I think the value would land around £165! Being able to get these sought after OOP models for a discounted price made me giggle like a school girl! Recently sold some expensive stuff so should definitely have enough disposable income to pick them up at least the battalion box! The store is not doing too good like most game stores but they do get around for now (unlike most game stores ), gotta pick them up while I'm up here at my girls place. Never know if / when they might have to shut down the business!
Good find, you should go back and pick up the rest even if it means you don't eat for a week, do it now....
@Crowsfoot Well.... I still have two kidneys... could always sell one. No but really the battalion box and melee Ushabti I HAVE to get, not sure about the Casket of Souls though. Want it but I need to survive the summer! Removed like 30 auctions from my watch list and planning on selling half of my belongings when I get back home!
I just did a quick ebay search and just look at the prices stuff is on for, Total if it all sells for that price £320 so yeah get what you can NOW!
Promise me... that.. yo-... *cough* *cough* .... That you'll... paint them... nice-... ly... .. .....
3 weeks?! My last TK mini took 8 hours to paint!!! 20-25 figures gonna take at least 150-200 hours in this pace!
@neveroddoreven Haha thanks. Yes, they are fun! Love me some vibrant colours from time to time. I'm getting home in just a couple of days so the blog will be revived then! Been finding more and more nice stuff up here, will update when stuff arrives.
Great new everyone! (For you interested in my blog at least, I miss my girl.. ) I am back! And I continued my binge shopping throughout my holiday, I went wild. No really... shit got out of hand. I present to you my current holiday haul (more will arrive shortly, but couldn't wait for ever now could I); Where should I start? Can do a rundown of what you're looking at! TOMB KINGS 2 Warsphinx boxes 20 Tomb Guards (2 boxes) 3 Ranged Ushabti's 3 Melee Ushabti's (3 more is on the way, got them all REALLY cheap~) 3 Necropolis Knights 1 Casket of Souls 1 Tomb Scorpion (the white thing next to the Ushabti's) 1 Prince Apophas 1 Tomb King (got 1 more of the same model coming, and 2 of the shielded model on it's way as well) 1 Liche Priest 1 Necrosect MISC. 2 Empire Wizards 1 Vampire Counts Necromancer 1 Island of Blood High Elf Wizard All of them are for Arkhan the Black / Liche Priests conversions 5 Tree trunk molded bases for fancy basing (got them basically for free, how could I say no?!). LIZARDMEN How could I ever completely neglect my favorite army? White Dwarf 2013 August Issue Lizardmen 2008 Army Book (7th edition? Not sure, got the 2003 one somewhere in my garage, gotta go search for it some day). 1 Saurus Old Blood 1 Skink Priest That basically wraps up what I've been doing the last two weeks. Hope you've all had as fun as I've had!