Two washes done on 6 models. I'm gonna take a break to relax the neck a little bit and I should be back around 6h20 Eastern Time.
Hahaha, I started watching DS9 with my GF and now I'm watching TNG alone. Lots of video time for painting .
I started my slann from scratch today, I didnt take a photo thought, ive been painting for almost 7 hours strait now and im only half done if that I also took a few breaks inbetween, ill take a photo now and post it up with the finsihed slann. Sorry about that, goodluck with your painiting everyone!
also my steg in, I havent touched it since that post, the head is still in the sprew thing, and so is all the howdah, plust the chasi u have painted still needs a few touch ups, considering the howdah is the harder bit to paint would i be able to get 2 or 3 points out of this model considering it is slightly painted already?
So is it too late to join in? im definitely a slow painter, and need to get some motivation on painting, so this is a great idea! And i just got some razordons that i can start with since im having a really hard time deciding on my skink and saurus skin colors.... thanks
It's never too late to join the fun!!! Especially since I'm not the one keeping track of paints and all .
I expected to have something done by now, but I might be changing the skin color of my Saurus Warriors to match with the scales I like. I'll try to post something soon.... I'm really the slowest painter ever .
So here are the before pix of my starting effort. First off is 3 razordon hunting packs. I picked them up used, and just reprimed some of them white. So i guess ill try a new skink paint scheme and see if i like it for the rest of the skinks in the armies. but since i just saw this program yesterday, i had already started on some more terrain. so here is the primed charnel pit, and the GW Arcane ruins/chaos temple. So ill be working on them as well. so dont know if ill get any more progress tonight, but hopefully ill get some base coating done! later ~Edit by Strewart: I got rid of the space after .jpg in your links and they now work~
after 14 hours of painting my slann is done!!! Well almost, i dont have any greenstuff on me ill get some tomorow and glue him up then ime done! heres a pic! yes hes not perfect first slann I painted and I hope to god the last, that this is so hard to pain but im happy with how he turned out, the slann dosent look the great in this photo but he looks alot better in person! After a break I might pain some skinks or finish my stegg tell me what you all think!!!!
Sevenseven, nice looking HE model. Looks like he could use a bit of wash to add some depth and detail. I'd just go devlan mud on the entire model. Maybe badab on the metal areas afterward. Josh, thats a cool looking Slann! Nice work. I look forward to seeing the steg finished as well. Me? Nothing yet. Am finally about to start clearing up a bit though. I think I'm the slowest so far.
Strewart i have beaten you i have done none at all since the 10th but i will start today maybe doing some stuff on my carnosaur.
Is this turning into the 'who can be the slowest painter ever' contest? I don't think much would be done if it is.
Table cleared, ready to go at least. Have my army list written (in the army list section) so I have a plan for what I need to complete now. Also cleared shelf space for them to be displayed, VC army been packed away. Might get some done monday, its 11pm now.
It's not about being the slowest, it's about slow painters trying to paint stuff up in a decent ammount of time . I think Josh Ichimaru will deserve the first few points of the competition once he manages to glue his Slann. Nicely done Josh, you now have a centerpiece for your army and you can be proud of it. As for myself, I should be experimenting with a new skin color for my Saurus Warriors. If all goes well, I'll be going from a multiple highlighting skin tone to a simple base color/wash/single highlight scheme which should allow me to finish my 20 Saurus by tuesday. Gotta make sure the colors fit well together first.
thanks, you dont know how frustrated i was getting trying to figure that out! i followed the directions in the sticky and just couldnt see why it wasnt working! so thanks again
Here's an example of how to post a miniature with the Lustria-Online tag for the contest. Please note that these pictures are just examples, not finished models . The scales are pretty much done, the skin will receive an entirely new color this afternoon, I'll be experimenting .