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Blog Warden's Other Paint Log

Discussion in 'Personal Paint Logs' started by Warden, Aug 17, 2016.

  1. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Here are both Dreadnoughts with their war-banners:

    warden20230428_deathwatch lions sable 14.jpg

    warden20230428_deathwatch lions sable 15.jpg


    I had great success with transfers during this project. The left knee uses a custom transfer (cut from the Angels of Vilgilance chapter I already used on a previous Deathwatch marine) and a Bretonnian transfer:

    warden20230428_deathwatch lions sable 07.jpg

    The other knee uses a generic space marine skull, but I realized it was a bit boring so added pretend script.

    warden20230428_deathwatch lions sable 08.jpg

    The dreadnought turned out pretty good, I enjoyed sculpting the purity seals, but I need more practice.

    Of course one of the purity seals snapped when I put this guy away after these photos too :argh:

    warden20230428_deathwatch lions sable 09.jpg

    Arms are both magnetized for multiple loadouts.

    Here is one of the assault cannons I made for the other dreadnought:

    warden20230428_deathwatch lions sable 16.jpg

    Double close combat arms for maximum punching!

    warden20230428_deathwatch lions sable 18.jpg

    Double necron-gun arms, for whatever I feel like proxying.

    warden20230428_deathwatch lions sable 19.jpg
  2. JTSleep

    JTSleep Well-Known Member

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    Wow! Great work. Now I want one :D
    Warden likes this.
  3. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Though I would suggest the new plastic contemptor dreadnought from the more recently updated Horus Heresy range... this dude was the old resin one from forgeworld and was an absolute pain.
    Imrahil and JTSleep like this.
  4. JTSleep

    JTSleep Well-Known Member

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    This is now a second time I forgot that I actually have that exact one at home. :D
    I'll see what I can do with him to nurglify him without messing up too much.
    Warden likes this.
  5. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    I know I am supposed to be painting a dinosaur to be done within the next 10 days, but these six infinity minis were so close to being done I decided to finish them off yesterday morning.

    Three Hafzas, known in infinity for being able to disguise themselves as other soldiers on the battlefield for maximum shenanigans:

    warden20230502_infinity hafza 2.jpg

    Two Odalisque bodyguards:

    warden20230502_infinity odalisque 5.jpg

    And the strategic mastermind of Haqqislam, Saladin the O-12 Liaison officer:

    warden20230502_infinity saladin.jpg

    All six together:

    warden20230502_infinity saladin, odalisques, and hafza.jpg
    JTSleep, Imrahil and Explodingzeb like this.
  6. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    Great work again!! :artist::artist:
    This Colorscheme is still so good looking :happy:

    Do you have army pictures of all you have done up to now? you have quite some finished if I am correct.

    Grrr, !mrahil
    Warden likes this.
  7. Quetzalcoatlus

    Quetzalcoatlus Active Member

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    The conversions on those Dreadnoughts is top notch!

    They really have character of their own!
    Warden likes this.
  8. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Thanks! I like the colors I have chosen for my haqqislam force.

    Because of your prompt I decided to take a photo... and I have quite a force now!

    warden20230505_infinity haqqislam collection 1.jpg

    That's 57 completed Haqqislam minis started from a collection I began in August of last year. Got another 10+ haqqislam/mercenary minis I want to finish, then work on some other infinity personnel too.

    Also this was my 3-year-old's contribution to the photo shoot:

    warden20230505_infinity haqqislam collection 2.jpg

    Thanks so much! I had fun putting him together and finally getting him finished.
    Last edited: May 5, 2023
    Imrahil, JTSleep and Explodingzeb like this.
  9. Explodingzeb

    Explodingzeb Well-Known Member

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    They look fantastic all together like that. It's always great to see a force all lined up.

    I'm not familiar with the Infinity rules, just the models. Roughly how big a force would be used in a standard sized game?
    Imrahil and Warden like this.
  10. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    I have done a lot of reading on the infinity rules (and love their app!!!), but haven't played a game yet. There is no local Infinity group at my local store unfortunately.

    That being said, a normal-sized infinity match is made up of 10 to 15 miniatures. Each team member generates an "order" of some kind; depending on the type these "orders" go into your "order pool" and you can decide which models from across your force will use those orders and do actions; like move, shoot, jump, climb, fight, etc.

    Here is a meager example with some of the cool stuff I like:

    warden20230505_infinity haqqislam_army example.jpg

    No clue if this is an effective force or not, but it is under the 15-unit limit, and I have a mix of different troop types to do different things, like a sniper, a missile robot, two hackers, some heavy-weapon toting troopers, a doctor, and some flamethrower dudes to sit in the back.
    Most of the minis break down into a few unit types:

    warden20230505_infinity haqqislam_unit types.jpg

    • Infantry, further subdivided into Light Infantry (little to no armor, your basic line infantry), Medium Infantry (normally some armor, cooler weapons), and Heavy Infantry (the biggest dudes walking around save for the robots, lots of armor, good weapons).
    • Remotes- robots, usually split between four-legged support bots/weapons platforms, and tiny helper bots. Some factions also have cool humanoid robots too
    • Skirmishers- normally lightly armored if they have any at all, with exotic weapons. They are usually sneaky and have cool rules to use camoflage or hide in plain sight.
    • Warbands- exotic weapon-toting troops who are usually not sneaky, and like to rush forward ahead of the rest of the force to wreak havoc in the enemy's lines.
    Only other troop type I did not include are the TAGs.
    • TAGs- stands for Tactical Armored Gear, are the mechs. They can have pilots (which can jump out) or can be controlled remotely by a pilot off the battlefield. They are the biggest guys around, and have the best armor and most powerful and unique weapons. Think anime mechs and mini gundams. Or in Haqqislam's case, they have a scorpion mech that I need to get my hands on at some point :wideyed::wideyed::wideyed:

    Infinity has a ton of different troop types, weapons (rifles, futuristic rifles, HMG heavy machine guns, SMG sub machine guns, sniper rifles, or other weird stuff), weapon effects and equipment (stun, flaming, EMP, grenades, mines, smoke), types of equipment (vision goggles that let you see through smoke, or be camoflaged so noone can see you) and other cool stuff.

    Infinity also has hacking, which reminds me a lot of magic in other games. Hacking is effective against most heavy infantry (because they have programing to control their high-tech armor), remotes (because they are robots), and TAGs (because they are also big scary robots and this is one of their few weaknesses).

    I like the different factions too, the setting is set in the "near" future, maybe a few hundred years in the future, where the myriad of human factions are still competing with each other for space resources. Very shortened summary of each:

    • Pan Oceania (PanO)- the hyperpower, future Australia/New Zealand/Indonesia/SE Asia/India/South America- a unified multicultural and technological powerhouse. They have the best guns, and know how to use them. Also they invented Aleph, the big AI that helps run the human nations across the Human Sphere (human sphere includes all the planets, planetary bodies, and spaces in between where humanity lives).
    • Yu Jing- the China of the future. The second biggest hyperpower, and they want to surpass PanO at any cost. They have a ton of really good heavy infantry. Also they control Korea, and used to control Japan until they rebelled.
    • Ariadna- time-displaced lost colonists and descendants of an ancient joint expedition USA, Britain, France, and Russia. They have old tech and no hackers, think what would happen if a contingent of soldiers from our current day and age wound up 100 years in the future, but they also have the best camoflage game. Also literal dog soldiers.
    • Haqqislam- my faction of choice so far, the descendants of the Middle East of the Islamic World, a very rationalistic and positive take on the Muslim world that isn't found in most wargames. They have a lot of all-rounder stuff, lots of tricks, Assassins, skirmishers, and camoflage. Also tons of Dune references :smuggrin:.
    • Nomads- the rebels, the cyberpunks, the space and cyber criminals, who live in space on three colossal travelling space ships seperate from the rest of humanity. They don't like Aleph, who they see as an evil AI who has enslaved the rest of humanity. They also do all the illegal banking, labor, and bio-tech things that the big bad AI won't let the rest of humanity do, and would sell their stuff to you... for a price. They have the best hacking and lots of cool powers and gizmos, and good robots.
    • Aleph- the AI that assists running the governments and society of the human sphere in the far far future, and according to Nomad propoganda has already enslaved humanity. They have lots of robots, cool hacking, and ancient greek heros of the Illiad returned to life in human (see: basically robot) form.
    • Combined Army- the evil aliens that just showed up on the edge of human space, and they want to eat our technology and absorb our AI. They have tough aliens, sneaky aliens, and evil aliens. Also the most powerful TAG in the game.
    There are a few other factions, but those are the big ones. Lots of mercenary factions too, like the Druze Bayram Security, basically the space mafia, and the Japanese Sectorial Army, recently rebelled from Yu Jing, and are everything you ever wanted from Ghost in the Shell and Akira anime movies put into a faction on the tabletop.

    I really like the miniatures! I am not the best painter of course, but despite them being metal models I have been having a lot of luck painting them and trying new things, like desert bases! They have great details too, especially the newer models.
    Imrahil, Explodingzeb and JTSleep like this.
  11. Explodingzeb

    Explodingzeb Well-Known Member

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    Thanks got the detailed explanation :)
    The models for the game are really nice. I hope you find someone to play with soon.
    Warden and JTSleep like this.
  12. JTSleep

    JTSleep Well-Known Member

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    I like how during demo plays a lot of people come to see the play and they all are like: "Wow, nice game, but I would not play because I couldn't paint them." And there we are, thinking: "Painting is the easy step. Finding someone to play with is the hard part." :D
    Warden likes this.
  13. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Agreed! The closest location with an actual Infinity scene to me is about 2 and 1/2 hours away, one direction.

    My goal is to paint up a few minis in at least one other faction, and eventually trick (edit: see convince) someone else to give it a shot :D. That and hopefully give it a try with my uncle next time I am visiting.
    Imrahil, Explodingzeb and JTSleep like this.
  14. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    That is an amazing sight! (including the fluffy Pluto ;) )
    Great stuff!

    Grrr, !mrahil
    Warden likes this.
  15. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Finished a mercenary for Infinity: Armand le Muet, contract sniper for hire.

    warden20230515_infinity armand le muet 1.jpg
    warden20230515_infinity armand le muet 2.jpg

    warden20230515_infinity armand le muet 3.jpg

    warden20230515_infinity armand le muet 4.jpg

    Members of this dudes' alien species apparently do 90% of their communication using pheromones, but apparently Armand is "mute" in the sense his alien pheromone organs in his head are damaged beyond repair. This means that aliens of his species have a hard time understanding him, removing him from giant shades of meaning in his vocabulary, to the point they can't tell his emotional state or even if he is lying or not.

    However things may not be what they seem, as there may be some evidence he allowed his organs to be deliberately damaged so that none of his species can guess his true motives or allegiance...

    Love how he turned out! Here he is with a few other mercenary Druze:

    warden20230515_infinity armand le muet 5 with druze.jpg
    Imrahil, Explodingzeb and JTSleep like this.
  16. JTSleep

    JTSleep Well-Known Member

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    Really nice mini. Is that skull and on back freehand or decal?
    Warden likes this.
  17. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Thanks! The skull is part of the mini itself, did my bed to color within the lines :confused:. I like that this alien is wearing what is essentially a biker gang jacket :D

    I also finished this Djanbazan sniper:

    warden20230515_infinity armand and djanbazan.jpg
    warden20230515_infinity haqqislam_djanbazan 1.jpg

    warden20230515_infinity haqqislam_djanbazan 2.jpg

    Now that this dude is complete, my Qapu Khalqi starter set is complete. They are old models for sure, some of the oldest ones from Corvus Belli that I have in my collection, but they have a charm to them I enjoy, like retro-spacemen. :joyful:

    warden20230515_infinity haqqislam_qapu khalqi starter set.jpg
    Imrahil and JTSleep like this.
  18. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    This next little project has been WIP for at least a year now?

    Some Admech Raptor Riders!!!

    warden20230523_ryza raptor riders WIP.jpg

    I started assembling them ages ago but never finished. Since they have been on the "to do" tray taking up space I decided to finally finish putting them together and have gotten all the way through the basecoat stage. Wash is next then another round of paint to complete them I think.
  19. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Certainly unusual, are these a kitbash or a 3D-print?
    Warden likes this.
  20. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Good point, I neglected to mention that! They are from Station Forge miniatures, I bought them off of Etsy. Really great prints, much better quality than the dino I painted recently.

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