Once again updated the list of participants because I'M A TOTAL NOOB!!!!!!!!!!!! - SeBM - Eladimir - Rokanos (maybe) - Casper Slok (maybe) - Strewart - Juhaaha - Wildboar - Josh Ichimaru - novatomato - Kaax Taat - sevensevenare49
Cool thanks SeBM, just wanted to make sure I was still in the contest. Like strewart said, probably a copy of an incomplete list from before, completely innocent mistake. Need someone to keep track of everyone's point score? I'm a spreadsheet whore so I'm happy to volunteer. 49.
Thanks sevensevenare49, I'll take you up on that offer (it will give me more time to paint mouahahahahahhahaha!!!).
Already done I can't really paint at work so I'll do this to keep me motivated. I've set it up by person and by model category, so whenever a finished pic is posted I'll update the spreadsheet. Also easier to find possible mistakes Want me to post a weekly update on scores? Since we're starting the 10th an update every Thursday? back to work! (yeah right) 49.
I'm having Birthday party on Thursday (aka. I'll be driking), so Do you mind If I post pic of stuff I need to paint on Wednesday?
I'll join in the fun. Just an idea but we could do it more like the one on ulthuan where for example you paint 100 points a month or 200 if you feel motivated and you get 2 jokers which is when you don't paint enough?? Thanks.
- SeBM - Eladimir - Rokanos (maybe) - Casper Slok (maybe) - Strewart - Juhaaha - Wildboar - Josh Ichimaru - novatomato - Kaax Taat - sevensevenare49 - Lizardninja
SeBM, nicely don thats quite the list of participants. The points thing sounds cool. I think if models are already mostly complete that painter can just assign a fair amount of point. ie maybe 1 point for 10 R&F, or whatever they think is fair. I think the same, this should be based on the trust system. For me I have 1 Terradon 1 Stegadon 30 Skinks 30 Saurus 16 TG (base coated) 30 Saurus (base coated) to do plus I really want to pick up the island of blood box for the mini rule book. so plenty of minis there.
Count me in for sure. Also, is there a point value taken into account for quality or did I miss that somewhere...or does it even matter? lol Just curious.
The main point of this competition is to paint stuff. Personnaly, I don't see the point of giving points for quality. I for one spend a lot of time painting my models, but I'm not the best painter out there. Some people are more talented for sure. I suggest that for this contest, we keep it at models painted. I don't think anyone will just dip their models in blue paint and call that a painted model .
I agree, kudos for sure to those who can paint though, I envy your dedication & patience. well damn, there goes my strategy haha. Definitely, i'm planning on getting my HE mini's from IoB out and painted. Plus they're the only models I have which my wife actually likes the look of (what is it about Women and Elves?), so I'm going to disappoint her by painting them red instead of blue. I'm hoping Red & Silver work. 49.
7x7=49: Thats a great idea, I talked my GF into painting my Terradon cause she liked it but doesn't want to do any of my other models. Maybe she can be recruited with High Elfy goodness. I'll let you know how it goes.
if the HE don't work, then maybe the WE will. Good luck either way! Pink models = total asskickers. Who'd want to fight a group of men brave enough to wear pink on the battlefield? Not me, that's for sure 49.
forgot to ask too SeBM, does it start 10th Feb local time? (wherever you may be in the world) or should I wait for the 11th my time to get going? Was planning on bringing some models into work & getting a start at lunchtime tomorrow that's all. (There's a GW a block from my work, i'm not going to be painting them at my desk!) 49.
I think that maybe if we all paint the same with like a 1 month deadline each month and then the best painter gets 10 points 2nd gets 9 ect ect and do it for so long so week 1&2 could be a large model eg slann or stegadon, or a small troops (skinks) or lrage troops sarus/krox ect ect
Local time, once again, I trust people on these boards. I know I've skipped some painting sessions in order to wait until the challenge starts. As for the point system Josh, the main goal of this contest is to get the most done in a given period of time. If we all paint the same stuff (and that would be hard, since we don't have all the same models) we wouldn't be able to do that. I have an idea for the next contest but I won't discuss it yet since this one isn't even started yet .
Super stoked for this! Can't wait to finish off my army, lol. I'll be off to a horribly slow start unfortunately (hurray work), but I've got a couple days off in a row which are going to consist of lots of coffee, netflix/music, and loads of painting Cheers to all participating and painting! Btw, I'm thinking we should all post a pic of our armies once this is finished, just to see the progress everyone has made through this!