AoS Will this help fight Gotrek happy Stormcast

Discussion in 'Seraphon Tactics' started by Idk, Feb 28, 2021.

  1. Idk

    Idk Member

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    Hi I am not too good at strategies and am having trouble when going against my storm cast eternal friend who always uses Gotrek and a large amount of heavy slow moving infantry plus a unit of archers a mage genral and a ballista a slow so far I have only come up with one solution for dealing him and I am unsure if it will even really do anything

    It involves taking a large amount of Skinks with boltspiters or javelins with two stegos and two skink spells casters plus 6 terradons.
    My plan is to use the large amount of skinks to slowly widdle down the health of the heavy infantry and gotrek especially with help from the two skink star priests casting damage spells on the slow infantry while running away (as they all have four movement)easily while still being able to shoot at them during this I hope to have the terradons to try to kill the ballista and the archers
    After some time of damaging the enemy i will send in the stegos with bows the enter combat with the infantry and gotrek they will quickly die but get out extra damage I hope that it would not be long before gotrek is dead and i clean up the rest of the stormcast from afar

    Any suggestions for what to change are highly appreciated
    LizardWizard and Erta Wanderer like this.
  2. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    welcome! sorry to hear you are having trouble lets see if we can help with that. first off remember that AoS is not a game about killing models you win at the end if you have the most OB points no matter how badly you are beaten up(even if you get tabled). second our skink starpriests have serpents staff this put on a big block of 30 or 40 skinks can do a lot to SCE they have little when it comes to MW negation and dedicated shooting can take a lot of them off the table. i would take bolt spitters it lets you kite your oponent so they should never be able to catch you.
    last off don't fight Gotrek he is a melee monster and we don't have anything that can take him on. that said he is only one model and he is slow so for the most part you can just avoid him and if you need to take a OB point off him it's not hard to do.
    LizardWizard likes this.
  3. Idk

    Idk Member

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    I am the only one in my group thinks we should do OB and we do use it sometimes but most of the time we see who is the winner be how much points they have killed which is okay i am not that much of a fan of it at all though
    Also I only intended to fight Gotrek when he was on one wound and debuffed by the spell Blazing Starlight which the skinks star priests have

    My normal tactic for Gortek in free for all of four people which we do sometime sis to just completely ignore him cause he can't get me
    Thanks for the advice
    LizardWizard and Erta Wanderer like this.
  4. Idk

    Idk Member

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    I alos made this list because every one else in my warhammer group play slow moving infantry all the time like our slaves to darkness player who has some cavalry a lot of slow moving infantry and some plaque bearers plus a herald of nurgle and a chaos sorrcer i think they are called
    LizardWizard and Erta Wanderer like this.
  5. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    ah well that does change things. if you are just playing kill points i would just try to kite them the entire game.
    LizardWizard likes this.
  6. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Well, AoS is not a balanced game. If your friends don't even play it in its intended way, things can only go worse.

    That said, if there are no obj and you play by killing... well, you are facing a slow army, use some shooting to deal with their long-range threats (balista), then castle with Lord Kroak and astrolith bearer. When the SCE army converges toward the bulk of your forces, blow the hell out of them with kroakbombs, poisoned shooting (unit of 40 skinks) or melee (unit of 40 saurus warriors) and sallies.
    LizardWizard and Erta Wanderer like this.
  7. Idk

    Idk Member

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    I was unsure of using kroak because he is 300 points in a 1000 point game also i found out 2 hours ago the there is a large chance we will be switching to ob after lock down well we will be doing a vote over the coarse of this week well we will be doing what we do now but the opposite so instead of 2 Kb games and one ob game a month before lockdown it would be 2 ob games and 1 kb games a month
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2021
    LizardWizard and Erta Wanderer like this.

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