same colour, i thought that well... We gather the most elite force to kill our foes, why would they magically be from the same spawning? But i wanted to to keep some constant to my army as well, so all the "wood" is painted white and i personally like it, glad you do too.
New lizard's ready for display! First my new skink priest Then a unit of Saurus warriors! And then my Carnie!!!
Really love your colours; so vivid. Great layering. You've got a really spectacular army there. Where did you get all the tiles for your bases? That's a lot of work for your saurus.
The bases is from they got a cool looking range, can definately recommend them. And for the Saurus, i just like to spend more time making it all looking great But yes... painting them was taking ages.
Loe the staff and cloak on the skink priest. Very nicely done. Interesting color scheme for the stegadon too I might add. I really like the colors on the carnosaur too.
These models put mine to shame. Absolutely stunning, the colour makes them really please to the eye. Keep up the good work.
good range of colours throughout your army there! my favourite is defiantly the old blood version 2! the purple and blue combo mixes really well there I would love to know how u did it! looks like there is some xerious purple (liche purple) and maybe turquoise or ice blue? Im not sure would love to know looks great!
Excellent work: now I wish I did a more colourful colour scheme for my army (I stuck to Gws blue) I especially like the razordon, the skink chief with the cloak and , of course, the carnie If I have one piece of criticism I would tone done the white on the steg; although that is just personal preference. Also, do you use an airbrush?