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Blog Tozons Host of the Stars

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by Tozon, Aug 7, 2016.

  1. Tozon

    Tozon Active Member

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    Hey all, as I was setting up my paint station I thought I'd take the opportunity to get a couple of shots of my Seraphon, first here is some better shots of the above:


    HostoftheStars1207.jpg HostoftheStars1215.jpg


    And here are some shots of some other items I'd painted but not uploaded (though they are in the group shot in the ruins):

    Priest #1

    HostoftheStars1212.jpg HostoftheStars1213.jpg

    Priest #2


    Skink Chief (note I need to get some more bone paint to finish of the claws)

    HostoftheStars1222.jpg HostoftheStars1223.jpg HostoftheStars1227.jpg
    Hope you like, now I need to stop procrastinating and get on with the rest of it.

    Thanks for reading

    LizardWizard, Bracnos, Warden and 9 others like this.
  2. Essmir
    Chameleon Skink

    Essmir Well-Known Member

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    Nice painting. I especially like the albino priests haven't seen it in a while I think it was called spawning of the old ones back in 6ed
    Ritual and Captaniser like this.
  3. Tozon

    Tozon Active Member

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    Thanks :D

    And yeah, I started playing in 5th edition when they had all the spawning (Red Crests for Sotek, Albino for Prophet of Sotek) so I wanted to bring part of that into my army. The red crests will be throughout and all the magic users are going to be albino.
    Ritual, Captaniser, Jorgik and 2 others like this.
  4. Tozon

    Tozon Active Member

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    Another quick update as the wife was out last night meaning I could get some late painting done.

    Even though I should be focusing on the items for my Skirmish band I couldn't quite face the Sotek Green just yet so thought I'd do my chameleon skink test scheme and try out the basing I'll be using on some of the bigger bases where I need some more height.


    20170716_115435[1].jpg I want to add some vines to the base to break up the big grey areas but got no GS in the house and I'm going to repaint the scales (just need to grab some paint hence the half arsed job) but overall I'm happy with it.

    Not sure how conducive the brightly coloured frogs are to hiding though.......
  5. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    They might not be condusive to hiding, but you have painted them beautifully. Very nice chameleon :vulcan:
    Seraphage and Ritual like this.
  6. Tozon

    Tozon Active Member

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    So after choosing the wrong time to try and start up (just before the new handbook) I'm now SUPER PUMPED about the Seraphon again - as I am like 99% sure we all are.

    I'm really trying to decide what to paint up as not having a super amount of spare time at the moment means I am needing to plan what I paint ahead. The list I've tried and love in the GHB2 is this:

    Slann (260) - General with Incadescent Retrices and Vast Intellect
    Astrolith Bearer (160) - Light of Dracothian
    Skink Star Priest (80)

    40 Saurus Warriors (360)
    40 Skinks (200)
    10 Skinks (60)

    6 Ripperdactyls (280)
    Bastiladon (280)

    Shadowstrike (170)
    140pts of summon (140)

    Total 1990

    It plays in all the phases of the game with GREAT magic, okay shooting and good combat and is really just fun. A few things I want to try with it are:
    1. Replace the summoning pool with 30 more skinks (2x 40 man units)
    2. Prism of Amynok on the Astrolith Bearer
    3. Great Rememberer on the Slann. Having to roll a one twice to fail makes your teleports more predicatable rather than failing 1 out of every 6). Also having the option to ping both skink units into range of a scoring unit is a real threat.
    The only real issue is the model count........103 (and 130 when trying point 1!), that many models isn't going to happen anytime soon. As such I think I need a lower model count army, I'm thinking something like:

    Slann (260) - General with Incadescent Retrices and Vast Intellect
    Scar Vet on Carnosaur (240)
    Astrolith Bearer (160) - Light of Dracothian
    Starpriest (80)
    Priest with Celestial Rites (80)

    10 Skinks (60)
    10 Skinks (60)
    10 Skinks (60)

    6 Ripperdactyls (280)
    3 Salamanders/ Razordons (120)
    5 Chameleon Skinks (120)
    Bastiladon (280)

    Shadowstrike 170

    Total 1970

    This drops it down to a far more manageable 50 models (of which 14 are painted and another 10 are 90% done) meaning there's a chance it could be on the field by the end of the year.

    I'm not as happy with the list as I think units of 10 as objective holders are going to struggle once the meta shifts - but at least it will give me a good core whilst I paint up 40 saurus warriors.....
    Warden, Ritual and Captaniser like this.
  7. Tozon

    Tozon Active Member

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    So I've actually managed to squeeze some painting in! I'm so close to finishing the 2nd unit of 10 skinks, I just need some yellow for the eyes as mine has dried up (as a LOT of my paints seem to do these days.....). As I need to focus on getting the troops done I've obviously also started on my Slann:


    I have to say the cast is really shocking. Totally rough all over and covered in little air pockets - a massive disappointment but hey ho. I still think he's going to look cool on the board I just need to design a base for him (the one pictured is a placeholder I had knocking around on the desk). Will try and find some time to finish him and the skinks over the weekend.

    Then the decision is what to paint next. I should do 10 more skinks (means my 2000pt starting Battline units are done) but I might just try and paint up to 1000pts, maybe:

    Slann Starpriest 260
    Starpriest 80
    Priest 80

    10x Skinks 60
    10x Skinks 60

    3x Ripperdactyls 140
    1x Salamander 40
    1x Bastiladon 280 ​

    It's not a good list by any means, but they are all components I'll use in a larger list, should be fun to paint & gives me an achievable goal (5 models!).

    Now I just need to start playing the lottery, so I can win the lottery, so I have time for everything!
  8. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    I was also appalled by the casting quality of my Slann. Horrible.
    I love the sculpt but some details were almost impossible to paint well because they were distorted so much.
    They should do a Slann in plastic. I would insta-buy it despite still being angry about GW because of the first one.
    Tozon likes this.
  9. Tozon

    Tozon Active Member

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    Fully agree with you.

    It's iconic and the centre of the army so it's really disappointing. I can't even bring myself to spend much time on painting it to be honest.
  10. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Don't give up! You can still salvage it and make it look pretty great!

    This one, and to a lesser degree my own, show it can work!

    This is mine:
    Lord Tlaltecuhtli

    You can see those two were also quite distorted but a bit of paint does a good job if one doesn't look too closely.
  11. Tozon

    Tozon Active Member

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    Two updates in quick succession, must be a weekend!

    I'm struggling to finish anything off at the moment as I'm trying to get some colour onto a few units just to get them on the tabletop so I've been a bit all over the place.

    Tonight I started on the Bastiladon which I can see being a nightmare as there's so much plating and scales before even getting onto the riders & weaponry. I've started at the back to get work out the colour scheme and I'd going pretty standard with this but I may add some marbling or something around the edges to brrak up the big open spaces:


    The next things to get started is working out a colour scheme for these:


    I've got 6 of each and now considering whether I grab a couple more of each to max them out a bit - 320pts for 2x4 strength units is looking too good to pass up!

    Thanks for reading!

    Warden, Bracnos, Crowsfoot and 2 others like this.
  12. kable

    kable New Member

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    army looks great. wish I had the dime to buy so many models at once lol.

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