@NIGHTBRINGER is the news that Tomb Kings are coming back in plastic the reason for this renewed posting of glorious Nehekharan art?
Nope... it's all about the Forge of the Chaos Dwarfs for me at the moment. I actually found these pictures while searching for Chaos Dwarf content. At the moment I have little interest in TOW.
Er... how exactly? Is Google having a search criteria-matching meltdown, or did your mind just get distracted/derailed when Google happened to show a Tomb King piece of art from the same creator as a Chaos Dwarf piece?
No, I was on some weird website featuring Warhammer artwork. After looking through the Chaos Dwarf section, I perused some of the content for the other WHFB armies and came across these.
It really is. I remember when the Tomb Kings forum was like this. I'm still in a good mood but I just remembered one reason I hate AoS.