Absolutely keep those photos coming, and here's a vote, FWIW, in favor of colorful armies. I personally do not think your Terradon is too orange at all!
Amazing work. I would like to know how you made the skink musician that is in the Skrox unit. It is awesome. The Skink priest is great too. I was thinking that was a cobra mace (the one mazdamundi has) until I read that it was a blood statuette.
It's just made from giant blowpipe parts from the stegadon box. I just entered the Carnosaur into his second competition, over on bitzbox.co.uk. 2nd Place best painted!
It's been a while. Christmas. Birthday. No sleep. Crazy. New year means new army, so I've been scurrying with the Skaven. I just finished my monthly goal however, giving me a chance to enter my local GW's painting comp. The theme is 'Heroes and villiains'. An idea I just had to run with. I was mostly inspired by the Eavy Metal Storm of Magic Chimaera after seeing it up close last year. It's made up almost entirely of bits I got as a prize from the last competition I entered! After seeing someone else's wonderfully sculpted Chameleon Skinks elsewhere on the forum (you know who you are...), I thought I'd share mine; I began making 6 of them when I started my army, but the project lost priority to other things. This one was made from leftover bits of putty from other things and built up over months until it was finally finished. Enjoy!
really cool idea for the chameleons, to make them less humanoid. it really works imo naturally the painting is superb on the other skink too. GL in the competition
I have been away from the forums for a while now and saw this post and I'm that I went through the entire thing. I have to say that your painting and sculpting skills are beyond impressive! I couldn't find a single thing to criticize on because everything was nicely executed. Keep up the good work!
my mouth kind of dropped open looking at these. freaking awesome! those chameleons came out really well
I wish it was chameleon skinks (plural), at the moment it's just the one. ...Just stumbled upon this pic on google; http://sanguinesons.blogspot.com/2011/10/games-day-best-of-restmore-new-stuff.html Every time I went to look at it on the day there was always someone taking a photo of it, I knew one would turn up sooner or later. That's really humbling!
I just started a WFB army and Lizardmen is my 1st army... your Lizardmen has serve a great inspiration for me and I want to use your colour scheme as reference when I started to paint mine sometime soon. I totally agreed that all the bright bold colours of the 90's need to be revived. All the models presented on the tabletop this time around are awefully dull and flat. I collect and play Tyranids and for 10 great years with W40k my Nids were all in bright and striking colours. Btw, great paint job and awesome conversion you got there. Hope to see and learn more from you. Cheers~
Hey Neveroddoreven, what did you use on the bases for those ferns and leaves? I would love to have something like that for my lizardmen bases.
I'm always on the lookout for little jungly plants. The ferns, such as the ones on the carnosaur base, come from the Games Workshop basing kit. The plants I've used throughout the army (such as on the base of my recent skink competition piece) come from the Catachan Heavy sprues. Anything else is usually just various plastic aquarium plants or good ol' sculpting. I've recently come up with some new terrain ideas, so I'll be trying more things soon. Speaking of which, anyone like to comment on my scenery? I worked quite hard to make it. My old 'Nids were painted exactly the same as the terrain I had at the time, for camouflage tactics! Have you seen the German Golden Demon winners? They're quite vibrant, I was pleasantly surprised. I won that recent competition by default (the other entries pulled out!), and I'm about to start work on my next entry. This month's theme is 'killing in the name of'. Tehenhauin on a stegadon. It's gonna be a biggy!
This is a beautiful army. Thanks for posting it as it gave me some ideas for making my own lizards look better =D.
Some new additions; Razordon. And of course, Tehenhauin and a new stegadon. Thread with more pics here - http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/a-stegadon-step-by-step-journal.8769/