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The Shrine to Lost Armies

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Crowsfoot, Jan 24, 2018.

  1. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    You know its really funny that you mention that, because the very first piece of Lizardmen fan fiction was actually called "Pirates of the Dragon Isles." It was story #4 in the April/May 2016 Short Story contest over in the fluff section of the forum. It actually got some votes :happy:!

    I never had any beastmen myself, but my brother collected them as his first army before he started collecting Wood Elves too. I have some experience warhammering against both (6th-8th ed rules), but I always felt that GW never did them justice. Especially the Beastmen, they always seemed auxilliaries at best within the overarching "Chaos" faction instead of a strong, independent force in their own right.

    I liked the combined "forest spirit" and "wood elves" armies better than having them as two seperate forces, they had some good synergy on the tabletop and looked nice as a group together. I am not a big fan of the undead-tree-spirit-things that came about recently, if they had stuck with the treeman and dryad aesthetic that would have been better.
    Ritual and NIGHTBRINGER like this.
  2. Lord-Marcus

    Lord-Marcus Sixth Spawning

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    as to the sylvaneth thing, its mainly my dislike of GW splitting durthu into fragments of his self to sell more models
    Ritual likes this.
  3. TheSkeptic
    Chameleon Skink

    TheSkeptic Active Member

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    The Beastmen never really had the spotlight on them in WFB era, no, and it's been ages since I last saw Beastmen focused on as the main antagonists in any official Warhammer literature, and I don't think there's been any in AoS period. Do see them sometimes, but it's always in support of other Chaos armies. I guess it's their way of slowly choking out the armies they don't have any interest in producing new AoS models for in favour of the Stormcast and the main Chaos forces. Poor Halflings ceased to exist and no one even noticed, since they simply stopped mentioning them.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Pretty much!
    Ritual likes this.
  5. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Dwarfs and Skaven, as well as being in charge of my dad's High Elves and Greenskins. I'm also REALLY tempted to start Tomb Kings with the new Mantic Empire of Dust range, but at the moment am still building up the Skaven and High Elves.

    Start Tyranids, not Tau! I implore you as a cerebrate follower of the Hive Mind to choose Tyranids over Tau. Tyranids are more fun as you can devour EVERYTHING!!!!!!!

    Agreed about the Revenants and Drycha - I think they look horrible. The Kurnoth Hunters aren't so bad as they are more similar to the Treeman which was originally designed for Wood Elves.

    Top tip for Wood Elf players: if you're looking for some Tree Kin, try using some Kurnoth Hunters with close combat weapons on square bases - they'll look great, I guarantee you that.

    My main grudge against Alarielle is of all the characters, why on earth did GW choose to resurrect her over so many other characters who were so much better?

    I was thinking of getting the Empire of Dust starter army as a starter TK force, but was wondering about the Mummies that are included - they don't look very Egyptian, yet Tomb Guard are more mummies than elite skeletons. Are Mummies or Revenants the equivalent of Tomb Guard?
    Lord-Marcus, Crowsfoot and Ritual like this.
  6. Ritual

    Ritual Well-Known Member

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    My issue with Tyranids is the amount of things you end up painting... So many of the same little things. It's like an IG army without the tanks.
  7. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    That's also my main concern about them. They look pretty horde warfare oriented.
    Also: As a Seraphon player I am very used to painting skin and scales and other natural stuff. That would be the same with Tyranids. I admit the carapaces are very cool looking and maybe I could do some nice effects on them....but what I really want to go for is getting out of my comfort zone and paint something that is metal, hard plastic or another artificial material. Machinery and stuff.

    I am aware it will probably be a disaster since it will really show how much I lack painting skills, but I want to practice that and IMO giant robots are a good way to do that.
    I will probably start with a small unit just to get a feel for it, and if I like it I'll buy a Start Collecting set and then one of the BIG ones like the Riptide.

    But again that's still a bit in the future. Might happen this year but not before I finished my AoS armies up to the planned point.
    Warden, Crowsfoot and Ritual like this.
  8. Ritual

    Ritual Well-Known Member

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    Painting something totally different was interesting, my first foray into it was re-doing the Fabius Bile and that was a fun experience. Definitely worth doing, you learn a lot quickly by jumping in at the deep end.
    Crowsfoot likes this.
  9. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    This thread makes me happy.
    Not only for Tomb Kings, but also for my poor dwarfs, that survived the end times in a very small number. (all those wonderful characters as Thorgrim, Bugman, the White Dwarf himself and so on)
  10. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    But then Tau are the same - all those Fire Warriors to paint...

    In any case, Tyranid swarm creatures are cheap but their monsters are pretty expensive in points - I always use a good few monsters with my Tyranids so my army is often much smaller bu also a lot better. Painting massive great alien monsters is fun because you can spend loads of time on them to make them brilliant centrepieces to your force.

    In fact Tyranids are probably one of the most versatile forces in 40K - they can have hordes of expendable gribblies, medium-sized Warriors and Genestealers that are formidable in combat against even Terminators and huge monsters that can squish anything they touch.

    Why don't you try Necrons or Adeptus Mechanicus instead? Certainly Necrons are far tougher and don't need to rely upon an especially weak unit to give the rest of the army decent performance (Pathfinders). Also Adeptus Mechanicus are a more creepy and unnerving side to the Imperium that deserves to have more of a following. They're more original and interesting than Space Marines... ;)

    This is why I dislike Alarielle @Aginor - they could have had Thorgrim be resurrected in a new plastic throne of power, or Ungrim Ironfist on a massive fire-lizard, but no, they resurrect the Everqueen who does virtually nothing in 8th Edition. In fact she is a pretty bad, minor character in Warhammer Fantasy who really deserved to be forgotten.
    Warden, Aginor and Ritual like this.
  11. Lord-Marcus

    Lord-Marcus Sixth Spawning

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    Sort of a middle ground here.

    Revenants are armored infantry.

    Mummies are mummies

    Tomb guard are armored skeletons, but so could conceivably any armored skeleton warrior.

    Hence my using old metal STYLE tomb guard as revenants and the new ones with the wacky halo helmets/skullcaps as mummies

    The army set is good otherwise. And mantics mummies, while not the greatest nor the best themed, do have charm and a use.
  12. Lord-Marcus

    Lord-Marcus Sixth Spawning

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    Why are we talking current 40k armies in a lost armies of fantasy thread?

    Warden and Ritual like this.
  13. Ritual

    Ritual Well-Known Member

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    Because we didn't get the "free for all talk about other armies" forum, so this will do :p

    In other news, I wouldn't mind a TK army, they've got some cool looking models for sure. It's sad they're lost to the ages...
    Warden likes this.
  14. Lord-Marcus

    Lord-Marcus Sixth Spawning

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    They are not truly lost, if you know where to look
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  15. Ritual

    Ritual Well-Known Member

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    You can get them easily from a recaster, but the few recasts I've got my hands on are far below GW quality.
  16. Lord-Marcus

    Lord-Marcus Sixth Spawning

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    Depends on the caster. The stuff I've gotten is middle ground to good. Which for being OOP,I'll take.
    Ritual likes this.
  17. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    My friend picked Adeptus Mechanicus as his first 40K army so I don't want to play the same army of course. Also all humans are basically a no-go for me. I hate their fluff and for me it is hard to completely ignore it. That's alsow why I don't want to play Space Marines, with the possible exception of Salamanders which - from a fluff point of view - seem to be relatively OK dudes compared to other Space Marines or humans in general.

    Necrons.... Robot Skeletons filled with nothing but hate - although kinda cool - are not my style. I enjoy looking at them but I wouldn't want to paint them. Maybe play them, don't know since I haven't seen their Codex (or aynthing about their rules) yet.

    Orks and the Chaos guys.... bah. Don't like how they look mostly, except demons because those just look as in AoS.

    So yeah, Tau because I like giant Anime style robots. (Dark?) Eldar have those too IIRC but....fluff and so on... Tau are much more bearable for me. Nobody in that crapsack universe is a "good guy" judging by any meaningful standard, but the Tau seem to be fairly close at least. Well, sometimes. At least they don't mindlessly slaughter anyone including their own people permanently. The descriptions of Empire Hive Worlds or whatever those places where humans live are called make me want to puke. And the Emperor and his Government seem to be not only assholes but idiotic assholes not better than demons 98% of the time. No thanks.

    Tyranids are OK because they are pretty much a natural disaster. They just want to eat everybody and go on. They probably don't even have a choice. Humans do. But they chose to be religiously fanatic, idiotic assholes.

    So yeah not playing anything Empire, at least not until I have gotten used to the world a bit more. 40K fluff is really appalling to me most of the time. I would have to play them ironically and I am not sure I would have fun doing that.

    I completely understand that, Had I played 8th I would probably agree. But since I have no clue who all the guys mentioned above are....any of those would have been as good to me as Alarielle (well, maybe not because Alarielle is at least a somewhat nice looking woman and I kinda like the Elf-wizard being reborn as tree-goddess-thing story).

    I guess this thread quickly became a "all others" general discussion thread which seems to be popular judging by the number of posts in that short time. :)
    Warden and Ritual like this.
  18. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Meh, at least we should try to limit it to fantasy and do 40k in a different thread
    Ritual likes this.
  19. Lord-Marcus

    Lord-Marcus Sixth Spawning

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    I agree.

    So about the dwarf thing, I quite like the magmadroth, if only for conversion potential.

    I agree not seeing true dwarves (dispossessed?) Is disheartening, as the longbeard kit is wicked awesome
    Killer Angel likes this.
  20. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    I am also a bit sad about Dwarves in AoS (or the lack of). I am a fan of the classic Tolkien Dwarves, so I could imagine playeing a Dispossessed army. But.....meh. Fyreslayers are not _bad_ but the naked Dwarf thing is not so great for me. Neither are the Kharadron Overlords. IMO they overdo the steampunk a bit. Although I admit that some of the elements on their armor look pretty cool.

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