8th Ed. What is the very best Army Book lore of magic?

Discussion in 'Other Armies Discussion' started by NIGHTBRINGER, Jun 16, 2021.

  1. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    I'm with @BrotherSutek to be honest...

    It's few and far between for me now. If I get a chance to play, I'll be using the 8th rules just so that I can rapidly get the game done.

    Sorry mate :(
    BrotherSutek and NIGHTBRINGER like this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    I only get to play pretty infrequently, and when I do, I like to stick to the official rules for the reasons I specified in my earlier posts.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    I'm not sure if the TK army book author, Robin Cruddace, is fully to blame. The Tomb Kings book was only the second army book, after Orcs & Goblins, to be released under 8th edition. If you compare it to that book, they are fairly well balanced against one another. Orcs & Goblins are little bit stronger, but they are in the same competitive sphere. He couldn't have known what decisions the authors of all the rest of the army books were going to do. Is it Robin Cruddace's fault that the TK are too weak or is it the fault of the authors of the WoC, DE and HE army books for making those armies too powerful?

    I'm not clearing the guy of all wrongdoing, but simply pointing out that he was in a tough position at such an early stage of the 8th edition cycle. That said, there are definitely a few things that I wish he had done differently. The Vampire Counts were lucky due to the fact that they were released a bit later and they got to tweak the TK's shortcomings in order to better match up to the books that followed. It is a shame really. It wouldn't take all that much for GW to fix the Tomb Kings. Without touching any of the unit rules, a few tweaks of TK army special rules would make a massive difference. The book is rather interesting with some fun synergies, awesome & unique special characters and some creative mechanics. They are simply hampered too much by a few key rules.

    A bit before my time, but I have skimmed through the book and it looks to be pretty interesting and solid. I know a lot of people were pleased with that book.
  4. BrotherSutek

    BrotherSutek Well-Known Member

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    The 6th edition book was balanced both internally and externally. You got very reliable magic but it wasn't OP and you had to go in a certain order. The synergy that was put into how the units ran was wonderful. One of my biggest dislikes of the 8th edition book is how with only a few changes we could have had the book for 7th and it would have been awesome! I'll stop there as I'm not being productive.
  5. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    No probs, though it wouldn’t take a min to simply copy the rules in my quote onto a Word Doc, print them out and keep the page inside your book for easy reference (that’s assuming you have physical books rather than PDFs). But it’s your decision anyway :)
  6. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    I would certainly put the blame much more on the latter personally, because if it wasn’t for them escalating the powercreep for the ‘favourite’ factions things probably would be more balanced for everyone. Isn’t it suspicious that Warriors of Chaos, High Elves and Dark Elves were three of the most boosted factions in 7th Edition as well?

    True, Cruddace isn’t the best games developer in the world and suffers from faction bias in 40K (GW must keep him firmly away from writing all future Tyranid and Imperial Guard Codices), but his Fantasy work was middling when he wrote it, neither too strong or too weak. Credit where credit’s due. I wonder what would have happened if he (or one other GW author) wrote the books for all the factions?

    Indeed, I wouldn’t have to work on these amendments if GW had made some of their own to bring Tomb Kings up to date with their aesthetically and lorewise inferior enemies, but we have to make do with either a subpar book or fan amendments to make it par. To be honest though I still think GW also had a clear faction bias toward Vampire Counts, because they got a 7th Edition book and Tomb Kings didn’t, plus two lots of releases in 8th Edition instead of the usual one per army. Funnily enough, High Elves, Warriors of Chaos and Dark Elves also benefitted from this outrageous display of favouritism.

    Are there any other army special rules you think need a rework that I’ve missed out from my amendments? I’m interested to hear your thoughts

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Like I said, I prefer to play official rules only, but as a hypothetical exercise, these are the changes I would consider:
    • TK units can march if they are within 12" of the general
    • If the Hierophant is slain, another Liche High Priest or Liche Priest with the Lore of Nehekhara can take over his Hierophant duties
    • Restless Dead lore attribute may heal Animated Constructs 1 wound per casting (no longer limited to one wound per magic phase)
    • Units with the Nehekharan Undead rule can elect to hold or stand and shoot (where applicable) as per the normal BRB rules.
    • Fix the EBtS special rule. Remove the "Reclaimed by the Desert" outcome from the Mishap table. 1-3 = Buried Too Deep, 4-6 = Shifting Sands

    That's pretty much it. Only army special rules changed and a minor tweak of the lore attribute. It's quick and easy. Messing with units and magic items invites the same to be done within every other army book (even weak units in already strong armies).

    I still think they would be one of the weaker armies, but much more fair and competitive.
  8. BrotherSutek

    BrotherSutek Well-Known Member

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    I can't fault the logic the only two things I'd add to this is being able to charge when emerging from entombed as otherwise it's almost useless. Yes it has its moments but if you can't charge until 3rd turn at best... the other thing is the magic spell we have for our number 6 slot. It's criminally weak for a number 6spell, instead I'd go with the storm of Magic golden age spell. Even if only allowed on the heirophant it would be so much better a buff that this army desperately needs.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    In such a case, I think you'd have to remove the rule entirely from a unit like the Necropolis Knights. That unit is too strong to just be able to pop up anywhere and hit an enemy unit in the rear or flank. On things like Scorpions, I think it would work well.
  10. BrotherSutek

    BrotherSutek Well-Known Member

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    I'd do that. To get the scorpions and my beloved tomb swarms back in the sands I d give that up.
  11. Knoffles

    Knoffles Member

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    I’m late to the party on this but love these kinds of discussions. What I quite like about some of the AB lores is the synergy a number of them have with their respective armies. VC and Ogres are the stand out on that front and both are excellent but VC top the table for me. Lore of High magic is also superb. It is maybe let down a bit by being such a jack of all trades and I think it probably complements Lizards more than HEs (though I prefer the attribute on HEs and I’ll more often take the lore on WEs over either of the other two armies).
    I’ll have to give a shout out to LoS too. One of my regular opponents crippled my flying Doombull with that damned random movement spell :D:D

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Here is someone else's take on the Lore of Slaanesh:


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