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Warhammer in mainstream media

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Captaniser, Mar 6, 2017.

  1. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    I will develope asap some hypothesis on that. ;)
    Captaniser likes this.
  2. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Oops. I can't read... sorry I missed the point of the thread mighty @Captaniser . :facepalm:

    In that case... most of my first point stands I think. The movies would have to be sufficiently "dark" enough to really capture the feel of the universe on the big screen.
    Captaniser and NIGHTBRINGER like this.
  3. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    I reckon it was in its prime. Warcraft, certainly Warcraft III, is a nice fantasy setting with an interesting storyline but the Computer players are ridiculously hard, even on easy level. You're trying to get enough gold to recruit your army an d all of a sudden the enemy attacks you in a massive horde with a level 5 or 6 hero where your hero is level 1 or 2. The weakness of Warcraft is the resource you need the most of is the resource where you can only get 3 or 4 workers on at a time. Conversely I find Starcraft (the original of course) easier and more fun because the resource you need most of (minerals) allows you to get 8 or 9 workers on at a time (at least if you play Zerg it does...).

    That's not a nice thing to say on a Warhammer forum...

    Well to those discussions I would say yes (GW are tight-fisted now but that's only because they're not that famous compared to PC game companies and stuff and they need to keep the prices high to survive), no (It would lose much of its appeal to older gamers), yes (It would probably expand to other markets including toys to try and get more younger gamers interested, perhaps as an 'introduction' to Warhammer before they move onto the game), yes (especially with Fantasy because there are so many points of view) and no (If fantasy was as successful as that, GW probably wouldn't have decided to kill it off. There would have been Bretonnian, Beastman and Skaven army book followed by 9th Edition instead of 40K 7th edition and GW would have stuck to their traditions).
  4. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    To a certain limit, yes.
    Gw would be a different animal, with many new marketing areas that would have developed (movies, merchandising end so on).

    SW got a large toys market, Warcraft much less... but with the release of big movie I don't see why not.
    Plastic toys for diceless battles, school material (cover for copybooks, diaries and so on) focused on "nice" characters (Karl Franz, dwarfs and similar)

    The prices for miniatures of "real" warhammer wouldn't be cheaper than actual ones, but we could have different games...
    I can easily imagine GW to support the main games (WHFB and 40K), plus a very simplified "light version" (much simpler than AoS), as introductive game for child, with a lighter tone in the background (less gritty and grimdark) and lower prices for miniatures

    The fluff of the main games will also evolve (supported by movies), to give more depths to many characters, other than battle-focused.

    Who knows? the point of End Times was to try to revive a stagnant market, this wouldn't be the case.
    There could be a different "End Times", with a sort of mega cataclism to introduce SCE and sell even more.

    Not only those, but also cartoons.
    Firstly, we would have movies about great battles (Macragge, siege of Altdorf), then we could have "side" movies: think to something as the "Birth" of the Tomb Kings, with the tragic rivalry between Khalida and Neferata...
    Captaniser likes this.
  5. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    ...yeah. you are right, sorry.
    I admit I never liked Warhammer lore. That is one of my reasons to not play it for all those years. Both the WHFB and 40K stories and background info I read were just of dire quality.
    I warmed to them - to a certain degree - but honestly I think for a mainstream audience to enjoy them GW would have to ramp up the quality quite a bit.
    Killer Angel likes this.

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