The hole is two bases deep in my model, as it goes through the 25 and 40 mm bases that I used as the underside of the palanquin. The hole is quite wide though, because I used a big rasp to make it. But thanks for your suggestion, I guess in that case a lot of green stuff and glue will do to keep it steady. I am going to paint the guy next week and when I’m done with basecoating and shading/highlighting the underside, I’ll try and stick the base in the palanquin. I am probably one of the three people on this planet who haven’t seen avatar (yet!), so I am proud to say that the dinohead-on-throne-idea was mine alone! ;-) I also made the terradon-skink hold a plaque but it neither looked nor held good enough to waste a photo on it. One problem with him is his tilted angle, he isn’t sitting straight, he seems to fall off the palanquin every time I put him on. Maybe a few green stuff leaves will do the trick.
Thank you, Strewart, I hope it works out as I imagined. Today I finished the underside of the palanquin and the base so that I could put them together. I think that will help painting and also gives you an idea on how it will look when finished: I filled the hole in the palanquin with green stuff and put it on the flying base stick, as Aranigej suggested. So I have to wait till next week to resume painting the palanquin. In the meantime I'll start with the slann. I want him to look like these poisonous frogs. Maybe green and white with orange hands and feet. Or blue with black spots...? We'll see tomorrow. I'm as curious as you are
I started working on the slann, using a jungle-frog-color-scheme: Now that I see them both next to each other, I think I could try to brighten up the slann. Any suggestions on the color? (If you think I should do something at all, I'm not too sure about that...) That'll be it for this week, I'll post again on monday.
Highlight the orange with the same colour lightened with a bit of bleached bone. Highlight the green with a more lime green. Maybe paint the eyes with the common gemstone technique (blend dark to light from top to bottom, then add white reflection marks), but with the black vertical lizard eye added afterwards?
Thanks for the advice, Dumbledore, it worked quite well, though I'm not sure if you can see it on the picture. I used a goblin green/putrid green/sunburst yellow mix for the highlighting. I didn't glue him yet, because his cushion and the vines in his back have to be painted. As for the eyes, I will follow your suggestion as well, but I'll add the reflection mark afterwards, thats how the frog-eyes on the photo seem to me.
You're right - do the reflections last. I was writing quickly and typed in the wrong order. It looks much better, a very nice slann. The bright lighting probably dampened the tonal variations in the photo. Good work and I'm glad I was helpful!
Remember me? After a little vacation and between a few things I had to do for work I managed to give you finally another slann-update! Wheee! I hope I'll find more time now to work on him again, but I still have to build a replica of an ancient greek leather armor for the museum where I work. If you're interested, I can show pictures of that too when I'm done. Until then, I hope you enjoy the slann The skink drummer standing next to the model will maybe become part of the base, accompanying his lord.
It looks awesome. I really like the bone effect, the Slann eyes, hell the whole slann actually. The more I look at it the more detail I notice and the more I like it.
Thank you. I have to admid, I was really surprised how good the bone turned out myself. I just painted the back with bleached bone, washed it with the good old GW chestnut wash and drybrushed it again with bleached bone and a few highlights with bone white. I'm not too sure what to do with the plumes in the back, they are coloured the same way as the bone parts. I painted the feathers on my stegadon that way, only a bit whiter and used red for the top. Maybe I'll do the same here.
I should get the last parts for the armor on June 7th, so I'll post pics of it then, but in the general chat forum, so as not to anger the mods with off-topic stuff. I'll post a link here for the interested.
I colored the plumes, but I'm still not too happy with them. They are too gaudy (do you say that when you mean "brightly colorful"?). Maybe if I added black markings of some kind...? Other than that, I like him: I added the albino skink with a self-made standard of some sort: You cannot see it, but I ignored the good suggestions some of you made earlier and left the albinos bowstring-pulling-hand like it was, i.e. bare. It is near the slann so you can't see it properly anyway. Feel free to comment, e.g. what I should do with the quiver on his back. I'll let him wear it until I find something better, but as he has no bow it seems a little weird. I should have a spare skink shield I could put on though.
Love the standard looks great like how it looks like the slann is reading it. As for the bow, I'd just stick a bow in his free hand or on the palanquin make it easier on yourself.