/ragequit theres no f****ng way i can top that, I swear to god this guy paints faster than jesus how do we compete with that D:
I'm not here to compete with anyone, so please don't count me as a participant in the contest, I just wanted to share some of what I've been working on since I just started painting my Lizardmen army. If it helps, I won't be joining any future ones either. The last thing I want is to be counter-productive to the spirit of the thread by demotivating others. I've been painting for a long time and can crank out models if I'm sticking to simple techniques. Anyway, I stopped by the forums to post some pictures of what I worked on this morning. The EOTG and Skink Priest got based, and I painted a handful of Temple Guard. Again, if my posting in the thread is a problem, someone just say so and I'll stop. Temple Guard and Based EOTG & Skink Priest (along with what the TG looked like before):
don't be silly, this is a painting thread and I for one love seeing what other people are doing with their models. I'm definitely using it as inspiration not demotivation. Another round of good work! On another note, 15 Chameleons, 1 Salamander & Handlers and Krog-gar, Chakax and Skink Priest to do next? 49.
Wow very nice work. Whats with the grey carnosaur in the background? Undercoated grey, or sneaky plastic?
The models are primed/undercoated Uniform Grey (it's the GW metal model). Compared to white primer, it's easier for me to see details with the grey, and it keeps things a little less bright and doesn't require the extra coats of paint that models primed black can sometimes need. I spent a little bit of time this evening and got most of a Salamander and its Handlers painted. They aren't properly based and need a little touch up still, but that will have to wait for next weekend. Salamander & Handlers:
Oh i feel so lazy, had a whole long weekend and didn't paint anything........ I better do some soon XD. I attempted to convert a skink into a standard bearer which resulting in the super glue cap falling off and ruining my model causing me to give up for the weekend. Poor skink he will always be remembered I might possibly be able to convert him into a cloak of feathers and hide it all I dont know yet.
Nothing completed this week for me but after an hour a nite I finally got all my damn island of blood minis off sprues and ready for primer. Going for flesh primer fro the skave and white for the high elves. I'm really excited to paint both with an overall colour scheme (my lizardmen I never considered that idea and just painted everyone kinda random)
Isn't that just because Skaven and HE are all the same? haha WIP shots from me too - Slann (i want his skin to end up a lot whiter, bit of drybrushing to do) pretty happy with the purple nurples, ties him back in with the rest of the army and his pink pet (just a trial colour). The whole palanquin looks fuzzy though, spray paint doesn't like metal apparently. May have to clean it off and hand brush it on. And the to-do pile - Salamander, 12x Camos, Skink Priest & Chief in the background, Biovore, 16x Hormagaunts and 3 Ripper Swarms i'm doing paint tests on. 49.
Yeah, you just can't compare with the variance of Lizardmen eh. Of the spearmem archers sea guard and swordmasters I have the only difference is a man figure with a spear, a bow, a spear/bow, a big sword. I will say they do have a dragon though which will be fun to get some time.
true, the HE dragon does look awfully impressive, the monsters are the main reason i started collecting DE's (haven't constructed any, but still.) In reality though how often are you painting dragons as compared to troops?
So seeing as how this is a slow painters challenge I am, once again, painting slowly and wasn't able to finish my warriors last week. So, hopefully I will have them done this week
Week 4 points update! not sure if Viarca wants to be officially included in the tally - i've put him in in the meantime though. Slow Painters Challenge - Week 4 Viarca - 12.6 points (Skink Priest, Slann, Stegadon, 3 Skink Handlers, Salamander) Eladimir - 11.8 points (16 Saurus/Temple Guard, Stegadon, Skink Priest, 8 Skink Handlers & 5 command) Josh Ichimaru - 7 points (Slann, Skink Priest, 5 Saurus) Juhaaha - 6.4 points (Titan Gladiator, Master Tormentor, 2 Beastmen Gors) sevensevensare49 - 4.2 points (HE Swordmaster, Oxyotl, Chakax) strewart - 2 points (Unit Filler) SeBM - 0.2 points (Saurus Warrior) 49.
Just dropped 1 carnifex, hive tryant 13 gaunts 13 homogaunts 3 warriors, 4 gene stealers 1 biovore and 1 ravenger into a bucket of detol seconds ago, im stripping them and might repaint them. But I brought SC2 yesterday and im really "busy" playing it XD
This weekend's project was 12 Saurus Warriors. It will probably be the last bit I paint for at least two weeks, as I'm about to head off to China for work (taking some vacation time while we're there as well). Saurus Warriors: Everything so far (Slann, EOTG, Salamander & Handlers, 12 Saurus & 5 Temple Guard):
Yeah the colour theme looks excellent. I got a test model skaven and test model high elf done this weekend I'll get some pictures up soon.
Ugh I still haven't gotten my warriors done. Just been so busy with things and have had so many other distractions (like my first party at my new apartment this past weekend .