I have a few errands to run, and then i'll be setting up and buckling down for a long paint session today. 21 saurus on the plate...hoping to have at least half of them base coated.
You guys are gonna laugh... I was working on 20 SW and I tryed seeing what the finished product would look like... Only to find out I really didn't like what I was doing. I now have 20 Saurus Warriors being cleaned and I'm working on a full test model before starting anything new... I suck, I really do .
I'm happy to say that I've (finally!) found a color scheme I like and I'm working on finishing a test model. I will post a picture when he's done. The painting scheme should also be 10 times faster then the GW one and the early results are promising .
Sweeet!...I can't say I've made any progress....I have a single SW's skin basecoated...my morale is just plum low today..worked drained me lol.
Looks damn good to me Josh, i like the grey skin. V.Cool. will love to see the Steg when you're done!
It was just a prelim shot, but took your advice strewart, I did a black wash on the armour and crest, then highlighted the crest in blood red. Did a wash of mud on the hair and face, just need to tidy up the cloak and do the gems on the guy and my test model will be complete! Then another 9 for a 2 points! Will post a pic tonight, let me all know what you think. 49.
Test model is done!!! I'm really happy with the results and I think it's by far my best work so far. I'll have a picture up tuesday and I should begin batch painting that same night. I think I could have 20 done by next sunday!!! Can't wait to see what you guys are working on.
Hey all, been a good weekend of painting and finally finished up my "temple guard" I own all OOP Saurus and have a box of new saurus so I thought I'd bone the heads and call them my temple guard. I might have to eventually convert the hand weapons to Halberds if people get cranky. 16 R&F for 3 points as I finally completed these guys. Based one as a test, I'll go back and do them all once I'm caught up on painting.
After a ridiculous amount of time I got my stegadon painted from scratch. Just the body for now trying to get the howdah to fit right and then paint it. Any suggestions on highlighting to the model? Washes or dry brushing scales?
Technically, 3.2 points but good enough for 2nd place so far! I'd probably give these guys a wash with the black as per below, will give them some much needed depth. like Hookadoodle said, I'd try a black wash on the scales to highlight the recesses and maybe dry brush them with a lighter green or bleached bone. And the black wash again on the base of the horns, try and give it a little less "just out the dealer showroom" look. Needs to be dirty Just MO, good looking Steg though so far! 49.
Thanks for the tips, yeah the R&F I gave a wash with with the Auzue Blue and if it was to thick it coloured the model blueish and to weak had no effect. So having issues making a medium impact. Do you guys pour some wash out and then thin it or just pot dip with a wet brush? Tried some dry brushing on each model too but not overly visible. Totally agree on the horn wash, tried mixing up some super thin brown to dirty the bone colour (which is pretty white imho) to little effect. I'll pick some black and green wash up this week.
If you want some color differentiation on the scales, you might try washing them with a dull blue color, and then making a 1:1 mix of that dull blue and the green you used on the rest, making a 2:1 dullblue to green as a highlight. As for the bone, I'd say, like everyone else, just throw some devlan mud on there. If you wanted to try and get fancy I can attempt to explain the way I did mine, but I'll warn you it took me forever. Cheers! Keep it up guys!
wash it with devlin mud i used the esact same paint scheme on my steg, devlin mud is the perfect wash for it.
Wow Eladimir, that's a very productive week-end!!!! Good job on the Saurus Warriors. The Stegadon is also looking very good. For the bones/horns, I basecoat Khemri Brown, then wahs with Devlan Mud. I then highlight with Bleached Bone, then highlight with 1:1 Skull White/Bleached Bone and give a final highlight of 3:1 Skull White/Bleached Bone. When applied properly, the results are interesting and I really think its worth trying on a model like the Stegadon since there is a lot of details on the horns.
skink priest half done, Ive got tafe tomorow but i think i can finish it while im at the hobby store, im also geting some glue and greenstuff to plainquin up my slann. lets just hope I dont destroy his paint job tee hee
as promised, here's a pic of my HE Swordmaster i've finished. Pretty happy with the result, esp. the gem on the sword. Let me know what you think! 49.
amazing love the opals they look stunning, everythings painted exremely well, the only possible thing i can think of to make it better is wash the chianmail with badab black or possibly devlin mud if you want it more brazen. I think the black in the gaps though for a very light wash will bring out alot more detail in the metal, with that I must go to sleep I hope to see all your paintings when i find time to check the forums tomorow