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Blog Warden's Other Paint Log

Discussion in 'Personal Paint Logs' started by Warden, Aug 17, 2016.

  1. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    Great work on the tank.
    All those edges :wideyed:

    You painted it to great detail :artist:
    (And magnets:D!!!)

    Grrr, Imrahil
    Warden likes this.
  2. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Next batch of Deathwatch marines is on the table and basecoated:

    warden20210723_deathwatch_infantry painting.jpg

    Got the last five marines of my first Fortis kill team, plus an Apothecary and an Aggressor.
  3. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Brother Luzorian of the Dark Angels makes an appearance!

    warden20210727_deathwatch_aggressor deathwing 1.jpg

    He is a member of the 1st Company Dark Angels (Deathwing), and is my second attempt at making a hood on a space marine (haven't painted the first one yet). Gives off a good "assassins creed" vibe in my opinion.

    His lower jaw did not look very good after it was originally finished... so I gave him what now looks like a bit of gray stubble instead :wacky:

    Also his red transfer (a custom print) turned out great!

    warden20210727_deathwatch_aggressor deathwing 4.jpg

    Really like how he turned out, probably my favorite pose and paint for the Deathwatch so far that I have made.

    warden20210727_deathwatch_aggressor deathwing 5.jpg
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    Back view

    warden20210727_deathwatch_aggressor deathwing 3.jpg
  4. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    This is amazing work. Really captured that dark brooding-ness with the face and the hood.
    Warden likes this.
  5. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Next finished member of the kill team, Brother Xbal

    warden20210801_deathwatch_midnight sun 01.jpg

    Had fun putting this guy together. His chapter is known as the Brotherhood of the Midnight Sun, which is heavily Mayan-inspired.

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    He also has the option for a mace/power maul:

    warden20210801_deathwatch_midnight sun 05.jpg
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  6. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Warden likes this.
  7. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    Great work, mate. I love the custom symbol of the Brotherhood. Is it all freehand?

    Grrr, Imrahil
    Warden likes this.
  8. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    The green on the shoulderpad is all freehand of course, but the skull/toungue/blood drop in the center is a transfer. The rest of the transfer would not sit well, nor did it look good so I cut it off and painted on some lines in the spirit of the original chapter symbol.

    warden20210801_deathwatch_midnight sun 04.jpg


    Really wish I had got the original symbol to work, but I am calling it close enough so I can keep moving on these deathwatch marines!

    ...speaking of deathwatch marines, I finished four more and completed my first full kill team! Got a ton of pictures to share.

    warden20210801_deathwatch_infantry painting.jpg

    From left-to-right: the marine already posted from the Brotherhood of the Midnight Sun, followed by a Blood Drinker, a Minotaur, a Salamander, and a Red Templar.

    Starting with the Blood Drinker, here is Brother Ek Chak:

    warden20210801_deathwatch_blood drinkers 01.jpg

    Better pic of his shoulder pad:

    warden20210801_deathwatch_blood drinkers 05.jpg

    As you probably know, I am a big fan of Mayan history and Mesoamerican cultures, so I decided to go an Aztec route with this guy, inspired by these sources:

    Mini from coolminiornot:

    blood drinker aztec.jpg

    This scheme is directly lifted from an old Aztec Warrior costume seen in some Spanish-Conquest era codices, and very much reminiscent of the marine above too.

    aztec warropr.jpg

    In my own model I decided to give him a less Caucasian appearance though.

    I also used a symbol for the Blood Drinkers more similar to their ancient Rogue Trader variant:

    blood drinker rogue trader.jpg

    Small lore blurb on my take on the Blood Drinkers, loyal sons of Sanguinis:
    The planet San Guisaga, known as Azca to the locals, is a pre-industrial Feudal world known for its blood-red skies and dense jungles which cover the majority of the planet’s single massive continent. The many ruined cities the pierce the jungle canopies are now battlegrounds for the tribal kingdoms that call the planet home, who fight amongst each other for resources, farmland, and captives for human sacrifice. The Blood Drinkers chapter are seen as the gods made flesh to the native Guisagans, who both offer sacrifices to them in their own temples, as well as tithing a portion of their population to the marines themselves once every cycle of 52 years. The living offerings are taken across the Inland Sea in watercraft to the Temple of Blood, the massive fortress-monastery of the Blood Drinkers. Those deemed fit for service are inducted into the ranks of the marines themselves, those that are not are never seen again…

    I enjoyed fixing an old saurus weapon on his belt as well.

    warden20210801_deathwatch_blood drinkers 02.jpg
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    His face didn't turn out so great, but I had already done it twice and decided this was good enough for now.
  9. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Representing the Minotaurs chapter is Brother Diodorus:

    warden20210801_deathwatch_minotaur 02.jpg

    His shoulder pad transfer turned out ok, but the metal frosted over when I added the matte wash :(

    warden20210801_deathwatch_minotaur 05.jpg
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    I am very pleased how the helmet eyes are turning out on these guys though :D

    Next up is the entry for the Salamanders, Brother Rau-ganth:

    warden20210801_deathwatch_salamander 02.jpg

    He also has a weak shoulder-pad entry, but this is due to my first attempt at a transfer completely failing to show up on the black :(:(.

    warden20210801_deathwatch_salamander 03.jpg

    I need to revisit this one though, because my paint job is way to derpy to truly represent the noble Salamanders!

    warden20210801_deathwatch_salamander 05.jpg

    Once again I was happy to include a few of the multitude of Lizardmen bits I have lying around in the model!

    Last for the kill team is Brother Giles of the Red Templars!

    warden20210801_deathwatch_red templar 01.jpg

    You can never have enough templars. A few Bretonnian bits were used to give him some character, and I enjoyed using an old Bretonnian transfer for the first time! :D:D:D

    warden20210801_deathwatch_red templar 03.jpg

    Surprisingly it went on perfectly as well.
    warden20210801_deathwatch_red templar 05.jpg
  10. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    With Brother Giles, my first Deathwatch Kill Team is now complete!

    Kill Team Burchard, 2nd Company of Watch Fortress Sentinnel IX:

    warden20210801_deathwatch_kill team burchard 03.jpg

    Displaying there heraldry:

    warden20210801_deathwatch_kill team burchard 04_heraldry.jpg
    Left to right:
    • Bottom row: Marines Malevolent, Blood Drinkers, Blackshield (The Remnant), Dark Krakens, Brotherhood of the Midnight Sun
    • Top row: Ultramarines, Minotaurs, Salamanders, Stars of Dorn, Red Templars
    The primaris intercessors of the team with their auto bolt rifles:

    warden20210801_deathwatch_kill team burchard 01_intercessors.jpg

    ...and the primaris hellblasters with their plasma weapons:

    warden20210801_deathwatch_kill team burchard 02_hellblasters.jpg

    So glad to have finished my first batch. I feel they have a lot of individual character. Brother Tex of the Stars of Dorn stands out a bit with his extra-shiny base and his only painted-on #2 on his right kneepad, but since he was my test marine I am happy he still looks coherent with the rest of the squad.

    Also very happy to include so many different skin tones that turned out surprisingly well!

    warden20210801_deathwatch_kill team burchard 05_no helmets.jpg

    As much as the coal-black skin with molten-orange eyes looks great for Salamanders, I am afraid it gets lost on the model considering the deathwatch's army is also black. If I paint another Salamander marine I may just do a really dark brown for the skin tone.

    Or just make him wear a helmet :D

    Hope you like them, onto the next marines!
  11. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    That is an intricate transfer design, sad it didn't work out. But the shoulderpad looks great, nonetheless.
    I love the Lizardmen bits you added to your guys :)

    Liked the piece of lore, nice insight in the background

    This group picture looks awesome :artist::artist:
    Great work!

    Grrr, Imrahil
    Warden likes this.
  12. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Good stuff!
    The insignia really make the models interesting.
    Warden and Imrahil like this.
  13. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    These are really awesome mate.
    Warden and Imrahil like this.
  14. Walters

    Walters Well-Known Member

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    The heraldry is very cool! Nice colors that go really well together with the grim tones.
    Warden likes this.
  15. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Thanks all!

    Painting heraldry is my favorite part :smug:

    I haven't posted much of the lore for my watch-fortress here, but if you are interested I have most of the lore of Sentinel IX and its deathwatch marines over on the Bolter and Chainsword (its a 40K forum, mostly space marines). Over there I go by Smoke Frog :vulcan::D

    ...that being said, I am ready to post my new Apothecary Agamenus of the Sons of Medusa:

    warden20210801_deathwatch_apothecary sons of medusa 01.jpg
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    The Sons of Medusa are an Iron Hands successor wearing green armor and white helmets, so this guy looks like he fits right in even though he is wearing deathwatch armor!

    warden20210801_deathwatch_apothecary sons of medusa 04.jpg
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  16. Explodingzeb

    Explodingzeb Well-Known Member

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    I really like the colour scheme on this guy. Good job!
    Warden likes this.
  17. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    If I somehow mange to have spare time on my hands might take a look overthere ;)

    Nice work on him! :artist::artist:

    Grrr, Imrahil
    Warden likes this.
  18. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Got my Suppressors almost finished, but here is my repose of the stock GW contemptor dreadnought:

    warden20210811_deathwatch assembly_24.jpg

    His arms are magnetized below the shoulderpad/plate, so I can swap out new weapons additions in the future.

    warden20210811_deathwatch assembly_25.jpg

    Now that the pose isn't quite as static, I am going to start putting skulls, purity seals, and other krims-krams on the dread to give him some more character. Hopefully a nice banner too!
  19. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Three more marines finished for my Deathwatch, completing my Vanguard Suppressor squad on their smoky flight stands!

    warden20210814_deathwatch_suppressor squad 01.jpg

    I am happy with the bright colors. It was just a quick, fun and fast paint job that could probably use some touch ups but to be honest I like how it turned out!
    warden20210814_deathwatch_suppressor squad 02.jpg

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    Getting to the individual squad-mates, first we have Sergeant Osagaya Cole of the Desert Crows, a fan-made chapter I found recently.

    warden20210814_deathwatch_suppressor desert crow 04.jpg

    There chapter symbol is a thunderbird!

    warden20210814_deathwatch_suppressor desert crow 03.jpg

    Next is Brother Yabutai of the White Scars:

    warden20210814_deathwatch_suppressor white scar 01.jpg

    warden20210814_deathwatch_suppressor white scar 04.jpg

    And lastly is Brother Lycald of the Knights of Gryphonne:

    warden20210814_deathwatch_suppressor knights of gryphonne 02.jpg

    The Knights of Gryphonne (along with Forgeworld Gryphonne IV) are rumored to have been both overrun by tyrannids, so naturally Brother Lycald adorns his armor with one of their skulls :smug:

    warden20210814_deathwatch_suppressor knights of gryphonne 05.jpg

    I am starting to get the hang of these transfers!
    Aginor, Imrahil, kroxh and 3 others like this.
  20. Walters

    Walters Well-Known Member

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    You certainly have! Cool looking pads, I especially like tha griffon on the orange background.
    Warden likes this.

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