I’m planning on starting on Warhammer Underworlds by getting Mollog’s Mob and the Sepuchral Guard. Because of this, I was flicking through the various Warscrolls of the Shadespire/Nighthaunt warbands when I noticed something interesting about the Ylthari’s Guardians Warscroll. The ability ‘Martial Memories’ consists of ‘at the start of the combat phase, roll a dice for each friendly unit with this ability. On a 3+ that unit fights at the start of the combat phase, before the players pick any other units to fight in that combat phase. That unit cannot fight again unless otherwise allowed’ etc The thing is though, regular Tree-Revenants also have the ability ‘Martial Memories’, with the exact same lore blurb, except theirs is completely different, allowing them to reroll a single dice each phase. But the way the Guardians ability is worded is ‘each friendly unit with this ability’. Would this mean that while Ylthari’s Guardians are on the battlefield, Tree-Revenants get the extra ability to potentially fight at the start of the combat phase? If so, it could make them worth getting for any Sylvaneth players here on the forum! Does the wording currently allow it, or am I just being delusional?
I think they might have accidently leaked some new rules for tree-revenants coming with the inevitable updated tome. Usually the underworld warbands have the same abilities as the regular unit they come from, with occasionally a small bonus (e.g. +1 to hit or something) or a unique spell. Something as powerfull as "affects all other units with this skill" seems rather out of place unless their pointcost is astronomical.
I'd guess noone realised the warband had actual spoilers for other units. So the release of the warband itself is to build hype, but this particular rule showing off a new effect is more of an accident.
Ylthari herself has also got the keyword Thornwych, which doesn’t exist anywhere else yet, so that would make sense. Still, might be worth trying to capitalise on it while it’s still the case!
That sort of thing happens pretty often though. It could certainly be an accident. However, GW does have a keeper of content whose job it is to edit and approve the release schedule of any written rules content. I would not be surprised if it was a deliberate low key release. It could also have simply been overlooked though. With Wrath and Rapture the new Flesh Hounds, Karanak, & Blood Crushers had their rules spoiled. These three units kept their rules with the new Blades of Khorne battletome. Deamonettes also had rules updated. However, we already know their rules update has been changed in the new Slaanesh book due to the teaser content released on the WH Community page. Chances are the Slaanesh Battletome was already printed and in warehouse at the time that Wrath and Rapture released.Yet, they didn't bother to FAQ the rules to match the "current" iteration. It would be awesome if Tree-Revenants got the rules update from the current warband when their new Battletome is release. Though, bear in mind we have seen that a lot can change in just a few short months between releases.
meh, the wrath and rapture one I'd say is a case were it didn't really matter. It was already well known that a new release for both khorne and slaanesh was coming and this was just the first round of it. So it's not so much "spoilers" as much as it's just "look at this first round of new stuff". However in this case sylvaneth haven't had official announcements for new stuff yet, so it feels like whoever planned it screwed up. Then again, if they do these sort of "screw ups" often it does become morel likely it's a purposefull leak.
There had been no announcements for Slaanesh or Khorne from GW when the Wrath and Rapture set was released. Blightwars preceded the release of Magotkin. So people began to speculate that new battletomes were coming.
Really? I thought both of those were simply the first round of releases. What a messy way of releasing stuff.
Yeah, I think GW views it as hype engine. GW spoiled the new Skaven and FeC battletomes like the week that Carrion Empire hit selves.
Meh, I get it with a "small" release like a warband for underworlds, but an entire boxed set surrounded around the next two factions to get a massive update is a bit much for "hype", that's like half of what makes your actual release interesting.