I'll be the third person to choose Bieber. He is a regular human and as long as he doesn't sing he is probably a normal person just like one of us. I happen to dislike most of his music but other than that? He helped charity like when the Philippines were hit by a typhoon, he used to play Ice Hockey, he is a bit too religious for my taste but I am sure we would find enough topics to just hang around and talk and probably drink a few beers. Jar Jar comes in second. I don't dislike him but his foolishness could probably be annoying.
It is surprising how the trend has changed from Lustria Online: The Original Series to Lustria Online: the Next Generation...
Bieber has somehow made up a lot of lost ground. Maybe not exactly like a normal person... https://torontosun.com/2015/09/29/j...cket/wcm/79ff13cb-1eb6-447f-8221-fa08051bb372
Especially as "the bathroom was just over the other side"... He could have held it in... Some people really are uncivilised these days.
Probably a symptom of people incessantly fawning over you, a person loses perspective and starts to believe they are better than others.
Pfff... friends of mine have done weirder things while drunk. They just aren't famous so nobody knows. He was a young (21 I guess) and rich guy, and yes, he was being an uncivilized idiot there. That's what being young and rich makes people quite often. Good taste? Nope. But also not something I would use to judge the character of a person that I otherwise don't know . Almost everyone has done dumb shit in their lives.
Most likely. It's interesting because we've made all these advancements yet some individuals still think it's OK to urinate in a bucket...
I know, but even so, I've never done anything quite that stupid, and I probably never will. Aaaaanyhow, I couldn't resist putting this joke in to change the currently unpleasant subject:
But the guy then went on to defend his actions it knowing that the world would judge and it would make news. Plus this isn't the only idiotic thing he has done, he has a pretty long list. A mop bucket in a restaurant no less!
That's actually the weirder part to me. But then you know what they say about celebrities and especially about "celebrities": Any news are good.
That's the part that makes him look entitled. Well his fans are fanatical over him, so it makes little difference I suppose.
I voted jar jar. I still don’t see why people hate him as much as they do. I’ve always thought Jar jar was a funny character (especially in clone wars).
The little brat called Bieber...you didn’t say anything about spending the time with them as a living entity. He’d be much quieter as a corpse I reckon and the world would benefit as a result ;D
I will say if I was trapped with Justin Bieber I would literally FLAY THE SKIN FROM HIS BONES THEN I WOULD FEED HIS BODY TO THE CROWS.