So...this is how i paint the skin and scales of the saurus warriors/scar-vet/Old blood. Skin: Skeleton bone, Basecoat (AP) Develan mud wash (GW) Yellow ochre, Dry brush (VMC) Dark sand, Dry brush (VMC) Ivory, Light Dry brush (VMC) Starting with a basecoat of Skeleton bone. Give all the skin areas a wash of Devalan mud (Agrax earthshade) Using the darkest color for the skin (Yellow ochre) start to dry brush the skin areas trying to cover most of the skin but leaving the deep recesses dark. Doing the same process with the next color Dark sand but trying to paint where the light would hit. Again the same but just painting the tips and edges of the model. Scales: Highlight: German camo orange ochre (VMC) Badbad black wash (GW) Cork brown DB (VMC) Cork brown + Dark sand 1 drop DB (VMC) Cork brown + Dark sand 1 drop DB (VMC) Individual scales: dark sand + Cork brown (VMC) German camo orange ochre (VMC) Brown sand (VMC) Khaki (VMC) Griphone sepia wash (GW) Dark sand (VMC) Base coat all the scales in German camo orange ochre. Give the scales a wash of Badab black and try to get it all in the crevices and edges of the scales. Here is a part that i might change when i paint my temple guard to see of it makes for a better paint job. Instead of doing the highlights first then painting in the individual scales i will try to do the opposite. As i discovered when doing the repainting on the Carnisaur i kept the variation in the scales while getting the highlight. So i do believe this will make for a battler model by doing the highlights last. The highlights are made by Dry brushing the scales with Cork brown and then adding a drop of dark sand to the mix and then continuing to highlight always trying to put the highlights where they would make sense. I try to imagine a light source coming from right above the model. With the individual scales i just pick a color and paint any number of scales that i see fit. There is nothing planed about this. Just randomly paint scales make every saurus a little bit unique. Give the scales a wash of Griphone Sepia. Now paint some scales with Dark sand. It gives it a bit more variation in the scales. Wow...i use a lot of dry brushing, haha. But i hope you guys could get something out of what i have scrambled together. Let me know if something is completely "out of the window" Take care guys! Thanks for reading my wall of text. VMC = vallejo model color GW = Games workshop AP = Army Painter
Thanks for the update. For me, seeing the colors used helps to really visualize what the colors are actually doing when painted on the model. If that makes sense. Its like looking at the paint in the pot and then looking at the same color once its dried on a model and going, Hmmm that's not how I thought that color would look. What color are you priming in and what colors of green did you use for the Carnosaur? Thanks again.
@ FavoredoftheOldOnes, Silverbolt Thank you guys! It really helps me to keep on working with such nice comments. @Gamergeek You're welcome! I like to help out. I believe i used a black primer for the carnisaur. And the colors that i used for the green scales are as following. Plates: Black green VMC Deep green DB VMC Deep green+intermediate green DB 1:1 VMC Thraka green Wash GW Scales: Deep green+intermidiate green VMC intermediate green VMC Deep green+intermidiate green+olive green VMC Lime green+deep green 1:1 VMC Deep green+intermidiate green+olive green highlight DB VMC Lime green+deep green 1:1 highlight DB VMC Lime green+deep green 3:1 highlight DB VMC Lime green highlight DB VMC I painted pretty much like i panted the the saurus...saurses..sauri? Make the base color and start working on the shading and highlights. Then paint the individual scales. Then do an additional highlights. Thanks for reading guys!
Re: Tribe of the sacred crystal *Slaan update 2/11-13* The slaan is pretty much done. I have not yet fixed the base or sealed the model and glossed the crystals. But apart from that it is done. So yes...look at the photos and tell me what you think. I don't have a good camera so just take them for what they are, haha. Thanks for watching guys!
It looks very good, but I don't know if the paint you used with slann wasn't too thick. Maybe face to face it doesn't look like that. Very good job anyway
Thank you for your comment. I think i know what you mean but would you be so kind to point out exactly what you mean?..that would be great.
It could be hard for me to explain, but I mean the texture of the skin. I think that paint was not watered enough, you know? There are tiny grains of paint visible on the photo. Maybe you want to achieve this look, and it such case - ok, and maybe your camera "did" it For me it looks like some kind of statute made from ivory, or something like that, not a living frog
Aaaah! I see what you mean. Well a lot of that come from the texture of the miniature that i get from the dry brushing so it’s not really something that i made on purpose. It is the old metal model after all. But I’ll try to fix those little specs and some of the harsh lines that i managed to see. It takes a few days of not looking at it to spot these kinds of details when you've stared yourself blind while painting.
I like the colors of the Slaan but why the blue Skink? It's coloring does not match the rest of the army.
@ Gamergeek I have not started to paint any skinks so its still in the air. But i needed more color on the slaan model to make it more interesting. But fluff wise, the skins that have shown resistance to the crystal has been sent to tend to the slaan. In order to "kickstart" their blessing of light. So i painted the skink in a light blue so it looks like he is slowly starting to pale.
Interesting... Well, I look forward to seeing how the Skinks look next to the Saurus. The blue skin will definitely contrast to the light tans, browns and greens.
@ Gamergeek Im not sure i will paint all the skinks like this. Might go with the original idea. But ill just have to paint and see. However fluffwise it would work with just having the slaans skink in a different color. But yeah its a hard decision and i hope it will turn out alrght. @ FavoredoftheOldOnes Thank you kind sir. I will post pictures of the fully completed model once its done. I will be set back a little bit on my painting due to my friends birthday coming up. I'm giving him a shadowblade model and i will paint it up for him. So i will be set back a little bit and i have also not received my bases so i haven't been able to fix the slants base yet, but it will be take care of. When i'm all finished up i will start on my temple guard.
Looking forward to seeing some Temple Guard. What are your thoughts on the skull (bone) armour. Are you going to take the bone up to white or try out another, darker bone color?
the carnosaur is fantastic...may I ask if you used an air brush or are you all hand painted? can you post a picture getting closer to the scales at the color change...I am trying to figure out how I want to do mine...I actually want to do it the white, black , and orange of the white dwarf... thanks...
@havik110 The carnisaur is all hand painted. I will probably make a second one for my oldblood so it will be fun to see how i will paint the new one. I’ll see what i can do. My camera is not that great unfortunately, haha. So you are going to highlight the black with grey? @Gamergeek Unfortunately not, i just finished up my friend’s birthday-miniature. Im making a new list and it looks like i won’t use a slaan or temple guard so skinks will be up next. It might still take longer time to get some more pictures up because i have some unfinished school stuff to attend to. I want to leave the TG and Slaan lists, they might be good but they just a bit too boring to play for me. I’d rather have an army that’s not as good but a lot more fun to play.