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8th Ed. Why new LM will Rock!

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by SanDiegoSurrealist, Aug 5, 2013.

  1. eppe

    eppe Member

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    Thanks for that report. It is kind of what I was thinking that overall the army list wont change as drasticaly as some people probably thought when the WD came out.
  2. GCPD

    GCPD Active Member

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    I have to say, having gone through and snapped off the spears from all my Saurus, and lined up my 36 lizard horde, that it does look pretty cool.

    Beasts or Iceshard on the Skink, then? I've found Iceshard quite useful in the past, and it seems it might be handy at saving our dinosaurs from cannons in the first turn (its no Pha's Protection, but still). But is the opportunity to 6 dice Wildform too good to pass up?
  3. Lizardmatt

    Lizardmatt New Member

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    That original post was mine from the local game board. It was shorter than I intended, but having a 4 year old and a 1 year old will do that sometimes.

    I tried spamming Razordons and was very pleased with the results. Loremaster High Magic means I always get +D3 Boost spell, which can give Razordons BS4 to BS6. The block of 8 gets an average of 40 shots normally and 52 on a stand and fire. Hitting on 2's, they put a huge dent in the enemy.
    Just use Slaan magic and skinks to aggressively hunt chaff. Force an opponent to charge into the razors or keep taking the shooting. Should anything survive the stand and fire, they are still facing 16 S5 attacks, ~24 S3 attacks (minus handlers who have been eaten), and 4 S5 stomps.
    Salamanders are better at thinning hordes, but when you fire into a smaller unit, like 18 chaos warriors, the razordons shine. I don't know if I'll keep up the same luck, but 1 shot + stand and fire killed all 18 chaos warriors (23 kills would have been average).

    Meanwhile, the lone salamander was the target of Walk Between worlds and moved tot he flank of the sneaky marauder horde.. and BBQ.

    The daemon prince was almost a problem. Almost. Steggadon into the flank of the prince after he tried to roadblock of temple guard ended that. Multiple wounds D3 on D6+1 impacts FTW.

    Anyhow, kids are up again, so more positive results and ideas to come.

  4. SanDiegoSurrealist

    SanDiegoSurrealist New Member

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    Hey Matt it is Kevin!
    Welcome to the Lizardman forum, I did not know you were on here as well.
    I was the one who posted this after I read it on Game Empire, I liked it so much thought I would share it here.
    I am in Cincinnati now, have only managed to play 1 game since I moved, can not wait to break out the new LM.
  5. Eladimir

    Eladimir New Member

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    Great topic choice gents
    I like the idea about the 12 man temple guard unit. Especially with the bast of laser bumping them to int 3 which might even let them hit first.
  6. rexti

    rexti New Member

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    *cuddles his Kroxigors* Welcome back guys, I know I told you we were just taking a break, I know I never quite got around to checking up on you as much as I had intended, and that we never got to hang out in the past years, but I have truly missed you guys, and it makes me so happy to see you come back.

    The long darkness of strenght 6 is finally over!

    I am still not sold on Razordons though, they still seem to suffer from the same problem they always did: one missfire will lose you the entire round of shooting, which can lead to a stand&shoot simply turning up no shots, and when you are rolling 3 dice, that risk is relatively high.
  7. Lizardmatt

    Lizardmatt New Member

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    Actually, it's just the razor that rolls the misfire that doesn't shoot. With a unit of 8, you'll get a couple of misfires, and on a stand and fire, you'll get to re-roll them.
    I just need to find something to use as Razordons instead of GW's ugly critters.

  8. rexti

    rexti New Member

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    Matt: did they say that anywhere official? Iirc the last official word we got on it, during the previous army book was that the entire unit lost it's shots, even though reason dictates otherwise, and it makes all the difference in their value (once just one razordon is distrupted: hell yeah they are awesome, just as they always were until it changed to affect the entire unit).

    Also, people complaining about the book, the more i think about it, the happier i get:

    Are you aware that kroxigors are now THE BEST THEY HAVE BEEN IN THE HISTORY OF THE GAME?! Ok, they no longer instantly kill chariots, and the metagame has shifted more towards bigger units, but we have never gotten these stats for so low. Even during their glory days in 5th/6th they were 58 points each! More importantly, predatory fighters gives an extra attack on average from a standard 3-krox unit: We used to pay 20 points for that! (with added challenge-protection mind you)

    Carnosaurs are now 110 points, used to be 210 points. They cut the bloody price in HALF, gave it multiple wounds against ANYTHING, not just large targets, kept the same stats, except now gave the option to give it bloodroar which means even Ld10 units are at risk, and Ld8-7 units are more likely to break than not (roughly).
    And to be fair, the predatory fighters rule on Oldbloods does average almost 1 attack extra, so you have to also factor that into his point cost: that they do have effectively 6 attacks most of the time.

    Cold one riders...well, cold ones got an extra attack, and we all know which of the mount and rider causes the most damage when dealing with cavalry.... ;) Even the riders have a slightly bigger chance of being useful now; Remember, even if its just 1 extra attack, we used to pay for it.

    Free spears? Sure, i'll take it, and cheaper temple guards is always good. Terradons are still not as insane as they used to be (ripperdons come close, but frenzy screws them over, still, does anyone remember just how nasty the old 3 A str 4 terradons used to be?)

    A-stegs down 45 points, and made better? Fine with me. with the Str 5 Automatic hits with Multiple wounds from impacts, these guys will typically kill anything big they hit outright.

    Overall, sure, there are things which are slightly disappointing (trogdorsaur amongst them), but compared to the old book, these are almost all upgrades.
  9. OmegaHavoc
    Cold One

    OmegaHavoc Member

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    Carnosaurs are not 110pts....
  10. Lizardmatt

    Lizardmatt New Member

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    Shooting is done model by model, with the restriction that they all fire at the same unit. If he rolls a misfire, no shots are fired. If one guy rolls a misfire, he doesn't discard all his buddies shots.
    If a skaven Jezzail rolls a 1 to hit, the whole unit doesn't misfire, just the guy who rolled the 1.

    If you think that the shooting rule applies to the whole unit, then a unit of 3 razordons would only get a single die worth of shots.

  11. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    This is a common misconception, the rule applyed to each model's shots
    and not the whole unit.
  12. rexti

    rexti New Member

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    You are right, checked again, and they come in at 220 now, no idea where i misread that, since when i saw it, i doubble-checked to make sure it was right, since it seemed insane.

    As for the razordons, In denmark it was regarded at the official ruling and used during tournaments back during the period when razordons first appeared. Glad to hear if it has finally been set right. ^^

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