AoS Warhammer'd 2017 Game 3 vs Blades of Khorne 4/7

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Skinnyboy, Aug 9, 2017.

  1. Skinnyboy

    Skinnyboy Member

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    Game 3 and I’m up against A’s Blades of Khorne. Like my other two opponents A does not have a side board. His list was something like:



    Bloodsecrator Banner

    Blood stoker

    Large unit of Bloodletters

    2x 10 Blood reavers

    Blood Warriors

    Some korgoraths

    Gore pilgrim battalion

    Probably some other stuff but it really didn’t matter as you’ll see. The scenario here was “The Ice Table” AKA Jotumhelm

    A and I had a chat when we got to the table about the special rules, set up and win conditions. A was up against it on this table I think, the 2x2 sections of the table start falling apart and all models that cant fly that are on a section when it falls apart are slain. The sections can be healed using magic, however that’s a bit of a problem for Khorne…. He explained his list and I went with my Thunderquake Starhost list. Due to the low model count of my list I had 1/3 less models than him so I got to choose win conditions. I hummed and hawed over this for a while but settled on destroying the intervening ice sections between our deployment zones.

    For deployment I set up so that my bastiladons, EotG, salamanders and starseer were within walking distance plus 6” in case I rolled the time of war that limited visibility to 6”. 2 units of skinks formed a single line across the board with the third unit spreading out behind them to try and catch anything that might make it past the line. I was able to set up so that I wasn’t exactly on the line, a few inches back.

    A deploys his army on the line with the priest just hanging back. A goes first and moves everything as far as it can go. Some unfortunate run rolls mean that hes not even close enough to attempt any long bomb charges.

    My first turn and I roll the Icestorm result that encases his bloodthirster in a block of Ice, rendering it invulnerable but also useless unless he can role a 4+ in his hero phase. I target everything that has a damage characteristic greater than 1 at the table section that has, his bloodletters, bloodthirster and 1 unit of bloodreavers and destroy it. We asked the TO what happens to the bloodthirster in the Iceblock as he can fly but is in ice, we were told to 4+ he lives but he unfortunately the ‘thirster sank.

    I win the the role for turn 2 and fairly easily take out the 2nd table section, sinking the rest of his army except for the slaughterpriest and banner but ending the game as I attained my win condition.

    And that was that, a bit of a non-game really and not a very exciting bat rep but there you have it. I never moved a single model and A only rolled for runs and saves on the Ice sections. Credit where it’s due A was an excellent sportsman about the whole thing. Apparently our experience was similar to the other two games played that day and the scenario was changed for the next day.

    After Day 1 I’m the only player on 3 Major wins but I havn’t been getting many laurels so I’m sitting around 3rd place right now. The match up for game 4 gets released on the Sat night and I’m playing M and his mixed Death army first thing Sunday morning.
    Aginor, Gradeaal, m0gstar and 2 others like this.
  2. Xasto

    Xasto Well-Known Member

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    A bit anticlimactic compared to the other 2 bat reps! But hey, thats what you get sometimes with AoS. Nice to see that everyone was really sportsmanlike! Cant wait for the next game!
  3. Skinnyboy

    Skinnyboy Member

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    Yup there wasnt much to it really, the table was rough but I think what really screwed him over was a lack of a side board... its something that is necessary for this event given that the tables and scenario have so much influence on the game. Not taking advantage of the flexability the sideboard offers almost garuntees at least one bad table/army match up over the 5 games. I cant emphasize how good a sport A was, we had a great chat before during and after the game, shared some drinks and checked back in on each other to see how things were going the next day. We had never met before as he's fairly new to the scene so I'm glad he had a good weekend overall. The next two games though... best games of aos I have ever played
    Xasto likes this.
  4. Xasto

    Xasto Well-Known Member

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    Still waiting to see these battle reports! :D
    jevan likes this.

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