the 2 handed variant disappeared long time ago gor rok is now called sunblood, chakax is the eternity warden while tetto eko the skink starpriest or something (they match the names used in the summoning spells, so I guess we could also see the return of not!oxayotl as the seraphon stalker sometime in the future) I wonder if these generic names mean that they are dead in the fluff or it's just that these old characters represent an example of these hero types kroak is still kroak,list1266,1,white-dwarf.html The new artwork looks awesome,here is the libk to more inages
I keep flipping the image upside-down to see if they are hiding anything, all I see is some Saurus and a Troglodon I do hope for some new models, I feel they may do a Warmachine/ Hoards approach. You get a book, they release models later with rules/ stats to shove in-between the pages. Still loving the pictures though.
I don't like the temple guard on the deluxe edition of the new army book, the artwork is both out of proportions and has issues with the perspective.
GW updated their website with the New WD cover, turns out... well they are spirits summoned by the Slann's memories. Pfft, they put 'Excited? We certainly are' I would be even more excited if they chucked us some new models.
could have been worse the questions about the lizardmen remain though: What the heck happened to the alive ones? What about the cities and the society? it can't be just slann remembering things...right?
My slann remembers his lizardmen as auto hit and auto wound army ... Or do the slann use the warsctolls as a library? Like " hmmm... saurus warriors... Were they really that strong? ... Let me check... "
So what? the Slann have smoked some foul stuff and now their hallucinations are so strong that their hallucinations become real?
Well, it's a much better explanation for differences in colouration, modified, or @woogity Kroxigor, Slann remembered it that way instead of they came from the southlands! Haha!
oof thats good news, all I can say is, they better have some new models coming soon, some of our old models are just dreadful XD
Well the book will soon reveal all truths and stories to be told. Did anyone notice that on the UK website that the PDF file is gone now?