No that would be ridiculous. Otherwise there is no real negative in taking a killy lord + lvl 4. If we assume combined profiles for monsters and characters I think It would be silly if we could always take the monster mounted character and lvl 4. I mean.. There's a certain level of strategy In being forced to take the one or other and not both.
are you seriously saying that taking those two massive point-chunks out of the rest of the army will have no impact?
I can imagine a 50% Lords allowance getting pretty out of control in low-points games. Seems like Herohammer. Or, in this case, Lordhammer. Hopefully there's a bit of mechanical balance installed, rather than, "Psssshhh it'll work itself out!" Anyway, has anyone other than myself pre-ordered? I envy you if you've managed to get your hands on an Undeath deck!
If my battle with NAGASH is anything to go by, 50% lord wouldn't actuallly be a problem. Spending that many points on so few units WILL harm your army comp.
Heck, I already run into army comp problems when I fill up both my Lord and Hero slots. I don't think it would make my army much better to replace 2 Scar Vets (or a Scar Vet and a Skink Priest) with 1 Old Blood. One less target for cannons and redirectors. You get a little more power by putting more eggs in less baskets. And if you're dropping a unit of Special or Rare to fit in an extra Lord... It would be interesting to see what it's like to play against 2 Demon Princes. Maybe there'll be less Beasts of Nurgle and Juggernauts.
What you need to remember is that your allowances is: Max 25% Lords Max 25% Heroes Max 25% Rare Max 50% Special Min 25% Core 50% Lords will often be, at most, 3 models. At 2000 points, you now HAVE to find 500 points of core, which leaves you with 500 points of EVERYTHING ELSE. That is simply so restricting that you better HOPE this reaches herohammer levels - because if it doesn't, you will have lost the game before it even started.
I agree. That's why I don't think 50% lords will be anything like Hero hammer. It'll just add a little flexibility in character builds, but you probably won't see to many armies going over 50% characters (maybe closer to 40% Lord and 10% hero, though) I for one welcome the 50% Lord Overlords as long as they come with a combined-stat Carnosaur!
Dual slann doesn't really work, imho... You run out of powerdices waaaay before running out of spells. I actually ran a 2 slann game with the previous edition of the slann, death + light(or was it life?). And they both had the "add 1 PD to each spell". And even then, with the extra dices from death and each spell, they ran out of PD. What you get, basically, is expensive redundancy and 2 lores to choose from. I would like to try out the quadruple OB cowboys, or double OB and still being able to take slann though
Doesn't matter when all three of those models are Daemon Princes of Nurgle on Death. The other 1200 points in that list would almost be irrelevant, except its the same 1200 points you'd find in any other WoC army: Throgg and Core Trolls, Core Chariots, Skullcrushers, and a bunch of Marauder Horsemen for Fortitude. Wheee. I was looking forward to End Times, then I realised that you could do the above and decided that I wouldn't bother going to any competitive event that allowed it. No matter how many points I invest in Lords and Heroes in my Dark Elf or Lizardman armies, it won't be good enough to face that.
This sums up my thoughts entirely. Sure, I can field Maz in a 2k list. Which is fun. But Maz doesn't compete with what you've pointed out.