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AoS The summoning of nurgle

Discussion in 'Seraphon Discussion' started by Canas, Jan 30, 2018.

  1. Canas

    Canas Ninth Spawning

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    1) I'm not sure what you mean, I never said summoning had it easy. My point is that nurgle summoning doesn't need the reinforcement costs as I consider the limitations currently posed by the contagion points to be enough (unless it turns out you can generate massivly more points than I'm expecting). Also, minor sidenote, gnarlmaws cost 0 reinforcement points, so no points to lose.

    3) I never said that endless free summoning would be "fair". Just that reinforcement points are a terrible solution to the problem posed by free endless summoning. It's a bandaid solution and unfortunatly not the only bandaid that came with the GHB.

    4) I disagree with the makes sense with. Or at least i disagree with it being a good idea to use this rule specificly, it being a good idea to treat all similar mechanics similarly isn't something I can disagree with :p

    GW rulebooks regularly state to use common sense when in doubt. My common sense would be that adding reinforcement costs to the nurgle summoning would make it borderline unuseable for anything other than spamming gnarlmaws with how slow the contagion points generate. Add to that that it's a major overhaul of the summoning mechanic and that death gets a similar major summoning overhaul and that we know they're not happy with the current state of summoning and I can't help but conclude that applying reinforcement points here would be silly.

    And yeah, playing RAW tends to be better, but GW does have a tendency of making weird rules that require interpretation regardless, and a tendency to encourage it as well. Which often does tend to make it less of an issue with their games.

    Also, that's kind of hilarious in how lame it'd make the artifact... the 2017 GHB does seem to have "broken" quite a lot of mechanics with some of its bandaid rules, you'd think it'd not be that difficult to at least keep the existing mechanics somewhat intact..
  2. Wazz

    Wazz Well-Known Member

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    About the Destruction needing a boost, I totally agree. Ironjawz have been my go too lately bc A) a list of reasons addessed in another thread forgot the name. Sorry! And B) they get new fluff. I used them in a 2000 point set list tournament with friends. There is a weird issue with matched play where at certain points army A is op where army B is meh. At 1000 points or during Path to Glory Ironjawz are super mean bc they have great stats on their own with little buffs. At 2000 points most armies can cram in their support heroes and since pure Ironjawz have 1 ranged attack without counting spells, can't get to the heroes in back and lose out to the buffed units blocking them. That is the big issue with Destruction I feel like. I'e used my gfs Maggotkin recently they feel like a great army, I didn't go overboard with summoning mostly more gnarlemaws to bottleneck and block line of site. I don't remember seeing anywhere where it said they can't move after the summon either, but will check when I get home. Our summoning could work where we interpret the stars and get d3 star energy per wizard a turn. Maybe 2 d3 for a Slann. D6 for Kroak.
  3. Canas

    Canas Ninth Spawning

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    Ironjawz,and destruction in general sound like the inverse of our army, fairly good individual units but with about 0 synergy. So yeah, not surprised that at low points they rule while at higer points they get significantly worse.

    As for our own summoning, I'd make it a variation on what nurgle has, simply making it the same but with some different flavor text wouldn't be too inspired. But we could definitly do something with interpetring the stars, or forming constalations with our heroes (get a point if your slann has skink priests around him forming a certain shape :p) it'd be unique if nothing else :p

    By the way, 1D6 is probably worse than 2D3. 2D3 averages 4, minimum 2, D6 averages 3.5 minimum 1.
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  4. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    I can say from experience that they (Ironjawz) are VERY scary in Skirmish and games <=1000 points.
    Then suddenly Seraphon become so good that the Ironjawz rarely win, because our synergies kick in.
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  5. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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  6. Wazz

    Wazz Well-Known Member

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    That is true, I think it was more of me just looking at the words on paper than the actual outcome lol. Thanks for pointing that out!
    Aginor likes this.

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