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8th Ed. Wishes for 9th

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by SilverFaith, Jul 13, 2014.

  1. SilverFaith

    SilverFaith Member

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    Problem it doesn't feel like luck when they 6 dice dreaded thirtheen on my slann bunker, and they cast it with irresistable force. Not even that difficult, when they have their warp shards (or whatever) that can up their dice enough to allow it.

    But you're probably right. I am not a good player by any stretch, and my army builds are horrible. Still would like some better counters for those spells, because currently, I'm not seeing any.

    I don't actually mind true line of sight, but I do mind people who abuse it pointlessly. Like making a dwarf engineer stand on top of his cannon to grant him better leverage, but simultanously claim I cannot actually target the engineers when I try to shoot back - that sort of thing. But that's a player issue, not a rules issue. I'd prefer this to a standard LoS where every model is considered a "box".
  2. Putzfrau

    Putzfrau Well-Known Member

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    I can see where you are coming from
  3. Waah

    Waah New Member

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    It means more dice, but I would be happy enough with just a simple change to dispel scrolls. Instead of instant dispel, just have the scroll add D6 to a dispel attempt at a 25 pt scroll and 2d6 to a dispel attempt at a 50 point scroll.

    Dispel scrolls then have some of the wishiwashiness of the rest of magic, and it's not an instant include because you might fail the attempt and still waste points. You want protection from the mega spells, you pay up for the upgrade dispel scroll. But I am just a returning vet/lurker. I haven't had a game since 6th edition and just decided to get back in to playing so I am probably talking out of my butt.
  4. WithCarbos

    WithCarbos New Member

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    Agree with all the above. In addition:

    Core Book
    • Keep spell generation random, but make PD/DD generation more reliable, and make it scale for smaller/larger games
    • Monsters never take more than D3 wounds from attacks with the Multiple Wounds special rule.
    • Remove ASF/ASL, but let Elves still re-roll missed attacks. Great weapons have an Init penalty. Charging has an Init bonus.


    And then:

    Predatory Fighter
    Whenever a model with this special rule rolls a 6 To Hit in close combat, it immediately makes another Attack; roll To Hit and To Wound as normal. If a model making a supporting Attack rolls a 6 To Hit, it too will immediately make another Attack. Attacks generated by the Predatory Fighter special rule will not generate further Attacks. In addition, a unit that contains one or more models (ignoring character models) with this special rule can only test to restrain pursuit if there is at least one character model within 6” of the unit.

    Saurus Oldbloods are Init 4 and Ld 9, and gain the following special rule:
    Tyrant Lizard King
    If your General is a model with this special rule, and is mounted on a Carnosaur, one unit of Saurus Cold One Riders may be taken as a Core unit.

    Carnosaurs are WS4, have Predatory Fighter, Scaly Skin (3+), and Swiftstride, all for the current points cost.

    Mounted Skinks (Terradon and Ripperdactyl riders) are Ld 6 ("great crested"), as are Chameleon Skinks.

    Saurus Warriors
    • One unit of Saurus Warriors with a standard bearer may take a magic standard worth up to … 25 points

    Saurus Temple Guard
    13 points per model
    • The entire unit may take shields … 1 point per model
    • The entire unit may replace halberds with great weapons … 1 point per model

    Special Rules: Cold-blooded, Guardians, Predatory Fighter, Sacred Duty, Scaly Skin (5+), Warrior-defenders.
    Warrior-defenders: At the start of each combat phase, models with this special rule equipped with either halberds or great weapons may instead choose to fight with hand weapons for the duration of that phase.

    Saurus Cold One Riders
    28 points per model
    • The entire unit may take one of the following:
      – Spears … 2 points per model
      – Halberds … 4 points per model
    • The entire unit may take shields … 2 points per model
    • The entire unit may take light armour … 4 points per model
    • Pack Leader may take a magic weapon worth up to … 25 points
    • Any unit of Saurus Cold One Riders with a standard bearer may take a magic standard worth up to … 50 points

    Solar Engine: All friendly units with the Cold-blooded special rule that are within 6” of a Bastiladon with a Solar Engine gain +1 Initiative. This is cumulative with other Solar Engines. In addition, a Solar Engine contains the innate bound spell, Beam of Chotec (…)

    Ark of Sotek: At the end of each friendly turn (…) Alternatively, nominate an empty spot within 6” of each Bastiladon with with an Ark of Sotek and roll a D6. On a 5+, place one base of a Jungle Swarm on that spot. This is a new unit. The unit may start play facing any direction. If the base cannot be placed, (…) it is lost. In addition, the Ark of Sotek has a special shooting attack, with the profile and rules below:

    Range … 6” Strength … 2 Special rules: see below

    The Ark of Sotek can be activated in any friendly Shooting phase, even if the Bastiladon has marched, charged or is engaged in close combat. When activated, all enemy units within 6”, even units engaged in close combat, suffer 2D6 Strength 2 hits, distributed as for shooting.

    Ancient Stegadons
    Engine of the Gods: (...)
    Burning Alignment: (...) Innate bound spell (power level 3). Burning Alignment is a direct damage spell that targets every enemy unit within 4D6”, even units not in the Ancient Stegadon’s forward arc, and including units engaged in close combat. Each target suffers D6 Strength 4 hits with the Flaming Attacks special rule, distributed as for shooting. Undead, Nehekaran Undead and Daemons instead suffer D6 Strength 5 hits with the Flaming Attacks special rule.

    Portent of Warding: The Ancient Stegadon and all friendly units within 6” have a 6+ ward save. This is cumulative with other Engines of the Gods, up to a maximum of 5+.
  5. Putzfrau

    Putzfrau Well-Known Member

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    ^^ some great ideas.

    Personally i think cold one riders should still be dropped another point or two.


    Also I think the carno might still need some survivability help. Can't decide between a higher toughness or a regen save. Feel like a regen save makes a little bit of sense, it's an alpha predator that keeps coming after you, something something.

    Meh. Either way a lot of cool ideas!
  6. Ersh
    Cold One

    Ersh Active Member

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    Simply give LM rework to the guy, that made new Wood Elves.
  7. Screamer
    Temple Guard

    Screamer Member

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    I don't mind the elves having ASF or GW having ASL. It's the ASF and re-roll that bugs me, and GW elfs should strike last, not at Initiative-order.
    But that would just need a minor alteration to the ASF rule.

    Besides that, quite a few good ideas WithCarbos. Some of the things is more on the FAQ/clarification level and not write ambigous rules.

    Stone throwers would be absolutely BRUTAL if they ignore armoursave and have S4.

    I could add:
    Chargers get the ASF rule.
    Spears on model on foot get ASF vs charge, but lose it when charging..
  8. KingCheops
    Temple Guard

    KingCheops Active Member

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    The thing that really burns my butt about the Elf ASF is that it is a relic of a previous edition that was left in because if it were removed people would have a hissy fit. 8th edition Elves don't need ASF since their high initiative handles that.

    My big wish for 9th is that it goes back to being a proper rock-paper-scissors and that maneuver matters again. As it is now everyone just picks rock and whichever Army Book has the better entry wins. Either that or go full gonzo like 40k so that I can finally disconnect the WFB = fancy chess link in my mind.
  9. Kcibrihp-Esurc

    Kcibrihp-Esurc Well-Known Member

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    I have a few things, 1 more survivability for monsters 2 the old Slann generations (I'm not sure if this is the way you guys remember them as I have a 2002 book or around there)

    5th Generation
    A Slann Mage-Priest can split his spells between any lore's he wants e.g. 2 life, 1 metal, 1 death or 3 fire, 1 beasts etc.
    A Slann is so powerful that he adds +1 to his attempts to cast & dispel (For all intents & purposes he is a level 5 mage with 4 spells)

    4th Generation
    When a Slann of the 4th Generation suffers a miscast the spell automatically fails but no rolls on the miscast table is taken (This wouldn't stop irresistible force as NOTHING CAN)

    3rd Generation
    +1 wound, as well as all other spells gains Drain Magic, +100 victory points

    2nd Generation
    +1 wound (Cumulative so it's +2) Every spell cast comes with an extra free (doesn't come from power pool) dice may cause irresistible force or miscasts as usual +100 victory points (Cumulative so it's 200)

    Drain Magic
    Lvl 1 5+ Discard 6's
    Lvl 2 7+ Discard 5's & 6's
    Lvl 3 9+ Discard 4's, 5's & 6's

    Whatever level you choose range is 24" and can be cast in combat these can stop irresistible force as it just makes you discard the dice only magic

    I did a playtest between a new Slann and a 2nd Generation Slann with the old magic items (can't remember what the new Slann had) The Plaque of Tepok which gives an extra spell the Divine Plaque of Protection which gives a 2+ ward against everything which isn't melee and the Dragonbane Gem 2+ ward against flaming attacks :D (4+ against melee that isn't flaming and 2+ against everything else) and Drain Magic caused the new Slann to blow up and die :D
  10. Kcibrihp-Esurc

    Kcibrihp-Esurc Well-Known Member

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    Ran out of space 3 all Items back
  11. Astral Crusader

    Astral Crusader Member

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    I read their might not be a 9th edition.

    What I would like is a relic priest unit with it own special rule and spells.

    Also a plot advancement with a new 6th spawning of Slann.

    Maybe chariots two.

    I agree with you on both.
  12. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    I think you missed the line where it stated that the more powerfull slan also have all the cumiliative abilites of the lesser Slann (only 5th gen Slann can blow them selves up)
  13. GCPD

    GCPD Active Member

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    Which are mutated and as frail as their Skinks counterparts, but still retain enough of magical power to be formidable spellcasters nonetheless when grouped together, though their range of spells are limited to only Speed of Light and... Searing Doom. They ride into battle on Terradons and are protected by the same shields as their elder counterparts.

    What? A man can dream.
  14. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Well here's what young Slann look like, if you where wondering.... {from 3rd eddition}

    Ps. oh bonus, I found an alternate slann model http://www.gaspez-arts.com/gaspez-arts-fantasy-football/uomo-rana-allenatore.html from gaspez arts. :smug:
    oh and some skinks too http://www.gaspez-arts.com/camaleonti.html
  15. teufelhund
    Chameleon Skink

    teufelhund New Member

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    I want to be able to take magic banners on my saurus without a scar-vet BSB. I also want to them to be I2; does anyone really think we should hit after skeletons? At least let us go simo... They're already slightly overpriced and a purple sun away from a bad day. I'd be happy with I2; I'm not even asking for a TG bump to I3...

    I want the bastilladon to be stubborn; I just really love the model and would like him to be more useful and if I get my first wish the solar engine will buff to I3 does that sound glorious. Lol...

    I would also like force organization to be little more flexible; I agree with the core tax and limiting rare and lords, but I would like to be able to use those points on extra special or heroes. If half the army can be lords and heroes; sometimes I'd rather just take more heroes especially in smaller games.

    I think the slann needs to be beefed back up a little; he was OP before, but he shouldn't be second fiddle to an elf mage he was the direct link to the old ones for crying out loud, maybe something that mitigates miscasts to protect our TG better like modify results by D3. (Even just modifying the soul to stone discipline; I'd definitely buy that.)

    I'm sure there are more, but that's what jumps out at me.
  16. kermitthefrog3

    kermitthefrog3 New Member

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    My Lizardmen Wishes:


    Slaan - I actually quite like the Slaan as is. Not as good as previous editions, but still a magic powerhouse. Perhaps a bit too expensive atm, but still worth having nonetheless. Perhaps more options for variety?

    Skink Level 3/4 wizards - This, this, a thousand times this. There are skink wizards in the lore that can match human wizard Lords. Obviously these guys would not be as good magic wise as Slaans, but far cheaper and allow for more variety in lists (see below with new saurus unit).

    Predatory fighter - good rule, but remove the must always pursue part of it, it just makes no sense to the lore.


    Stegadon - Both versions need a 6th wound and possibly an extra attack. They are not bad units, but could use a boost to justify their still fairly high cost. Most monsters capable of doing higher damage often have both 6 wounds and toughness. The Engine of the Gods needs a buff, its 3 abilities rarely affect the field much.

    Carnosaur - I can live with him being T5 5W, but needs both a WS and I boost, as well as an extra attack to make him useful enough. STR 7 D3 wounds is no use for this apex predator with his low initiative and weapon skill.

    Troglodon - Needs a redesign, even with the boost to prefatory fighter, this guy is in no way worth having.

    Bastiladon - Actually not bad. Not great, but cheap enough to be worth it. Stubborn may be a bit too much of a buff here, possibly a 5th wound?


    New 'Elite' Saurus unit - This would allow more variety in lists, arguably the book's biggest issue. The unit would fill a more aggressive hammer role than a stubborn bunker for the Slaan to sit in. Same stats as temple guard, ITP, Light armour, cheaper, but have options for shields, halberds or great weapons, and get Predatory on a 5+ as standard. Something like Saurus 'brutes' (but a less lame name)

    Saurus cavalry - currently a rip off. huge points for a sub par heavy cavalry unit. The problem with these guys is a low initiative and average weapon skill means they are in no way able to go toe to go with any elite units from other armies. Significant points drop to make them expendable, or a likely unjustifiable rise in combat stats.

    What do you think?
  17. Kcibrihp-Esurc

    Kcibrihp-Esurc Well-Known Member

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    :jawdrop: :jawdrop:

    :pompus: That would require about 22 more editions to justify THAT plot jump as the Old Ones would have to return :(
    although new slann WOULD be cool
  18. Kcibrihp-Esurc

    Kcibrihp-Esurc Well-Known Member

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    Yeah, missed that (Ran out of room) the way I'd raise Monster Survivability is by making the stat limit higher keeping cannons at 10 and removing '6 always wounds' similar to what Sleboda said in the first page
    except since I think that a swarm of zombies can still kill a Carnosaur or Stegadon make it like the chart for shooting e.g I need a 7 to wound with my cannon (toughness 13) so I need a 6 followed by a 4 and make monsters have higher than ten toughness so S3 or S2 Creatures can kill monsters but it's DIFFICULT. This is to stop people from going like this, :mad: this, :clown: this :chicken: or worst of all at 220 points this :beaver: this would make toughness a more important stat also at S10 cannons would still be the most effective Monster Killer without making monsters obsolete 'cause I have a monster list and its' main defense against cannons is the chameleon skinks and saturation of cannon fire. thirdly BRING BACK ALL THE MAGIC ITEMS and fourthly BRING OUT 8TH ED BRETONNIANS
  19. Rettile

    Rettile Active Member

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    -huge nerf to cannons
    -breath weapons do not allow armor saves
    -general only gives his leasership to his own unit,
    friendly units within 12" from the general can
    reroll failed leadership tests
    -BSB makes a single fleeing unit auto-rally each
    -scaly skin does not count as armor for negative
    effects like hostile metal magic

    Army Book:
    -spawnings (each spawning has a powerful secondary
    effect only available for characters)

    -More powerful Slann, for example arcane vassals
    can suffer miscast effects which should influence
    the Slann. I'd like to have loremaster back, and
    maybe a discipline which makes impossible for both
    the Slann and a single enemy wizard to get an IF?
    A sort of binding beetwen this 2 mages

    -Carno with better stats (T6, 6W, SS3+). Moreover, a
    rule which allows carno to recover lost wounds:
    regen would not fit well with carnosaur's concept
    IMO, but rolling a dice for each unsaved wound
    inflicted by the carno and recovering a single
    wound on a 5+ would be sweet (he eats enemies).
    Carnosaurs gain an extra attack for each missing
    wound. Lone carnos in rare section. A bit more expensive

    -Chosen of Sotek: lord level skink which only can
    come mounted on a trog. Profile stats, special
    rules and items/spells effects are shared between
    the mount and its rider: they are deeply linked and
    count as a single being. The chosen comes with a
    javelin: if the trog uses its spit on an enemy unit
    previously hitted by the chosen's javelin he causes
    D3 autowounds with no armor/regen saves. Otherwise
    a chosen can replace his javelin with a divining rod
    (maybe change name) for 35 points to become a lv1
    wizard who uses spells from the lore of beasts and
    an arcane vassal. Additional magic levels=35 pts
    each. Chosens can use kadon even if mounted, trog
    cannot shoot if Chosen has not his javelin. Maybe
    250-270 pts for a naked one?

    -Lone trogs in rare section, regen, better stats.
    Herald of Sotek (instead of useless roar): every
    lizard model within 18" from a trog is blessed by
    Sotek. The lizard player has to choose each turn if
    all the units involved have an extra attack, 1 extra
    strenght or poisoned attacks (on 5+ if they already
    had them) until the next turn (maybe a bit op).
    Same points or a bit more

    -skink priests have Slann lore options

    -oxyotl removed, add a chamo option for chiefs

    -buff chakax, kroq-gar and mazda

    -saurus warriors have options for light armor,
    halberd and GW (using TG models) and magic standard.
    TG removed from the book, but if a Slann is in the
    army you can morph a single saurus unit in a TG
    unit with TG stats and rules and the possibility
    to accept challanges for the Slann

    -Skinks in cohoorts take wounds for the kroxi (if any)
    on a 2+

    -i'd like to have the chance to have a single krox
    in a skirmisher unit. There is not a real reason,
    i just think it would be sweet

    -terradons, swarms and ark of sotek moved in core

    -CoC buffed or cheaper

    -laserdon still in special. Basti is stubborn and
    his armor is harder than normal (STR5=-1AS,
    STR7=-2AS and so on). More expensive. I'd like to
    see the beam become a ranged attack instead of a
    bound spell, but it's ok this way too

    -Only one stegadon in special section, with a mix of
    young and ancient stats and 6 wounds. Unmounted
    steg cannot take an EotG

    -razordons moved in special, 50 points each

    -a priest mounting a stegadon with an EotG gains a
    bonus magic level. A single friendly wizard within 18"
    from the engine can add +1d3 to both his casting and
    dispelling attempts. You can nominate a new wizard
    each turn. Burning alignment comes back to its old
    version. The wizard mounted on the EotG knows an
    additional spell which can be casted on both friendly
    or enemy wizards, making them forget all their spells
    and roll them again, rolling twice for each spell:
    the lizard player choses the result he prefers.
    EotG has a 2+ WS working only against ranged attacks
    and magic. The LM player can choose to protect other units,
    lowering this ward save to 5+. This new WS works on close
    combat attacks too in a 18" radius from the EotG
  20. GCPD

    GCPD Active Member

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    Its more of a desire for a Warlock-esque Fast Cav unit :p

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