That is exactly what it is. What a colossal creative bungle and the execution is even worse, it feels like a snap chat filter or poorly made fan trailer.
Well, if I was WS, I would have vetoed live action and blue body paint... ...still not as embarrassing as: Zardoz.
Just you wait, Warhammer 40K will actually happen now that the evil Emperor of Mankind has emerged! So am I!
Suddenly, any vague idea i could had to see it, vanished as dust in the wind. Years ago I was lured into it by the presence of Sean Connery. Luckily, with the passing of time, my mind erased the details, so now i just remember my thought about it, which more or less was "NEVER MORE".
Will Smith used to be one of my favorite actors. As far as I'm concerned After Earth killed his career. That was the worst movie I ever sat through the entirity of. I would say Battlefield Earth (a less thinly veiled Scientology reference) was worse but I could only watch fifteen minutes of it before I had to stop. Perhaps The Adventures of Pluto Nash was a worse movie but it had some kind of "so bad it's good" vibe that made it enjoyable to watch ironically if inebriated. I was however sober so I could not watch very much of it. They made a movie based on that one episode of Rick and Morty? But now back to randomness. via Imgflip Meme Generator