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The GREAT 40k thread

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Killer Angel, Oct 4, 2020.

  1. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    The glorious T'au advance in a pincer formation, taking control of the battlefield and winning the day!

    Tau pincer formation.jpg

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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  3. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Goonhammer on the lates april "balance" dataslate.

    ...i wonder how can be considered a smart move, to give autowound at 6+ to the second shooting army in all 40k. The first one, looking at the sheer number of rolled dices.
    i don't care that guards are atm a low tier army, if the patch is worse than the wound. Now 150 pts of conscripts will inflict on average 10 wounds to a chaos knight. Good job GW.
    Bowser likes this.
  4. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Oh, thank Sotek, I'm NOT the only one who thought this, and I PLAY guard! This feels stupidly overpowered to me! I don't care that 80% of the guns in that army have NO AP to speak of, this is just insane!o_O
  5. ChapterAquila92

    ChapterAquila92 Well-Known Member

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    Oh, and don't forget to give your infantry squads those FREE weapon upgrades to boost their efficiency on the tabletop in terms of points...

    Given that it's part of the latest knee-jerk reactive update that GW likes to put out immediately after an official tournament, in no small part because of their utter failure to foresee how any of their rules could be used in ways they did not intend, I'm neither surprised nor impressed by it either.

    As a Salamanders player, the fact that this is the raison d'être for Armour of Contempt now existing annoys me. All weapons having their AP values reduced by 1 when used against Astartes, Sisters, or Custodes? Maybe if GW didn't hand out AP-1/-2 D2 weapons all over the place at a five-finger discount and with the promise of being able to kill marines (and vehicles by proxy) with them, we wouldn't have to be in this shitshow of an edition that's arguably accumulated more rules bloat since the start of 8th than 7th did after five consecutive editions.

    Looking at my Salamanders collection, I don't think I'll be playing a 40k game with them anytime soon. They're sticking to Horus Heresy into 2.0 instead, where there's a lot more balanced and flavourful character in the rules for them anyway.
    Tk'ya'pyk, Killer Angel and Bowser like this.
  6. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Which is really a pity, because rulewise the 9th ed is an enormous improvement over 8th.
    It's a really good edition, which is being ruined by the mess GW is doing with the codexes
    Tk'ya'pyk and Bowser like this.
  7. BurningBee

    BurningBee Well-Known Member

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    I don't know if the question is correct in this subform. Fell free to move it or tell me where to ask.:)

    I want to try something regarding painting. Comic style painting on some Space Marines. Imperial Fists. But I haven't played 40k for years now. So I'm not up to date.
    I know there are "new" Primaris Marines.

    Now the question: what is the most common standard unit and there equip?

    Because I want to build them correctly, paint them and then resell them on eBay to minimise my loss.
    Bowser likes this.
  8. ChapterAquila92

    ChapterAquila92 Well-Known Member

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    As a Firstborn (that is, non-Primaris) player myself, I don't have a lot of experience with Primaris Marines apart from a Redemptor Dreadnought that's lately been collecting dust in my display cabinet. However, given that you're looking at doing Imperial Fists whose rules in the tabletop favour bolt weapons, I'd consider looking at the Intercessor squads - be they Normal, Assault, or Heavy - for your most common units (conveniently, they're all Troops options). For something a bit more specialized, Inceptors (Fast Attack) and Aggressors (Elite) also have bolt weapon options available.

    Assault Intercessors can only be built with a chainsword and bolt pistol each, so I won't elaborate much further on them.

    By contrast, regular Intercessors and their Heavy counterparts have a selection of 3 bolt rifle variants each (basically your choice of Assault 3/AP0/D1, Rapid Fire 1/AP-1/D1, and Heavy 1/AP-2/D2 in Strength 4 and 5 flavours respectively), and all 5-10 members of the squad must take the same variant. Imperial Fists have a special rule whereby they can score 1 additional hit with a bolt weapon for every natural 6 rolled to hit their target, so you can generally expect Imperial Fists players to prioritize the Assault and Rapid Fire variants for either type of Intercessor in order to fish for those 6s.

    In terms of respective model representation:
    • Normal Intercessors - Auto Bolt Rifles (Assault variant - extended box magazine) or regular Bolt Rifles (Rapid Fire variant - small scope and sickle magazine)
    • Heavy Intercessors - Hellstorm Bolt Rifles (Assault variant - drum magazine) or Heavy Bolt Rifles (Rapid Fire variant - small box magazine)
    As for Sergeant-specific wargear options, it is pretty much whatever is in the box. While regular Intercessor Sergeants may be given the wargear options available to their Assault counterparts, in general practice you'll rarely ever see them not equipped with the squad's choice of bolt rifle (melee weapons are fair game however - especially free chainswords - even though none come in the normal Intercessor box). Heavy Intercessor Sergeants do not have any such option however, and must be equipped like the rest of their squad.

    In addition, up to 1 in every 5 regular Intercessors in a given squad may add an underslung grenade launcher to their bolt rifle, and up to 1 in every 5 Heavy Intercessors may replace their bolt rifle variant with a heavy bolter. I personally wouldn't recommend the latter if the squad is equipped with Hellstorm Bolt Rifles though.

    If it's Firstborn Imperial Fists you're looking at doing instead, tactical squads comprised of nothing but bolters and maybe a power fist on the Sergeant would be the simplest way to go. This is doubly so if you're tapping into Horus Heresy as well (the Mk III, Mk IV, and upcoming Mk VI space marine kits are practically reskinned tactical squads in all but name).
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2022
    Bowser, Killer Angel and BurningBee like this.
  9. BurningBee

    BurningBee Well-Known Member

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    Wow, thanks for the answer and explanation !!!

    I think I'll go for the heavy variant

    Ok, I changed my mind. Due to the fact that there are a lot assault intercessors on eBay with a good price, I think I will buy some of them and make them to withe scars.
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2022
    ChapterAquila92 and Bowser like this.
  10. ChapterAquila92

    ChapterAquila92 Well-Known Member

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    My pleasure!
    I'd be very mindful as to what ends up on eBay when it comes to Warhammer, be it in unopened box sets, unbuilt sprues, or models that have yet to have a lick of paint on them. Given the timing that most of them were put up for sale (March/April of this year), it's quite likely that a lot of these Assault Intercessor sets are being sold by hyper-competitive WAAC players who are chasing trends (especially in the wake of the most recent rules update). For sake of record, the same thing happened with Imperial Guard infantry units when GW started clamping down on Command Point farming with the detachments system.

    Not that there's anything wrong with working on Assault Intercessors, of course. Just an observation.
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2022
    Tk'ya'pyk and Bowser like this.
  11. BurningBee

    BurningBee Well-Known Member

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    You have good point. Here it's maybe a little bit different.

    There was/ is a magazine in Germany from warhammer 40k which sells some minis as addition. The usual way first one is cheap and afterwards it get way more expansive. This marines are out of the magazine no. 13 or so. 5 Marines for 10€ is ok, I think.

    Resell them will be hard anyway. I can only ponit with my "great" painting skills:rolleyes:
    Tk'ya'pyk and Bowser like this.
  12. Lord-Marcus

    Lord-Marcus Sixth Spawning

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    Yea imperium can be a decent deal. It can also be crap. Depends on the issue
  13. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    I got the first two Necron Issues of Imperium and was happy with what they contained (in particular Issue 4 with the Skorpekh Destroyers), and months later I tried to get Issue 25 (with the Immortals) and couldn't find a single copy anywhere - no copies of it turned up at my local newsagent, and Forbidden Planet described the issue as 'Out of Stock' - it's likely scummy scalpers got their paws on the issues to sell them off on EBay 6 months to a year in the future.

    In short, I think it's only worth it at the beginning when they make frakloads of copies for everyone, and later if you're lucky enough to get your hands on any of the issues with models that can't be obtained elsewhere or can but for a fortune as per GW's new pricing conventions (i.e. for Necrons any of the new models that have come out over the past year), when the amount of money saved is just too good to pass up. Otherwise I don't think it's worth the faff to bust a gut in trying to get some of the more affordable kits for even less money when you can just get them for £20-ish at any local model shop (like said Immortals).

    I'm aiming to see if I can get the issues that will have the Skorpekh Lord and Reanimator from Indomitus, as the £70 set from GW that contains them is just too much, but I'm not worried about trying to panic-buy the issues with the plastics made in 5th Edition (Immortals/Deathmarks, Lychguard/Triarch Praetorians, Tomb Blades, Triarch Stalker) which are more affordable for what they offer. I'm definitely not going for 'multi-parter' issues where they divide sets over multiple issues (as they're currently doing with the Necron-Destroyer-ripoffs for Admech and will be doing with Tomb Blades) because I don't want to risk one of those issues being sold out and leaving me with just one or two Tomb Blades, because then I'll have to buy a box anyway and the whole point of getting them cheaper will be lost.
    Bowser likes this.
  14. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Imperial Guards + Genestealer cults = 2550 + 2550 pts
    Death Guards + CSM + Chaos Knights = 1700 + 1700 + 1700 pts

    - Background

    Cadia was rumored to be under attack.
    All the Proxima III Imperial Guard Command knew, was that the Eye was bright as never before, that the raids had intensified, and that reinforcements were not available. The imperial Commander watched the dark horizon, beyond the fortifications of the IV Base of the Imperial Claw West Sector. He could hear the rattle of the approaching enemy war machines. He could also feel the vibrations of the underground… from the underground hangars, the most valuable vehicles of the Guard were transferred to the internal defense line. Resources were limited and it made no sense to disperse them to defend too broad a front.
    His company had been ordered to slow down the enemy and protect the entrances to the hangars. He was under no illusions… he peered into the dark and saw some shapes move stealthily… the nameless workers, the servants who worked, suffered and died incessantly in the labyrinth of dungeons to keep the gigantic buried infrastructure operational.
    It seemed they were organizing themselves into some kind of militia to participate in the defense. Of course the poor outcasts would have died together with the base, but perhaps in the dark they could have fooled the Chaotics to waste a few hits on them.
    By the light of some torches, the Commander could see the workers almost clearly. Some had misshapen faces and 3 arms. Probably sanctioned heavy-duty mutants, like the Ogryns. They were equipping construction vehicles with modified armor and drill rigs. In the darkness they seemed almost threatening.

    The commanders of the Legions of Chaos were in a hurry. The rush was due to 2 good reasons. Both the orbital data and the advanced raiders had indicated that the imperial defenses were inadequate ... Outnumbered troops and tanks, no astartes and a handful of militiamen. An easy massacre was one of the greatest joys: even if they wanted to, they couldn't hold back the troops that craved killing. The commanders themselves couldn't wait to have the loyalists reunite with their corpse-god.
    The second reason was that they too had orders, and they were very clear. Strike immediately, enter the bunkers shielded from orbital bombing, prevent the fugitives from rejoining the innermost defenses and create problems for subsequent fights. And disregarding these orders would have had only one consequence ...

    there are 2 different kind of primary objectives: 5 are regular ones, 3 are the entrances to the subterranean levels (and they give different amount of points)
    Lizards of Renown, Bowser and Imrahil like this.
  15. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    The board:

    (all the buildings, bunkers included, and also the relict of the Baneblade, negate LoS)




  16. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    TURN 1 - CHAOS

    the whole "allied" army (leaving aside a couple of units in reserve) moves forward to grab a hold of the middleboard and starts shooting.
    Due to how GSC works, there are very few units on the battlefield (in line of sight) and so we exact a heavy toll on the Guards.
    Exploiting the cover and the LoS, the imperial player manages to salvage his most precious damage dealers, but many lesser vehicles are gone for good, letting the knights accumulate secondary VPs.

    05-Chaos advancing.jpg

    06-Chaos advancing.jpg

    Shot 2.jpg


    the counterpunch is solid.
    the tank commanders are going to strike...

    07-Imperial counterpunch.jpg

    the imperial shooting, paired by the first wave of genestealers' meleers, open some holes in the Chaotic line.
    The despoiler and 2 wardogs are no more, the center is recaptured, and also on the wings we suffer some loss (a helbrute and a venomcrawler)

    08-Imperial counterpunch.jpg
  17. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    We grind them down.
    What is clear now, is that the "imperial" forces, probably faithful to the lore, didn't spoke too much between themselves.
    THe Guards are just being guards, and the genestealers wait the right moment to appear and strike.

    The obvious consequence is that we have still a good firepower, and the main target is the astra militarum. A Wardog is the first one that breaks into the rearline of defense!
    When we've done, the IG players sits on a few hundred points of survived stuff, while the GSC player still have his force almost intact.

    09-Chaos pushes.jpg

    10-Chaos pushes.jpg


    It's (finally) GSC time!
    a swarm of hungry (and angry) monster comes out from their tunnels and shatters our frontline, supported by the remnants of the IG.
    The Tyrant and a wardog fall, a DG daemon prince is killed, another venomcrawler, the defiler...

    the Chaos knights (as force) are shred to pieces, the CSM suffer, the DG is almost full.

    we suffer the hit but we don't crumble: our opponents weren't able to coordinate their efforts.

    3-4th TURN

    with 2 terminator squads and a psyker coming from deep strike in the rearlines, a shooting wardog, a couple of demon princes still active and 1500 pts of DG still rolling at full health, we manage to grind the GSC to a halt.

    11-Chaos holds.jpg

    my last wardog explodes, but it doesn't matter: we are almost on par on the secondaries, but the primariy points give us a solid lead.

    Last edited: Apr 30, 2022
  18. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Great battle reports @Killer Angel!

    Painting was slow for me for the rest of April, but I have started May with some lightning claws to a previously-painted marine:

    warden20220507_space wolves reiver with lightning claws 1.jpg

    Saw there have been a ton of new reveals on warhammer community recently, was hoping for some lizards but I guess it is not there time. Horus Heresy stuff looks neat... but will probably be really expensive?
  19. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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  20. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    The Necrons took back a world that was colonized by an inferior race.
    THe Black Templars strongly disagree.

    The Necrons are holding back the puny humans, halting their advance at the center of the board, with a wise use of the ghost arks on both sides.

    Necrons v BT 1.jpg

    while the Night Scythe drops 10 Lichguards in their backline!

    Necrons v BT 2.jpg

    Alas, we were forced to stop the game after T3.
    I was slightly ahead, but it was a game really balanced.
    Imrahil, Kilvakar, Warden and 3 others like this.

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