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What are you doing today hobbywise?

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Lord-Marcus, Feb 8, 2018.

  1. BrotherSutek

    BrotherSutek Well-Known Member

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    20240630_151232.jpg Random scatter test. Need a nice mix for Blood and Plunder as we will be playing islands and also some New England coasts. Definitely will have multiple Palm trees on the rest of the bases. Quick note the coconut ground scatter is amazing! It has solid color and texture, I love this stuff for bases.
  2. J.Logan

    J.Logan Member

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    Today... After I wake up (stupid insomnia ruining any semblance of normal sleep schedules)... weather allowing that I can go outside and do some priming, I shall be looking to paint my sexy pinup model lizardman. I bet you all know the one. How many of you have that very 3d printed model?

    My one is the... Uh... Knockers... not included option, because I find that my lizards are sexier when they are biologically accurate :p
  3. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    I noticed those.

    On one hand, I'm not impressed that they've gone for a significantly different scale to Warlord's Epic Battles line all because Hudson shares the late Bryan Ansell's petty grudge toward 15mm (or thereabouts) figures, thus denying mix and match potential. But then on the other hand at least they're not trying to copy something that has already been done by someone else, and from their history of preferred periods so far it looks like they won't be interested in doing 17th Century (at least not for a long time) so I won't be kicking myself for having bought into the Warlord Epic ECW range (which have less individually-based figures than the new WA ones) anytime soon.

    I also wouldn't have chosen Samurai as the inaugural range for the scale (though @Warden will be pleased).

    However I can't fault them on the value-for-money front, 200-300 individual men (though some are on various levels of multibasing) in a box for the same good price as the majority of their 28mm sets is excellent, on par with Warlord prior to their last price rise and better than Victrix. Certainly if they get round to releasing periods that interest me more I'll keep them very much in mind.
    Lord-Marcus likes this.
  4. Lord-Marcus

    Lord-Marcus Sixth Spawning

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    So I lied. Or more like I fibbed. I intended to do some fantasy conversions using Perry historical 1800s Sudanese and the newer war games Atlantic Roman citizens box. It turns out the heads are different joinery and I'm going to have to adjust when I build these to include extra time to overcome that.

    So they've been shelved. I'll probably start building the six boxes worth of Aztecs I have to do. Or paint what is primed.
  5. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    I don't think the differences would be too much to worry about... the Madhist Ansar bodies can have greenstuff necks sculpted into the sockets to accommodate Citizens of Rome heads and the Madhist Ansar heads can have their ball joints trimmed off to fit them onto the Roman necks. Job done.

    A little bit of extra work, yes, but nothing hugely serious.
  6. Lord-Marcus

    Lord-Marcus Sixth Spawning

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    Correct. And I'm no stranger to doing this. It was just more time than I had initially intended for the conversions last night. So I'm going to have to take a stab at it later.

    I'm probably going to be building a whole bunch of Aztecs for the foreseeable though
  7. J.Logan

    J.Logan Member

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    Just finished (barring maybe a few touchups) my pinup lizard. Used her as an excuse to test out some of the vallejo xpress colours I hadn't had a gander with yet, as well as a harmless method to test patterning. Was aiming to copy the Chinese Water Dragon, decided not to go so thick with the brown banding on the tail because I really liked how this green looks and didn't want to cover it too much.

    Thinking I'll make her my Bloodbowl team's cheerleader. I'm sure they'll be really encouraged at this pretty lady shaking her haunches at them.
    Imrahil likes this.

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