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Gallery Warden's Art Thread

Discussion in 'Fluff and Stories' started by Warden, Apr 24, 2016.

  1. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Sure! Easy ones to do as I have all the colors still!

    warden201811_country flags 3.jpg
    Aginor and Paradoxical Pacifism like this.
  2. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Preparing for a future kids room... by painting up some dinosaurs :joyful:
    Got the idea from this:


    And made these practice sketches real fast before painting them up.

    warden201801_dino trio sketch.jpg

    Started the sketches around 11am this morning, finished the paintings at 2 pm!

    warden201801_dino trio 1.jpg

    warden201801_dino trio 2.jpg

    warden201801_dino trio 3.jpg

    All three dinosaurs together:

    warden201801_dino trio.jpg
  3. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Those are super cute!
  4. MrPampers

    MrPampers Member

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    So many time out to find this amazing uploads !! Too much cool stuff to get into with little time! Loving it.
    Warden likes this.
  5. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Time is short, not much time for hobbies right now. But I did throw these three up on the wall by the crib:


    Also made this one in about a half hour:

    warden201905_the batman.jpg

    And its now up on the wall in the game room!

    warden201905_wall art edit.jpg
  6. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    That is one excellent painting!
  7. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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  8. ChapterAquila92

    ChapterAquila92 Well-Known Member

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    *Edit: wrong thread
    Last edited: May 26, 2019
    Lizerd likes this.
  9. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Took a new picture of this older piece of artwork I made, love how it turned out. Probably my favorite super hero painting to date.

  10. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Its been a minute. After going through my old files while cleaning up the game room, I found some old artwork that I haven't posted before.

    Old space marine art from my green-black-templars army:

    warden20200609_old artwork 1.jpg

    Map of their planet:

    warden20200609_old artwork 2.jpg

    Map of the Lustrian coast:

    warden20200609_old artwork 4.jpg

    And some old campaign maps that I am pretty sure my brother and I may have used in our WHF 5th-7th edition heyday:

    warden20200609_old artwork 5 aquaran campaign.jpg

    warden20200609_old artwork 6 ignian campaign.jpg
  11. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    I’ve had a fair amount of experience at using Google Sketchup in the past, I first learned how to use it at Sixth Form College and got to use it again at university for one of my modules, but never had I thought it could be used to create something on such a magnificently huge scale! That must have taken a horrendous amount of time patience to complete (probably far more than I could ever have :p), but of course it certainly looks like it must have been worth it! I salute you sir for your legendary skills! :)

    Warden and Imrahil like this.
  12. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Thanks! The city was a blast to build, wish I had enough space to built it in tabletop scale!

    Mutal Sketch Complete 6.png
  13. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    I didn't realize I had only seen a fraction of your art on this thread. Enjoy the belated like bomb. Lots of amazing stuff, expecially this.

    How long did your cityscapes take? I sort of want to commission you to draw out Klodorex this way but 1) I'm broke and can't really afford to commission anything and 2) I'm gradually moving away from developing Klodorex and focusing more on developing Scarterra.
    Warden and Imrahil like this.
  14. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    I seem to have gotten several like bombs recently, thanks!

    I am not sure how long it took to be honest; looking at the dates roughly 28DEC to 3JAN of 2016-17, but I am sure I wasn't working 24/7 on this project. I wouldn't mind making a second one (even for free! :joyful:) and Klodorex would be a fun subject experiment on. I remember reading some of your stories about the city (see: Kahoun) ages ago, I think it was when I was still in lurker-only status. Do you have a good top-down map of the city, along with the key landmarks labelled?


    I used these photos from the army books for reference when I was thinking about the city layout.


  15. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    I wish. I got a very detailed prose for Klodorex but only with a kindergarten level picture.

    Link here. Which I guess you already spattered with likes so you already read it. I might try a new sketch at some point. I wrote myself into a corner.

    Klodorex was built to harness a ley line intersection at the top of Mount Klodor so that area probably has meticulous geometry, but the city at the base of the mountain would not be nearly as geometrically pretty as most Temple City maps.

    Most of the original city was leveled by demons and the inhabitants barely saved the spawning pools. After that, the spawning pools went from rarely producing spawnings to producing spawnings often so they would have to rebuild fairly hastily.

    Then the city went through a long period with nothing exciting happening, until the Clan Pestilens Wars. They faced expeditionary Skaven forces but they still had to build fortifications in a hurry.

    Then the Dark Elves discovered the Black Way and hit them with a surprise attack. More rebuilding and new fortifications built in a hurry.

    Much later, when the Slann were missing the Skink priests started a bunch of boondoggle construction projects to distract them so the city grew rapidly over a few centuries in a relatively haphazard fashion.
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2020
    Warden and Imrahil like this.
  16. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Ok I made a draft :artist:

    Had some time today and had a lot of fun reading through your Klorodex lore :bookworm::bookworm::bookworm: (it is SUPER detailed) and made this:

    warden20200715_klorodex 1.jpg
    Basic design is made from this:

    Klodorex Rough Draft_zpslcex5gjv.png

    Since the city is next to a mountain, should the city be larger from North-to-South than it is from West-to-East?

    I didn't think about that detail till after I drew the city already...

    Zoomed into the city:

    warden20200715_klorodex 2.jpg

    You can see the five city districts, the mountain to the far east, and the fields/llama fields around it. The mountains next to the main mountain are not supposed to be there, I drew them in before I remembered that mount Klodor is supposed to be by itself.

    Better view of the city itself:

    warden20200715_klorodex 4.jpg

    Also I am trying to figure out what the Monument of Izzatal would look like? A Zapotec-inspired design popped into my head, this is what I came up with:

    warden20200715_izzatal head.jpg

    Figured something like this would look cool at the top of the mountain
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2020
    Imrahil and Scalenex like this.
  17. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    And a bit more details.

    Water is blue, large swatches of jungle vegetation is green. I am sure there are many other trees scattered throughout the city but I am not modelling each one.

    warden20200715_klorodex 5.png

    The districts of Klorodex:

    warden20200715_klorodex 3.png

    Mount Klodor:

    warden20200715_klorodex 6 mountain.png

    City Center:

    warden20200715_klorodex 7 city center.png

    East District:

    warden20200715_klorodex 8 east.png

    West District:

    warden20200715_klorodex 9 west.png

    South District:

    warden20200715_klorodex 10 south.png

    North District:

    warden20200715_klorodex 11 north.png

    Apologies if I messed up the spelling everywhere... after my first draft was done I had "Itza" written everywhere there was supposed to be "Itzl" :banghead:

    I am going to call this one the "first draft."

    Let me know what I messed up/got wrong. If something looks really out of place, too exaggerated or under-exaggerated, stuff like that. One of the things I was unhappy with was how cluttered the North and especially the Western districts looked. Next draft they will probably have a lot more open spaces, maybe even more jungle clumps?

    Also aside from the main wall around the city center, are there other walls in the city I missed?

    Curious how you feel about the whole North-to-South versus West-to-East length of the city as well.
  18. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    This is more than I could have hoped for, so I'm hesitant to look a gift horse in the mouth. But I will because you asked.

    The western district is probably the biggest. You can only expand east so far before you hit into the mountain. Though I suppose they could expand south all they want too because you could always clear more jungle to make the Llama fields bigger.

    The north district has lots of space but there is also a lot of water underground. That means giant stone structures are hard to build because they'd sink. I imagine he northern district is the least claustrophobic as the buildings are probably more widely spaced. There are more trees and ponds too.

    Maybe add some more shrines, but I guess it's not necessary to mark every shrine on the map.

    This is really awesome. Maybe make it a little bit bigger with a few more storage and housing units. This is the most tightly packed part of the city and the Skinks have store whatever esoteric thing the Slann might ask for. The Temple of Itzl has a small number of stables attached. I don't know if that means the temple should have an attached annex or if the Horned Ones just chill in the temple basement. I'm not sure which makes more sense.

    It just occurred to me that there are no spawning pools here. My fault not yours. Apart from the two Saurus spawning pools (which have temples over them), I have not specified in my giant blob of text where the other spawning pools are.

    They are in the temple district. There are two Saurus spawning pools so there should probably be at least two Skink spawning pools. I don't know if there should be more than two. I also don't know if the Chameleon Skinks should have their own separate pool or periodically spawn out of a "regular" Skink pool. Klodorex does not get Chameleon Skinks often but they do have home grown Skinks.

    I guess I would say to put spawning pools where ever they look aesthetically pleasing and whatever aesthetics dictate is the number of spawning pools that are appropriate.

    Practically perfect in every way.

    Maybe add a few more quarters near the temples. Maybe make the Gathering Place a bit bigger. I figure it would be somewhat larger than the temples near it not the same size. Maybe a few more stables, many of which of are empty now since Kaitar ordered the warbeasts to be spread out more and no Slann has saw fit to contradict that order.

    You misspelled "Tlanxla" and the temple of Tlanxla should probably be nearer to the Terradon quarter or visa versa. Probably swap he storage silos with the Terradon quarter.

    You have a general tendency to make things equally sized. I figure the Temple of Tepok would be smaller than the Chotec and Tlanxla temples. Maybe make the Chotec temple bigger. Chotec is the preeminent Lizardmen god after Sotek after all though I guess Chotec does have a more official temple around the Monument of Izzatal.

    You undoubtedly have a better idea of what Mesoamerican or Ancient Roman plumbing technology looks like than I but I always figured Tzunki's bladder would be an artificial walled structure. I didn't think it would be amoeba shaped but my knowledge of engineering and physics is limited, maybe the shape is practical.

    I never said the Tribute to the Fallen was a temple. Of course I never said it wasn't a temple either. They way I see it though, temples are for Old Ones and Slann. You know me, I love to kill characters. I cannot make up my mind on funerary practices that why in my fluff pieces and short stories I tend to use a wide variety.

    My original thought is that each fallen Lizardmen is honored with a glyph painted on a stone, so the tribute to the Fallen would be a giant pile of rocks (a memorial cairn), though maybe that would be a bit unwieldy as Lizardmen cities are millennial old so these cairns would be of ridiculous sizes. I'm really really slow on finishing my models and terrain project but at some point I'm going to tackle making an Acropolis of Heroes and whatever my terrain piece looks like is going to be Klodorex's Tribute to the Fallen. Now I remember my original plan. The Cairn of Stones with glyphs is a funerary marker where the Lizardmen died in battle. So I guess the Acropolis of Heroes would not be in the Kahoun. I suppose the Klodorex Cairn could have each stone represent a Cairn elsewhere or stone represent a whole spawning.

    The Western district should probably be bigger with more redundant storage buildings and sleeping quarters.

    Kaitar's old quarters should probably be marked since it's now used as an HQ for patrols.

    It could use some Stegadon stables. In fact the Eastern district could probably use some Stegadon stables too (though they are probably empty in the eastern district because the southern district is a lot more convenient for Stegadons).

    Maybe some Bastiladon stables too. In all my fluff pieces I never actually included a Bastiladon in Klodorex but due to all their boondoggle construction projects, they probably built a few just in case they acquire a Bastiladon later.

    It's spelled "Caxautn"

    The Temple of Xholanka was originally intended to be an identical copy of the Grand Temple (though the interior is much differnt), so it should be identically sized.

    Maybe make the north district a bit bigger with more sleeping quarters a couple orchards and hatcheries.

    The western district SHOULD be cluttered, most of the boondoggle construction occurred in the west. The northern district should have more open spaces and jungle clumps. As mentioned before the north has more places where you cannot build at all, or at least you cannot build grand things.

    The thing is, I never figured this out myself. I don't know how easy it would be to build a wall around the whole Kahoun or not. The people discussing static fortifications on this thread came to no consensus.

    Klodorex was never attacked during the Clan Pestilens but they didn't know the Skaven were not gunning for them so they might have thrown up a wall. The certainly made the inner wall around the temple district taller and thicker. Their main concern was that the Skaven would try to poison the spawning pools. They probably did try, they just didn't try for hard.

    If they did throw up a wall around the whole city during the Clan Pestilens War, it would probably only protect two thirds of the current expanded city now. It'd probably also be a pretty lousy wall. During the Clan Pestilens War, large portions of the Skink population joined Tehenhaun's army and Merestar was quietly finalizing his plans for Turochlitan, so the city would not have had a large workforce to build a wall.

    Though I suppose they could have built a city wall after the Fall of Turochlitan (which was shortly after the end of the Clan Pestilens War). It would still be before the boondoggle so it would not cover all of the city.

    I still believe most Lizardmen would go to great lengths to engage invaders in the jungle before they get to the cities whenever possible.

    Some forumites on the defensive structure thread suggested Lizardmen would want to have walls to keep dangerous fauna out. I believe a wooden fence is sufficient.

    A determined Stegadon or Carnosaur could knock down a sturdy fence, but mighty as these creatures are, they are still animals. Animals don't usually like to put effort into something without payoff.

    If Stegadons or other megafauna caused trouble, they would probably enter from the south. Though I suppose a fence would need to be stone or brick if you wanted to keep Salamanders out. If they entered the Kahoun they would do so via the north. As mighty as they are, I think Salamanders and Razordons would steer clear of large noisy population centers. I think the real problem would be smaller critters like alligators. They end up in a lot of weird places in Florida.

    This I really can't fault with this, it's almost exactly how my mind's eye pictures it. Okay I got one small fault. The switchbacks. If the map is intended to be literal the switchbacks are all wrong.

    I spent a lot of Summers working at Philmont Scout Camp in New Mexico. There are a lot of switch back trails. This is why I put them in Mount Klodor. Apart from my home state of Iowa, Philmont is my spiritual home. Your drawing has about as many switchbacks as the Tooth of Time. That's a day hike. Mount Klodor is a lot taller than the Tooth of Time and probably has a lot more switchbacks.

    Though if the switchbacks are metaphorical, that's fine. It's not necessary to mark every switchback exactly especially since even I don't know how many Mount Klodor has exactly.

    I just pictured a giant frog head, but your idea is better.
    Warden likes this.
  19. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    No way! I never made it out to Philmont as a kid (or an adult), always wanted too. I did make it up Mt. Katadin once on my 16th birthday (end of the Appalacian Trail in Maine) but that's it. Fantastic!

    I wasn't sure how to draw switchbacks, so I just drew a really wonky trail that looked good :D. Short of travelling and studying the actual route I figure that will work out fine. Also there isn't physically enough drawing space on the mountain on this paper to add more... :confused:

    I agree; most Mayan cities did not have walls but some did. I originally was going to make the city look like this:


    That is Dos Pilas (Mayan City) which in later years canabalized older temples to build a foundation for a makeshift set of walls to protect the city center. Wood barricades/palisades were built on top to keep invaders/raiders out.

    I did not go this route for the City Center mostly because Klorodex seemed too "built" and "settled" for this, as the Dos Pilas walls seemed to be more of an act of desperation in a rapidly dying off civilization. Klorodex seems to still be in its prime (or at least strong) so I wanted a stone wall in the center.

    I like the idea of building some smaller walls to the south/west, potentially connecting the mountain to the reservoir. This would be a great barrier for any invaders from those directions.

    That makes sense. So I didn't draw it correctly, but in my mind I thought about the Temple of Warriors in Chichen Itza:


    Small temple on top, with a forest of carved stela around it. Each stela would represent a single fallen warrior. Figured that would be some epic tribute!

    One quick google search for "Roman reservoir" comes up with a perfectly square reservoir!


    I didn't realize they could be so perfectly constructed :banghead:. So it makes perfect sense that a reservoir could have been dug out in the middle (or western district) of the city in a rectangular shape, with aqueducts/irrigation ditches stretching out from it.

    I do know that the Mayan city of Tikal built numerous reservoirs both within and outside of their city's borders. They were a bit more "naturally" shaped, as I believe they were just dug from previously existing drainage ditches/lakes:


    More research is in order, but either is a purely aesthetic choice. Which would you prefer?

    Edit: Mayan reservoirs
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2020
    Scalenex likes this.
  20. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    @Warden Love your artwork mate.

    Particularly love the Samurai army with the Slann as the Shogun. Fantastic stuff and definitely worth the like bomb I just dropped. ;)

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