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AoS Tournament 2/4 Completed 3/3 !

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Seraphage, Apr 6, 2017.

  1. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Ripperdactyls are pretty bad if he just places some cheap units around the cannons, since they are pure melee. Terradons can at least use their bolas or spears.
    Mesandres and Bowser like this.
  2. Seraphage

    Seraphage Well-Known Member

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    Check the photos ! Only the spears would hit, they didn't even have the chance to fly over them even if I had them ! :D
    Aginor and Bowser like this.
  3. Fruzzle

    Fruzzle Member

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    Seraphon, could you elaborate a bit more on what the blood letters do/how they are buffed and which key component to take out?

    For the game, ouch, tough loss, but, couldn't you have used your 30 saurus as a bubble wrap/picket and hit the bloodletters on the counter attack? Especially the basilladons, doing 3 dmg, and, IIRC bloodletters having a very poor save, you'd be able to take a big chunk out of a unit in one turn.
    Bowser likes this.
  4. Seraphage

    Seraphage Well-Known Member

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    No, not really because this happened the very first round when they were out of range. It was due to Sayl the faithless they could fly and get buffed to move. I 'd do what I typed next time : Place huge screens to die in front of my units and have my units seperately enough so that he could maximum kill 1 or 2 in his activation. My 30 warriors did hit back and destroyed them but I had already lost a Bastiladon, starpriest, a unit of warriors, skink priest and 4 or 5 wounds out of 7 at sunblood. It was too late. And he had another exact same unit of 30 bloodletters behind to bring in the next round he'd get to play. It over before it started.

    I cannot recall how the buffs stacked as I am not familiar with other armies in detail yet but the only real solution in my opinion was different placement with screens and split up army * splitting still has issues as I 'd have to attack them somehow to weaken them and when that happened the other unit of 30 could come in *. It was a really interesting list, I wanna ask him for a rematch soon !
    (SeraphAGE, it's Seraphage ! :confused::p )
    Bowser likes this.
  5. Fruzzle

    Fruzzle Member

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    haha auto correct has learned seraphon and changed your name ! Yeah I think advancing with your whole army screened by saurus, 30 front, than 20 forming inner circle, trying to get bastil in range before they get buffed or take out the buffet is the way to go.

    Do you know what the movement buff is? pretty hard to outrange turtle with movement!

    Hard to believe they can move more than 28!
    Bowser likes this.
  6. Seraphage

    Seraphage Well-Known Member

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    Sayl gives 18 flying MOVE - charge NOT included - WITH flying and he then had a +6 to charge from an ability or so and he placed them in a congo line at their end so they ll be inside the inches of the banner for the extra attack and some other buffs
    Bowser likes this.
  7. Fruzzle

    Fruzzle Member

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    Yeah that'll do it, holy ..... that's OP. wish carnosaur could do that. would that also work on bloodthirsters? because big axe aoe+ buffs = remove target army

    just be advised that you can't declare charge outside of 12" unless the movement bonus specifies it.

    E.g. the fireblade give +3" to charge I think but just still be within 12 inch to declare.
    Bowser likes this.
  8. Seraphage

    Seraphage Well-Known Member

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    Oh I know but he was further than he needed to be. The bonuses he stacked were just too great :p He ended up moving 24" or something similar. He had "autocharge" almost he just rolled it for even better placing. It was a great list. I shall ask him and will share it with you guys *he plays chaos for like 25 years ! *
    Bowser likes this.

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