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8th Ed. Total Warhammer: Launch April 28th, Chaos as pre-order DLC

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Pinktaco, Oct 19, 2015.

  1. airjamy

    airjamy Well-Known Member

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    I wholly disagree with this, as i feel that it makes for very bad customer behaviour. Pre ordering should never be something you should do, do not give your money to someone if you do not know what you are buying. This is expecially true of a company with such a mired reputation as CA, who does not remember the terrible condition RTW 2 shipped in (broken models, the AI not being able to land in their ships, broken textures, more AI problems). As long as we as consumers keep rewarding developers by giving them money hand over fist before we have seen the goods, they have no incentive at all to improve their behaviour! I want a game, especially the game i have been dreaming of for years and years and years, to be good when i first play it. I dont want the stuff to be broken, and it will be if you keep buying before any reviews are out!

    Having day one DLC is an even worse idea, i am paying for the time invested in the game by the developers, and if they invest time in DLC that they could have also invested in the main game, i feel screwed over as my experience is possibly worse due to their investment in the DLC! This is even worse in this case, as they already have confirmed day one DLC 5 months in advance, you are not going to tell me that the team building the game would have done nothing for the main game 5 months in advance, so i feel completely justified in the statement that the main game will very likely be worse due to time invested in the DLC! I think people should hold off on pre ordering, especially with companies with bad reputations such as CA. Do not reward them for trying to trick you into pre ordering, do not sign contracts you do not know the contents of, do not think that day one DLC is a good idea because it directly detracts from the main game.

    I so hope this will be good, but i also so hope they get their business model straight.

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