Hi all I'm trying to assemble an army of 5th edition lizardmen models. So far, I managed to get a bunch of stuff, but I have some excess minis I'd like to trade for what I'm missing. So if like me, you are cursing the days of command blisters coming with only 2 models, etc, we might be able to help each other out. Haves: Salamander and crew Slann Skink Shaman Kroxigor tail with ball end Saurus champions Saurus musicians Plastic skinks Plastic saurus Wants: Tenehuini Inxi Huinxi Saurus standard bearers Skink champions (archer) Kroxigor tail with spiky end Skink cold one riders Thanks!
I have they metal set of five skink cold one riders with the standard, muscian, and champion. I am missing one cold one head and the bases though. I also have two skink champions/heroes with bows, and a lot of the old temple guard, saurus, and skink models. I would be interested in the new saurus models and the slann. I also have a kroxigor but can't find him at the moment. If i do and he has the spikey tail I will let you know.
I got some new wants: metal saurus with spears and metal skinks with javelins. Still need those to complete my army.