Why you should NEVER work for Cranes-Blerpshop

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Rikard, Jul 20, 2019.

  1. Rikard

    Rikard Well-Known Member

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    I think you mean Cranes-Blerpshop.

    And yes, it's hideous.

    A couple of friends have said I should post reviews of this nightmare on their main FB page, or type a letter to the CEO because he'd actually listen.

    But to be honest...I don't really care, I don't think it's worth my time or effort, they've had far too much of both in the past and they certainly don't deserve any more. I don't mind what people say, do, or share with regards to this whole saga, but I'm done with Cranes-Blerpshop permanently, they want more of my time then they better bring a credit card, because it won't be free.
  2. Irish Lizarman
    Chameleon Skink

    Irish Lizarman Well-Known Member

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    Im pretty sure what they do to potential employees like that is illegal in Europe one could take them to court if they aren't careful also get a 3D printer and open your own little shop with your own sculpts you are really talented and people would gladly pay you for work
  3. Rikard

    Rikard Well-Known Member

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    So did I, but this is where it get shady...

    Because they specifically say and reiterate that you're not employed by Cranes-blerpshop in any way shape or form and that completion of this course does not mean you'll get a job, nor do they even have one... They actually bypass a lot of employment law and legislation, because in order to qualify for any kind of employment right, you need to have an Employment Status.

    And by saying that it's not a job, nor even a job interview, they bypass a number of other laws that specifically address reasonable employer requests for job interviews.

    I even spoke with a number of different legal bodies within the UK and all of them have said that in order to know what you're entitled to, you need that Employment Status, but because they've stressed it's not a job, nor an interview for a job, or even that they don't have any available, it goes from being a proof of competency request/proof of skill set request, to just a company asking for free stuff.

    The onus then shifts to the poor sod on the other end of this nightmare.

    Do the work, possibly, maybe, perhaps, get consideration for a job if there's one in a year's time #NoGuaranteesThnx

    And as I've already said, this is a considerably devious move in order to prevent having to pay people for sucking up their time and effort and what does that in turn say about Cranes-blerpshop?


    "Until you can prove otherwise, your time, your effort and you, are worthless."

    The fact that I didn't even get a passive aggressive "We're sorry you feel that way" reply only lends to that, but amusingly enough it's what's causing them so many problems. Their hiring process might not legally constitute criminality, but it is, albeit with the consent of the sap that agrees to partaking.

    The problem with being tight/cheap
    They are struggling to find people, but when their hiring process is so outlandishly despicable, it's a bit like complaining that no-one likes you when you're rude to every person you meet, you're not exactly making it easy to be liked.

    I spoke with other companies, self employed professionals across a varied spectrum, from their own websites, or accounts on places like CG trader, Deviantart and a couple on FB. To try and remove any bias (positive and negative) I didn't mention which company it was, I asked them if what was requested was typical, or even reasonable.

    Guess what?

    It wasn't! D:

    The responses I got ranged from using words like "Outrageous" "Hilarious" "Unreasonable" "Not feasible" to one person who is both a professional Digital Sculptor and Animator for computer games, who described it as "Insane".

    So that's problem number one, if Billy is mean to the other kids, he doesn't get to moan if they don't want to play with him.

    Problem Number Two: Staff retention:
    Another issue I've noticed is people I know who went there, don't stay there for very long, disclaimer on this, I don't know what Cranes-blerpshop's retention rate is like, nor whether it's considered good or bad by UK standards.

    The reason I've assuming it's not great is based off a few other variables, the first being TooSoone's comment of "We want people to stay here forever" or his admission in the same interview that "It's incredibly hard trying to find potential sculptors"

    The second is seeing a number of people do a short amount of time and then going off to start their own companies, or work with other companies, so....why would this be the case?

    I'm actually going to gloss over wages here as I don't think money would be the primary reason (although....FYI if I had been made an instant offer at Cranes-blerpshop, it would likely involve me taking a £14000 a year pay cut and I earn less than £40000 a year.....so yeah, mull that one over).

    Credit where it's due, sculpts and miniatures used to have a "sculpted by XXXXX" on the blister pack, or box, you don't see that anywhere now, some of their more recent models I only found out who sculpted them because he would post them on his main FB page, months AFTER release.

    You are faceless and were it not for the work, no-one would even know you exist.

    Gagging orders
    Disclaimer: this might have changed since I saw it in 2010, but I find that HIGHLY unlikely.

    Anything you sculpt in your own time whilst employed by Cranes-blerpshop is their IP, their property, this can be very hard for them to enforce, as they'd need reasonable proof to take this to court, let alone win it.

    You're also not allowed to use any miniature forums, nor post WIPs of your work, or any work you do, but seeing as they did/do claim all rights to your work whilst working for them, why would you post anything?

    So after all this if you're still ok and you still accept this course and you manage to get through it all AND get that mysterious job.... What impression are you left with?

    A company that doesn't so much ask, but EXPECTS you to give everything to prove you have some sort of value, you then have to relocate and in all likelihood take a paycut and STILL be made to feel like they're the ones doing you a favour. Finally (and this is probably the last nail in the proverbial coffin), you, as part of the Design team, will have to give feedback to other poor saps who take a risk and enroll on this course.....

    Advice that in the vast majority of cases mean that, that person will be told "Thanks, but no thanks and thanks again for the free models....we're keeping those", you'll be reminded again and again that your situation could have been like that and this company would have treated you in the exact same way if things were a little different.

    Take all of that into consideration and then ask yourself....If a better opportunity came up, be it better pay, another company, your own company, or even the option of being based where you were originally, would you feel any kind of loyalty to a company whose Human Resources policy has a Soylent Green vibe about it?

    If anyone ever tells you something will be "Great publicity" for you, ask them the name of the artist who put Washington on the one dollar bill. Probably some of the best publicity you could get, but how many people know who that person is, without looking at one, or using google.
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2021
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