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Blog Warden's Other Paint Log

Discussion in 'Personal Paint Logs' started by Warden, Aug 17, 2016.

  1. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Decided I wanted to work on my Watch Master today:

    warden20220219_watch master WIP 2.jpg

    Progress on his main base:

    warden20220219_watch master WIP 3.jpg

    Whole batch's progress so far:

    warden20220219_watch master WIP 4.jpg
  2. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Warden and Bowser like this.
  3. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    nice progress!
    Are all these bases for the Watch master himself for flavor? or for his subordinates as well?

    Grrr, Imrahil
    Warden and Bowser like this.
  4. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Thanks; all the bases are for the watch master himself, one for each potential xenos-40k army he could face. The biggest one is more of a diorama but it works for orks. The tiniest one (with no alien bits) is for his melta-gun-toting lackey.

    Still need to make one for tyrannids.
    Lizards of Renown likes this.
  5. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    A small prelude for my Watch Master :D:vamp:

    warden20220221_watch master_sword of vengeance.jpg

    Death to the Alien, the Emperor Protects!
    Watch Masters are the foremost Alien Hunters in the galaxy. They are counted as heroes even amongst the highest echelons of the Adeptus Astartes, for these men have tested their mettle against a hundred species of aliens and emerged triumphant. Within the Deathwatch their word is law, but they do not win this authority and respect with rousing rhetoric nor generous gestures- they are typically curt of speech and fierce of temper, and do not suffer fools. Their mission is only to ensure the survival of the greater Human species, and it is a duty they do not take lightly.

    On the strategic level, the Watch Masters work ceaselessly to outwit and outmaneuver the warlords of the alien races, to stymie invasions before they occur, to bring ascendant dynasties to their knees, and to wipe out parasitic species that would otherwise infest great swathes of imperial space. They have full knowledge of the terrible threats they guard against, knowledge that is often imparted only to those within the highest levels of the Inquisition who are held within great trust. They have the ear of the Inquisition and the Adeptus Astartes both, and on their authority entire sectors may burn. They and they alone hold the access codes to the sealed vaults at the heart of each Watch Fortress, and hold the power of Exterminatus itself in their hands.

    A Watch Master acts with authority as he sees fit, according to his own counsel and judgement, answerable to no one except his fellow watch commanders, the Inquisition, and ultimately to the Emperor of Mankind Himself."

    Also hi @Bowser nice to see you drop by, hope you are doing well!
  6. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    The Watch Master is complete!

    warden20220221_watch master_complete_ork base 01.jpg

    Watch Master Chorazin Scapulial, originally of the Angels of Vengeance space marine chapter.
    Watch Master Chorazin Scapulial is responsible for the death of trillions of xenos and simultaneously the death of untold billions of his own species. Entire sectors of space have been put to the sword by his orders to prevent them falling into the clutches of the alien. His only goal is the ultimate survival of humanity… at any cost.

    Formerly one of the highest ranking members of the Unforgiven, Chorazin has since been called upon and sworn his oath to the Deathwatch, to serve as the Master of Watch Fortress Sentinel IX. Since assuming his role he has carried out countless missions and xenocidal campaigns against the threats besetting the Imperium on all sides. At the behest of the Ordos Xenos and agents such as Inquisitor Kryptman, Chorazin’s orders of Exterminatus have been carried out on thousands of Imperium worlds to prevent them from falling into xenos hands or to eliminate the heretical alien taint. Over a myriad of worlds Chorazin has traversed to personally smite his enemies and lead the forces to the Deathwatch to victory against the Imperium’s most existential threats.

    warden20220221_watch master_complete_ork base 02.jpg

    This model is based on one made by Chris Borer of Full Borer Miniatures. More pictures here; I loved his version of an Angels of Vengeance Chapter master. It remains one of my favorite 40k models (I remember when he first made it back in 2007!) and to this day is my favorite chapter master of all time. It was so much fun to recreate a deathwatch version of him!

    warden20220221_watch master_complete_ork base 03.jpg

    I like to imagine this is a version of the original Chorazin in the far future, long retired from his Chapter Master duties to the Deathwatch so he can conspire on behalf of the Unforgiven chapters from within the Inquisition itself!

    warden20220221_watch master_complete_ork base 04.jpg

    The tons of skulls on the back of the base represent the human lives lost to Exterminatus that the Deathwatch are infamous from inflicting upon the Imperium, all in the name of preserving the integrity of humanity in the face of the threat of the alien.

    Chapter badge:

    warden20220221_watch master_complete_ork base 08.jpg

    He has a few different basing options, one for most of the xenos factions of 40k.


    warden20220221_watch master_complete_drukhari base 2.jpg


    warden20220221_watch master_complete_tau base 2.jpg

    warden20220221_watch master_complete_tau base 3.jpg

    And Necrons!

    warden20220221_watch master_complete_necron base 1.jpg

    All the bases as one big group:

    warden20220221_watch master_bases complete 1.jpg
  7. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    Incredible work mate!!
    It is very cool to have the different army casualties on the base.

    Grrr, Imrahil
    Warden and Bowser like this.
  8. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Warden and Bowser like this.
  9. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    I really do love the fluff that you post with the updates. The multiple bases are incredible and an amazing idea!
    Imrahil and Warden like this.
  10. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Disappeared for a bit and come back to 145 alerts :wideyed:

    EDIT: upon closer inspection, it appears the massive number of alerts can be attributed to the recent awakening from slumber of one of Lustria Onlines most famous slann. Thanks @Bowser!

    Anyway I have a bunch of phobos marines on the converting and painting table ready to go!

    warden20220216_on the painting table 5.jpg
    Very excited to paint up all these sniper eliminators:

    warden20220216_on the painting table 3.jpg

    Phobos Apothecary/Helix adept on a little diorama base:

    warden20220216_phobos apothecary 1.jpg

    warden20220216_phobos apothecary 3.jpg

    Some communications specialists:

    warden20220216_phobos comms specialists.jpg

    Two more converted helix adepts that need to be cleaned up a bit:

    warden20220216_phobos helix adepts 1.jpg

    warden20220216_phobos helix adepts 2.jpg

    Some phobos incursors with head swaps!

    warden20220216_phobos incursors 3.jpg

    Last but not least is my eliminator/sniper kill marine! First experiment with making dreadlocks:

    warden20220226_eliminator kill marine_01 son of medusa.jpg

    Can't wait to paint this guy.

    warden20220226_eliminator kill marine_02 son of medusa.jpg
  11. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Can't wait to see how the Sniper turns out! Looks great so far!
    Warden likes this.
  12. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    Great bunch of models, love the conversions

    Grrr, Imrahil
    Warden and Bowser like this.
  13. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Two eliminators are complete!


    I was going to do something more inspiring with the cloaks, but ultimately just kept it with the dark brown capes. I like how they look against the black armor.

    The Disciple of Caliban sergeant was the test model to see if I liked the color scheme:

    warden20220310_eliminators_disciple of caliban 2.jpg
    warden20220310_eliminators_disciple of caliban 3.jpg

    Did my best with his kneepad heraldry since his other shoulderpad isn't visible.

    And of course I was super excited for this guy!

    warden20220310_eliminators_sons of medusa 06.jpg

    I decided to paint him up as one of the Sons of Medusa again as they are one of my favorite chapters. Love how the hair turned out!
    warden20220310_eliminators_sons of medusa 00.jpg

    warden20220310_eliminators_sons of medusa 02.jpg

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    One of my reference photos for the project, Indris Elba as Heimdall from the MCU.

    african skin tone 2.jpg
    Imrahil, Lizards of Renown and Bowser like this.
  14. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    The dreadlocks turned out fantastically! Really gorgeous work here. This is absolutely brilliant.
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2022
    Warden likes this.
  15. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    The cloaks are perfect as they would not be anything fancy to draw attention to themselves on the battlefield.
    Warden, Imrahil and Bowser like this.
  16. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    Great work on these, the brown capes look very good in between the other colors!

    And as @Lizards of Renown said, good for blending in the surroundings

    Grrr, Imrahil
    Warden, Lizards of Renown and Bowser like this.
  17. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Thanks all! I have returned just in time to find our tyrannical xenos overlords have returned to take over the forum once again!

    To defeat these vile creatures I submit to you the latest addition to my Deathwatch force: Brother Abatur of the Vultures!

    warden20220329_phobos apothecary_vultures chapter 01.jpg

    He is based off a diorama I have admired for years by a poster over on Bolter and Chainsword named Kurgan the Lurker. It was fun to do another homage!
    cult of orange-vultures-kurgan the lurker.jpg

    warden20220329_phobos apothecary_vultures chapter 02.jpg

    The white armor is a challenge, but I like how it looks against the black armor. It will really make him stand out in a sea of black Deathwatch marines, and I will consider painting up my next few medic marines in this armor-pattern scheme.

    His chapter heraldry:

    warden20220329_phobos apothecary_vultures chapter 03.jpg
    warden20220329_phobos apothecary_vultures chapter 04.jpg

    warden20220329_phobos apothecary_vultures chapter 05.jpg

    warden20220329_phobos apothecary_vultures chapter 00.jpg
  18. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    Great work. I love the White and orange combo. Your white is done beautiful :artist:
    His pose os very cool:cool:

    Keep up the good work

    Grrr, Imrahil
    Warden and Bowser like this.
  19. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Thanks @Imrahil, I did as best as I could with that white armor... it is hard to paint!

    My painting progress has been on hold this week, but I converted up two more phobos-armored marine heroes:

    warden20220401_phobos captain and librarian.jpg
    Deathwatch Phobos captain (based on Samurai Jack!)

    warden20220401_phobos captain 1.jpg

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    warden20220401_phobos captain 3.jpg

    And a phobos librarian sporting a Lizardmen spear!:

    warden20220401_phobos librarian 1.jpg

    warden20220401_phobos librarian 2.jpg

    warden20220401_phobos librarian 3.jpg
  20. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    In a small change of pace, I saw a target of opportunity today while my daughter was taking a nap... and finished painting my necromuda enforcers!!

    warden20220410_necromunda_palanite enforcers 01.jpg

    Specifically, I have painted nine palanite enforcers (the lighter space-police cops), two palanite subjugators (the heavier space-police cops), and one cyber-dog.

    Here are the two leaders with shock-staves:

    warden20220410_necromunda_palanite enforcers 02.jpg
    The subjugator captain has his shield magnetized:

    warden20220410_necromunda_palanite enforcers 03.jpg

    Incidentally this is the first miniature I remember painting with some blonde hair!

    The two subjugators, one with his shield and shock stave, the other with a grenade launcher/ram:

    warden20220410_necromunda_palanite enforcers 04.jpg

    The regular trooper/enforcers with carbines:

    warden20220410_necromunda_palanite enforcers 10.jpg
    Concussive weapons (plus the previous subjugator with a large concussive weapon):

    warden20220410_necromunda_palanite enforcers 05.jpg

    Enforcer boltguns:

    warden20220410_necromunda_palanite enforcers 08.jpg


    warden20220410_necromunda_palanite enforcers 09.jpg

    And two rookies with pistols, and the cyber-dog!

    warden20220410_necromunda_palanite enforcers 06.jpg

    Had fun painting this guy, he was the first one I painted out of the bunch. He is a 3D print I bought from etsy... funny enough he was ordered from Russia. The miniature shipped just a day or two before the invasion of Ukraine. Doubt I will ever order from that company again.

    warden20220410_necromunda_palanite enforcers 07.jpg

    Despite that rough note to end on, I hope you like how the gang turned out overall :artist:

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