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The never-ending battle against woke Hollywood and SJW infused entertainment media [trigger warning]

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by NIGHTBRINGER, Oct 14, 2021.


    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Three points (and a bonus one):
    1. I genuinely chuckled out loud upon reading this. :p
    2. By the default nature of the universe means that you would nearly always be in perfect alignment with @Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl
    3. download.jpg download.jpg download.jpg download.jpg download.jpg images.jpg images.jpg images.jpg +_0c219f7b0c7b645245ab9b0d874f00ab.jpg 683s7c.jpg

    Poor narcissistic NIGHTBRINGER didn't even have is name capitalized (by which I mean all the letters, not just the first one) :p;)
  2. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    @Scalenex , @NIGHTBRINGER , @Putzfrau

    You know what? I’m not sure I agree with the last developments. In a certain way, I partially disapprove your stances.
    1 – yes, Putzfrau poke Nightbringer, not much longer after the previous “debate”, and that was his fault.
    2 – Putzfrau this time was not out for blood. I saw no personal attacks here (unless i missed or misjudged something), and you cannot blame him for having a different view on the subject. His arguments may repeat themselves, but the same can be said for many of our counterpoints.
    3 – this thread is the endless debate against woke Hollywood. It’s not the thread to make fun of it and please abstain from debate the contrary. It’s perfectly fine to have a discussion on the topic. I definitely disagree that this thread is not for debate.

    For example, the last time i've had a debate with Putzfrau on the historical presence of inclusiveness in human culture, on a worldwide scale.
    This time we are debating on the real monetary effects of the woke approach.
    SW disney trilogy was woke and was a terrible product, but still it made a large amount of money (albeit much less than what probably was expected, and it's regarded as a colossal narrative failure).
    Ghostbuster 2016 was a dumpster fire, but so was "Cats", and you cannot blame wokeness for it.
    So, there could be room for a debate that the main sin falls on bad decisions, bad producers and bad directors, and the woke approach is only one of the many (apparently easy) paths chosen by an increasing number of people that are not suited for their job.

    I, for example, tend to see "woke signals" as red alerts that the author/s is/are lazy and are just jumping on the vagon. The product most likely won't be good because of that.
    Kinda like when you see some magic decks or some WH lists, that are just copy and paste of tournaments winners. Chances are that I am seeing a list made by someone which is lazy and doesn't even understand why those were successful, and most probably hasn't the skills to create something good and new.
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2022
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  3. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    And you're wrong, pal, I'm not going to say "I leave you guys alone for a couple of days and look what happens!"...
    I leave you lot after less than a month since I commented on the last shitstorm, and you're at it again - I might have to follow you all to make sure I get leads on what you're up to and can check you all are behaving!

    I don't need to do that, @Lizards of Renown has done it for me on the appropriate thread :p

    Personally I agree that Netflix deliberately altering an actual historical character for their Vikings sequel to fit political agenda is BS, and am surprised given that another Netflix (originally BBC) Dark Ages series, The Last Kingdom, has been exceptionally good and avoided sacrificing believable characters and historical accuracy to satisfy the Extreme Left thus far. I believe I've advocated it before as a top-quality historical series, but it's also worth a watch if you simply want to watch a series without forced identity politics, because there is none. There are some good female characters with varying degrees of strength and independence, who have been included purely to serve as different characters (that Mr. Cornwell wrote into his books for one) and not as agents of female supremacism.

    And given that Shakespeare's MacBeth was based on a real-life Scottish king, who can certainly be considered a white male, personally I think Denzel Washington's turnout as him smells almost as much of PC-ness as the Vikings example. Note that if he had been cast as a purely fictional character from Shakespeare's plays such as the Merchant of Venice, I wouldn't have any objection, given that he is entirely fictional and can be interpreted to be of any race. Indeed this particular character would be a good choice for a culturally-diverse lead role because, as a merchant, he could have any number of backstories involving travelling from his own country to Venice to sell stuff. That can be incorporated very nicely into the casting without it looking forced and not injecting politics into the story in any way. However, reinventing historical characters of any form to suit political agenda is repulsive, as people have quite rightly stated with their boycott of Channel 5's black Anne Boleyn and the mutiny we've just seen toward the black female Jarl Haakon. Of course the critics have different views to me on Denzel's MacBeth, but I've never listened to critics' views even before the woke crisis emerged.

    Disney actively supporting an American political bill that is derided by left-wingers like Grandpa Joe is a surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one (I personally think it's a good thing, young children shouldn't have their innocent minds melted by that sort of stuff). If they've finally realised that storytelling without politics sells a lot more than storytelling with politics and are aiming to recover their income by reverting to non-PC content, then they have my support with that. Unfortunately it's still profit that has motivated this decision rather than a direct change in conscience, but at least it has been made in the first place. Maybe this will bode well for upcoming Star Wars series like Kenobi and Andor. However, a lot of work still needs to be done when giants like Netflix and Amazon are still clearly suffering from the after-effects of the Woke Bug's caustic venom.

    Is the silent majority winning? Only time will tell.
    NIGHTBRINGER likes this.
  4. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Shakespeare Macbeth is sooooo different from the real Macbeth that I consider Shakespeare's Macbeth a fictional character.

    Much like the Leonidas from 300 is a fictional character.

    Banquo, the guy Macbeth tried to kill and got away was a distant ancestor of the then contemporary king of England. Essentially, this entire play was to lick the new king's boots.
  5. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    a bit woke a lot funny.
    Lizards of Renown likes this.
  6. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Given that it makes fun of vegetarians, I would say it is not woke, but that's splitting hares, which vegetarians would not approve of.
  7. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    the thing is it's not making fun of them, this is a legitimate DC comic page. batcow is a real character who lives in a barn out back of Wayne manor and Damián actually became (and still is) a vegetarian.
  8. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Reality is crazier than parody. SJWs are unknowingly mocking themselves.
    NIGHTBRINGER and Erta Wanderer like this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    As the OP and creator of this thread, I'm the only one that can sidestep guesswork and speak to actual intent of its design. @Scalenex is correct in his assessment. This thread was created to serve as a collection of material, updates and discussion AGAINST woke bull*#$% in Hollywood. There are already a large number of debate-orientated threads available, or a new one can be fashioned (I fail to believe that I'm the only one who can create a thread with any sort of traction).

    Thread title: "The never-ending battle against woke Hollywood and SJW infused entertainment media [trigger warning]". In orders words, thread versus woke. That was the original intended design of the thread, and this is evidenced by the first half of the thread before all this fiasco was initiated. The thread was not crafted with the intent to debate the merits of woke inclusion or exclusion in Hollywood media or anything of the like.

    That said, sometimes threads do deviate from their original indented purpose (i.e. the Star Wars vs. Star Trek thread). However, changing this thread to a never-ending battle between the opposing sides of Hollywood wokeness (a.k.a. normal people versus woke SJWs) does change its complexion to one with a far darker potential. Such a change takes us from forumites battling woke Hollywood to forumites battling forumites. And the purpose of battle is to slay, break or utterly destroy your opponent (in this case verbally). In such a contest, at least historically, forum etiquette universally fails (we've already seen that once in this very thread). Now if we're talking a no-holds barred contest, where forum rules are suspended... I'm game :vamp:. It would be glorious in its aggression and debauchery! But since I know that is never going to be put on the table, can't we just have thread free of pseudo-fights?

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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  11. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    man Hollywood really hates gingers for some reason
  12. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Once you create a thread, it is no more "yours" (well, unless it's a handbook for an army, but it's a corner case), so your power over it it's kinda limited.
    That said, i'm not going to start discussions. I'm more than happy to bash woke hollywood as per the original intent.
    But i won’t avoid the chance to debate something if a chance will arise again. ;)

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    An interesting take and a surprising one. You feel like you can precisely define what a thread is or isn't...
    ...but the creator of the thread can't? Nobody "owns" a thread, but forum practice has historically revolved around staying somewhat true to the original intent/design of the thread, especially at the request of the person who set up the thread. In this case, I was only doing it to try to keep the peace. That said, I like Chaos!

    The implications of that stance is that anyone is free to hijack and divert any thread at their whim. Fair enough, as long as we all abide by that stance across the board. That favors those with the loudest voices, the greatest posting frequency and a propensity to troll. :D

    For the record, it would be no different than a person hijacking a thread about what is best about AoS to completely rip on AoS. o_O

    Call this a social experiment. My original hypothesis was true.

    I retract my former call for peace and replace it with: If you come at the king, you best not miss!

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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  15. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    i feel i need to clarify what i was implying.
    Certain threads are made just to be "guides". If you make a Chaos Dwarfs handbook, well, that's it. At most we will debate on certain units, but you are not going to talk about Star Wars.
    Other threads are much more alive, the creator gives an input and we stay on topic.
    But it's very possible to diverge from it.
    I recall on another forum there was "The Great Metal Thread". it was obviously made to discuss heavy metal. At a certain point we spent 4-5 pages talking about prog rock, jazz, country and similar. The thread was not made for that, but it went there. Then the intended discussion returned to its natural flow.
    Why the thread's creator should stop a discussion that is going on? Sooner or later someone (even the creator) will post something along "Back on topic, I've heard rumors about the next Iron Maiden album". Or "Back on topic, here's a new leak for the woke lotr, Elrond will be gay".
    The title of the thread speaks for itself, any discussion will tend to turn to the original topic.

    which, BTW:
  16. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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  17. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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  18. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Orphan Annie, Arial (Disney), Mary Jane Watson (Marvel), Wally West (DC), Iris West (DC), Jimmy Olson (DC), Starfire (DC), Jimmy Olson (they changed him twice), Chani (Dune).

    Jean Gray seems to remain a ginger, but it doesn't help that the latest X-Men movie fell flat.

    I think they axed a redhead on the Witcher series but I neither watched that or played the game.

    A lot of red heads are from comic books and video games. They are disproportionately represented in these medias because artist like bright colors and striking characters and red hair is fairly uncommon in the real world. It is noted that pre-21st century, in Irish media, red heads are proportionally represented. The only place in the world that didn't historically over represent gingers is the country that has the most redheads per capita on Earth.

    It is usually a ginger being recast as a black actor/actress but sometimes they are recast as a blond or their character is killed early without fanfare.

    I get that in the name of "representation" but I don't see why blondes and brunnettes are less likely to be race swapped.

    Clownfish TV loves to go into this rant, half joking, half serious. One of the cohosts is ginger.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Different initial underlying cause, in that we fully agree, but just as vulnerable to the proposed precedent that threads can be hijacked at will.

    In the end, I suppose I don't really care, the rule stands to benefit me the most! :p
    Lizards of Renown likes this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    With most of Hollywood going down the self-destructive path of wokeness, it's nice to see comedians fighting back. You've got to respect those that stand up against the leftist push, plus it is entertaining as hell.

    Despite Netflix's push towards wokeness and identity politics (Cuties, Master's of the Universe, Cowboy Bebop, Hannah Gadsby, etc.), it is only fair to point out that they also have anti-woke content as well (someone has to pay the bills). We've talked a great deal about Dave Chappelle previously, but there are others too. This is an older clip (2019) from Bill Burr's Paper Tiger special...

    Lizards of Renown and Scalenex like this.

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