Index Lustriapedia, a fluff resource for readers and writers alike

Discussion in 'Fluff and Stories' started by Scalenex, Mar 17, 2015.

  1. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    (Age of Sigmar Stories are denoted in turquoise)
    (Alternate settings that are not WHF or AOS are in dark magenta. This includes but is by no means limited to 40K and Westhammer)
    Warhammer Fantasy Stories use the standard link color.
    Kings of War/Salamander stories are orange and have their own small section down below.

    Lustria-Online Short Story Contests

    (1) January-February 2015: Theme was "Recovery of Lustrian Artifacts" There were 10 excellent stories. Winner thread and author names are here. There were six first time entrants (many posted multiple stories)

    (2) April-May 2015: Theme was "Chameleons" All nine stories are here. Announcement with winners and author names is here. There were three first time entrants.

    (3) July-August 2015: Theme was "Man Versus Nature" We had eight excellent entries. All eight stories are here along with the author identities and winners. There were four first time entrants. (4)

    (4) October-November 2015: Theme was "Spirit of Horror." All twelve stories can be found here. Winners and author names are towards the end of the thread. There were six first time entrants. (4, 9)

    (5) January-February 2016: Theme was "Continuity and Change." You can read all eleven stories here. Read the winner's announcement and author identities here. There were four first time entrants. (2, 5, 6, 8)

    (6) April-May 2016: Theme was "Anti-Heroes." You can read all fifteen entries and author identities here. There were five first time entrants. (5, 8) (11, 13)

    (7) July-August 2016: Theme was "Conjunction and/or Choices" You can read all nine entries and author identities here.

    (8) October-November 2016: Theme was "Freedom and Slavery." You can read all twelve entries and the author identities here. There was one new entrant. (1, 9) (2, 7, 8)

    (9) January-February 2017: Theme was "Hope and/or Vengeance". You can read all sixteen entries and author identities here. Sixteen remains the current record for most entries in one contest, and two of these were first time entrants. (3, 5, 8, 11, 13, 16)

    (10) April-May 2017: Theme was "Man Versus Self or Cold-Blooded Honor." There were nine entries, the pieces an author identities are here. There were two first time entrants. (2, 6), (1)

    (11) July-August 2017: Theme was "Time and/or Fire." You can read the seven pieces and author identities right here. There was one first term entrant. (1), (2)

    (12) October-November 2017: The Theme was "The Rat and the Serpent" you can read all five pieces and author identities here. (4), (1)

    (13) January-February 2018: The theme was "Power of Music." You can read all seven pieces and author identities here. (7)

    (14) April-May 2018: Theme was "Beast and Master." You can read all five pieces and author identities here. (2)

    (15) July-August 2018: Theme was "Food and Drink." You can read the eight pieces, author identities and winner's announcement here. There was one first time entrant.

    (16) October-November 2018: Theme was "It Came from Above." You can read all eleven stories and author identities here. There were five first time entrants which is a record not beaten since the first year of the contest. (1, 4, 5) (3)

    (17) January-February 2019: Theme is "Glyph Forty-Three on Plaque Twelve of the Third Chamber of the Sacred Archives of Oyxl" or "Interpretations of Prophecy." You can read all seven pieces and author identities here.
    (3, 6) (5)

    (18) April-May 2019: Theme is "Doom and/or Destruction." Voting has finished, but you can read all eight stories and author identities here.
    (1, 4, 6)

    (19) July-August 2019: Theme is "Magic and the Mundane. You can read all nine stories and author identities here. There was one first time entrant.
    (6, 9)

    (20) October-November 2019: Theme is "Alternate Settings" You can read all seven stories and author identities here.
    (5) (1, 2, 6, 7)

    (21) January-February 2020: Theme was "New Beginnings or Rebirths." You can read all ten entries and author identities here. There were two first time entrants (1, 9) (7)

    (22) April-May 2020: Theme was "Rituals and Religious Practices." You can read all fourteen entries and author identities here. (4, 5, 9. 11, 12, 14)

    (23) July-August 2020: Theme was "Technological Advances." You can read all eight entries and author identities here.
    (8) (3, 4)

    (24) October-November 2020: Theme was "A Place to Call Home" You can read all nine entries and author identities here. (1, 4) (2)

    (25) January-February 2021: Theme was "And Now for Something Completely Different." Voting is complete. You can read all eight entries and author identities here. (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)

    (26) April-May 2021: Theme was "Fish Out of Water" You can read all nine entries and author identities here. (2, 3, 7) (8, 9)

    (27) July-August 2021: Theme was "Unusual Allegiances" You can read all eight entries and author identities here. (1, 6)

    (28) October-November 2021: Theme was "Parallel Dimensions". You can read all seven entries and author identities here. (1, 5) (4, 6, 7)

    (29) January-February 2022: Theme was "Parasites". You can read all four entries and author identities here. (2) (4)

    (30) April-May 2022: Theme was "Old Ones." You can read all seven entries and author identities here. (4) (7)

    (31) July-August 2022: Theme was "An Explorers Guide to Lustria or a Foolhardy Expedition" You can read all five entries and author identities here. (4)

    (32) October-November 2022: Theme was "Named characters", you can read all seven entries and author identities here. (3)

    (33) January-February 2023: Theme was "Dinosaurs", you can read all five entries here. (3, 5)

    (34) April-May 2023: Theme was "War and Peace". You can read all entries and author identities here.

    (35) July-August 2023: Theme was "Hidden in Plain sight". You can read all four entries here.

    (36) October-November 2024: Theme was "Strangers in a Strange Land", you can read all six entries and author identities here. There was a first time entrant.

    Other Contests

    Poetry Contest, April 2017: Our first poetry contest had twelve entries which can be read here.

    Poetry Contest, Spring Equinox 2019: Our second poetry contest was completed but, you can still read the six poems, author identities, and poem commentary here.

    Poetry Contest, Winter Solstice 2019: Our third poetry contest is complete, you can read the poems and author identities here.

    Poetry Contest Summer 2020: You can read the 12 poems and author identities here.

    Poetry Contest Winter 2020/2021: You can read the nine poems and author identities here.

    Poetry Contest, Summer 2021: Coming Soon!

    Lustria-Online Authors and links to their works.

    Aginor wrote a lovely piece that blurs the line between 8th edition and Age of Sigmar. Octolan
    The First and the Last Epic ongoing story

    Bowser: Bowser took a break from kidnapping princesses and clicking "like" on things to enter the October-November Short Story 2015 Contest. He since become a very frequent contributor of fluff pieces. Here is his index written by his own hands claws.

    Rat Poison. My only old world fluff, and first short story contest entry. Actually my first time writing anything warhammer fiction.
    The Constellation. My first attempt at exploring AOS Seraphon. What do they do in their off time? Do they have a personality beyond the memories of the Slann? I doubt this answers your questions, but some pretty good action sequences.
    The Seraphon Legend. Showing off my ignorance to fluff and trying to write for three races I had barely an idea about, I would enter another contest. It was a fun poke at how there isn't much to go off of with AOS fluff, so we can just make up our own.
    Valentines Day 2016. For all you romantics out there.
    The Extermination. Something bigger. Working my way to a novel level of writing, but technique is still not where it should be. Anyway this explores a different possible universe from The Constellation. Because exploring Seraphon and what I can do and get away with is quite a bit of fun to write. Basically a blank slate to do as I please.
    Army Pics. If you care to see The Mighty Army Of Bowser it's all right there, needs updating though.
    Visual Media Contest Memories Here is how I put together my entry into the first visual media competition. With a splash of what my inspirations were.
    The Bounty A fun little western style short story. The theme of anti heroes brought out some new ideas.
    Space Opera Skaven or S.O.S an AOS story in 3 acts. A fun little romp through space and music with the best space agency skaven have to offer. The mission to explode an asteroid, that someone once speculated may or may not have slann on it, is action packed and will get an old song stuck in your head.
    High Noon Hijinx This is what happens when short story characters collaborate. Put on your best western duds and saddle up, there's 3 short stories in that thread, and possibly more incoming. The talented @Y'ttar Scaletail and @spawning of Bob bring tsome characters from The Bounty back into action, with a few guest appearances from @Warden 's brilliant "Da Toad Lickas"
    The Rat And The Serpent Some big ideas to further explore the memory mechanic of the Seraphon. A bit long for a short story. What would happen if a great hero met several different interpretations of his/herself. It's never a guarantee how different people will remember a legacy.
    The Slave's Name Rewrite of one of Bowser's past contest entry pieces.

    Carnikang: He wrote the Seraphon piece Sun-Blooded: The Spear of Chotec. and Call of the Stars

    DeathBringer125: WIP called Desperate Times
    WIP called Beware the Shadows

    Discomute: Discomute has taken the story of Turochlitan, a Human Temple City created by Slann and expanded greatly on the Human denizens of Lustria with several captivating short stories. First his “Hunters Day” series developed excellent characterization for both villains and outside observers to the Lizardmen.
    The Red Day, Part 1, The Green Day, Part 2, The Black Day, Part 3

    On the victim side of the Turochclitan, he created two linked short stories.

    My father, the inventor and its sequel Ramifications

    On a lighter note, Discomute has created humorous fluff for his Bloodbowl team the Beasts of Lustria, with assistance from the legendary Spawning of Bob.

    Edited and reposted entries from past short story contest include Certainty, Trinity, and The Waning Moon, and A Whimper

    Iskander: Iskander has catapulted into the fluff subforum with an excellent cross-over piece between End Times Lizardmen and Warhammer 40K called Once: A Story of Exile.

    Infinity Turtle: One of our most popular writers also writes in (and frequently wins in) our short story contests.
    Collected Short Story Contest Entries

    Fhanados: Fhanados has written a single large narrative WIP fluff piece in episodic installments covering a mysterious plan being set into motion by Mazdamundi’s most trusted servants. Fhanados piece stands out for its ability to weave a very large tapestry of storytelling out of many diverse factions. He has recently blessed us with a new installment, but it still leaves us wanting moar.
    The Pure Elves
    40K fluff here.

    Kcibrihp-Esurc: K-E has been working on a conflict between several different factions. His writes short pieces within the same greater narrative.

    City Info
    The City of Cuaqtla

    Original Saga
    New Friends
    Old Enemies
    Strange Alliances

    Character Origins
    Character Origins: Anerhet and Harneni
    Character Origins: Ardaris
    Character Origins: Scetto

    New Saga
    Old Gods of a New World
    End of Isolation
    Hope's End
    Black Terror
    Slaves to the Sky
    Rage and Revenge
    The Inventor
    The March Onwards
    Queen's Return

    Rosethorn Stories
    Adventure Begins
    Fake Sorcery

    Killer Angel: He reposted his excellent short story contest entries.
    The Coward.Dwarfs and Lizardmen
    The Weight of Our Actions.Tomb Kings and Lizardmen
    Collected Short Story Contest Entries
    Short Stories for non-Lizardmen Currently two Tomb Kings pieces.

    Kor-Lot-Ko: Kor-Lot-Ko has recently posted the first installment of his first story with us. The Light in Dark Places: Unexpected Allies, what looks like it's shaping up to be an Age of Sigmar cross-over story between Lizardmen and Sigmarites.

    Krai'kotak: Lizardmen/Seraphon in 40K part 1, Lizardmen/Seraphon in 40K part 2

    Lady Tor'ti lla: The Fireblade's Challenge and it's sequel.

    LeroyVinland: Leroy wrote a short story covering the transition from Lizardmen to Seraphon called "The Dreamer".

    Lizards of Renown: Stories of renown

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl: Short story entry contest covering a Dwarfs perspective on Lizardmen. One Man's Meal is Another Man's Poison
    He also has some homebrew 40K fluff on his beloved Necrons
    Another fine story with a Dwarf's perspective The Doom of Vanir Rockfist

    Mr. Crocodile: Mr. Crocodile is a deep world builder and a prolific fluff author and is popular and known beyond Lustria-Online.

    World Building
    Mapping Lustria
    On Zoats, Troglodytes and Snakemen

    Both part of his Lustria Unbound Project:
    Only Fools Wander Into the Jungles: A short story that serves as a tonal and narrative introduction to his larger Lustria Unbound series.
    Herald Of The Old Ones: Main story in the Lustria Unbound series, focusing on the adventures of the lizardmen-raised human Roland, Herald to the Lord of Pahuax.

    Nazqua: Nazqua's Bestiary and Lustrian Lore, ecletic new creatures and technology for Lizardmen.

    Otzi'mandias: Otzi'mandias ambitious ongoing saga, is covering Lizardmen adventures, literally starting at the creation of the world.
    Documents about Lustria in fluff universe letters

    Paradoxical Pacifism: PP wrote an intriguing ongoing piece called The Psyche of War.
    Collected Short Stories

    Phoenix the Cat: WIP piece Spiritbound

    Qupakoco: Qup has made a thread covering his two short story contest entries and the feedback for them here.

    Ravagekitteh: Demon Within, a Khorne short story.

    Ravennss: Ravenss usually hangs out on the the Under-Empire forum (I recommend Frost Bite if you like Skaven stories) but he wrote an excellent (albeit horrifying) piece called the Modin Experiment and an engaging non-horror piece called Hunting Trip.

    Rikard: Rikard is best known on Lustria-Online for his sculpting prowess but he has recently begun sculpting fiction in addition to models with his on-going work The Third Dawn which ambitiously ties in with most of the named characters of the 6th through 8th edition Warhammer Lizardmen.

    Scalenex: Scalenex writes his most of his fluff pieces in the lesser Temple City (Kahoun) of Klodorex with the backdrop of a Slann disagreement slowly becoming more heated. He incorporates his Lustrian themed undead fluff in with the Vampire Lord Renliss.

    Tied Pieces
    After the Death of Sigmar, Merestar the Slann tries to take a more active hand in guiding humanity
    The Fall of Turochlitan (~5 pages)

    A pair of outcast vampires journey to Lustria with the goal of drinking a Slann's blood
    Count Renliss' Journey to Lustria (~21 pages)

    Klodorex is in disarray after the Slann disappear forcing an unlikely hero to unite the city

    The Orphaned Temple City (~39 pages)

    A party of Skinks is sent on a mysterious quest.

    Divided We Fall (~45 pages)

    Tal-Lat helps a stranded huagerdon hatchling in the Southlands

    The Huagerdon (~ 1 page)

    Southlands Dwarves and Lizardmen unite against Skaven and Daemons

    New Alliances (~43 pages)

    An unusual Skink priest finds his destined entwined with a cursed Human

    Legacies. a novella (~61 pages)

    Lord Renliss battles the Grand Commodore Harkon of the Vampire Coast for supremacy of Lustria's undead

    Dead Water (~25 pages)

    Brief History of the Burn Face Tribe of Savage Orcs (~1 page)

    Song of the Old Ones My WIP attempt at Lizardmen religious poetry

    Untied Pieces

    Skaven Short Stories I wrote (archive of Scalenex’s Under-Empire short story contest entries)
    Lizardmen Short Stories I wrote (archive of Scalenex’s Lustria-Online short story contest entries)

    Getting Ahead in the Railroad Business (long version of Short Story entry)
    The Least Successful Dark Elf Invasion in History (comedy piece)
    Unauthorized Spawning of Bob Parody (comics and a short story all to lampoon Bob!)

    Skink Chief: Skink Chief released a multi-part story of an risky attempt to resettle Quezta, the Defiled City called the Second Coming.

    Slanputin: Slanputin has written a five-part ongoing piece called Lord Xhaltan. He wrote also wrote a short story, promised to turn into a collection of short stories. He posted his old contest entry as a stand alone piece. The comic Business Raptor and he intends to expand on that as well

    Tempest's Bulletin you just got to read this.

    Spawning of Bob: Spawning of Bob was first known for his hilarious comics, but his written saga the The Legions of Los'tmabo'tl got more views than any other fluff thread on L-O. Bob has decided to make a whole series based on The Legions of Los'tmabo'tl and is working on several epic “semi-illustrated” comedy adventures.

    While Spawning of Bob is known for his funny pieces, he is sadly a pariah in the L-O community for his role in the death of L-O handsomest moderator. Since he made poor Scalenex make his comic index for him, Scalenex finally snapped and went on a killing spree before being gunned down over a bridge by the National Guard. Sadly, Bob will have to become a moderator and take over the management of the Tactica Index.

    End Times FAQ
    Friends of Bob
    Wisdom of the Old Ones: Weapon Tips and Rules
    Wisdom of the Old Ones: Special Rules
    Wisdom of the Old Ones: Keeping Lustrian Warbeasts
    Wisdom of the Old Ones: Nerfed or Not
    Wisdom of the Old Ones: Army Lists and Troop Types
    Wisdom of the Forumites: Cold-Blooded Probability
    Winter Olympiad 2014
    Learning about Australustria
    Get in Shape!
    Least Successful Skaven Invasions
    Bob sends warm holiday wishes: New Year, Easter, Easter sequel,,Easter 2016, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas (x3)
    Storm of Magic Aptitude Test
    Know Your Enemy
    Parallel Universes
    Spawning of Bob: The Pilot Episode
    Bob reaches out to the bleak undead
    Bob reaches out to the filthy backstabbing Skaven.
    Fanfiction: The Hatching of the Spawning of Bob (contains expletive)
    Bob walks us through the art process
    "Sigmarite" Cartoon
    Extinction, Age of Sigmar conversion woes.
    Breaksit Lizardmen puns

    Illustrated Guides
    Review of Seraphon Book
    Tactica on the Statistics of common 8th Ed rolls

    Both pieces center around the globe trotting adventures of Spawning of Bob's signature characters hilarious adventures as they end up interacting with all the Prodigals Races.
    False Moon War (Complete novel with illustrations) Bob and company team up with ogres and battle Chaos.
    Great War Against Chaos (Complete novel) Bob and company traverse the lands of humans and accidentally save the Empire.
    Scourge of the Empire (Complete novel) Though the Great War Against Chaos is done, Chaos itself is never done.

    Collection of Bob's Short Stories (mostly Skaven so far) but don't let that prejudice you from reading them.
    Catastrophic Failure standalone short story
    Deep Patrol, Fanfic for Tlac'Natai the Observer's literary universe
    Blood Bowl fluff meets regular fluff? Is such a thing possible?
    Fool's End, Bob's response to the L-O 2016 April Fool's Joke
    Conjunction, A short account of early cataclysm.
    Game of Scales, Part Two
    The Case of the Amazonian Prophecy Sherlock Holmes and Warhammer Fantasy? Why not.

    Stahlax: Stahlax has a nice ongoing piece blurring the line between between fiction and army fluff. The Constellation of the Desert, Suhulia's Tale.

    Sudaj: Sudaj wrote a WIP piece. I believe MOAR was requested @Sudaj.
    Also he wrote a sample short prayer Lizardmen/Seraphon might offer to the Old Ones.


    The true meaning of Chaos. Long short story
    Lizardmen: evolution. On-going long saga
    Finding the Naq off-site short stories.
    The Mascot Temple Cities meet college antics.
    Alma Matter An ongoing epic about the legend of The Returned
    Changes in the Dark The most amazing combination between Lizardmen fluff and the noir detective genre.

    The Sauric Ace: The Sauric debuted in the fluff forum with his expanded description of the previously woefully undeveloped Culchan, then wrote a nice short story called "A Hunter Through the Jungle" and then another short story called "Riders and Mounts".
    Assorted Fluff Background
    Intriguing alternate Lizardmen origin story
    Expanded Culchan information
    Song of the Old Ones (poem)
    A Hunter Through the Jungle (short story)
    Riders and Mounts (short story)
    Expeditions to the Ancients (First chapter of ongoing WIP long story)

    Tlac'Natai the Observer: Tlac'Natai the Observor broke his vow of observing only to compliment a fluff piece than surprised us all by revealing himself as the winner of the July-August 2015 Contest. Now he is expanding on his award winning desert Lizardmen with A Change of Pace.

    Togetic: @Togetic wrote the moving Kroxigor-centered short story Fragile Cargo.

    Tziruzitza: Tzi wrote A Servant Awakes

    Valvorik: Valvorik has developed the Southlands extensively for use with the Warhammer Fantasy RPG including creating new WHF cultures of human tribes and nations living in the Southlands.

    Vampteddy: Vampteddy created the enticing WIP piece featuring the culture clash between Human explorers, a Nurgle Cult and the Lizardmen.

    Warden: You can go to the complete Warden Index here, here, or here. Or check out his fiction and fluff redundantly listed below.

    Lost City of Mutal.Warden's Mayan-inspired Lizardmen Temple City.
    New World of Gold. Summary of major warmblood (non-Lizardmen) settlements of Lustria, canon and non-canon.
    Lizardmen Calendar. Based on the Mayan Long Count, covering events from the distant past of Lizardmen lore and into the AOS continuity.
    Shogun of the Dragon Isles. Alternative Lizardmen setting, Samurai Lizardmen.
    Fullmetal Lizardmen. Short fluff blurb and artwork, a pair of Lizardmen treasure-hunters/ potential Dogs of War characters.

    Ten Little Treasure Hunters. Long fiction work. A band of intrepid treasure hunters seek to steal some Lizardmen gold, any get more than they bargained for.
    Pirates of the Dragon Isles. Warden's first Short Story contest entry (story #4). Start playing that Jack Sparrow entrance theme.
    Never Lie to a Samurai. Short Story contest entry. Set in the Shogun of the Dragon Isles universe, tells the story of the rather dishonourable samurai Ake Zuhuanchi.
    Sacred Spawning- First Green Crocodile. Short Story contest entry. The Temple City of Mutal is doomed by the daemonic hordes when something unexpected happens.
    Stirring Up the Dust. Alternative Lizardmen setting, Wild West Lizardmen.
    Extermination of the Fimir. Short Story contest entry. If you want to know what really happened when the Old Ones invaded the planet, read this. May contain heresy.
    Mythology of Ghur. A Skink spy interrupts a professor's lecture. Short Story Contest Entry

    Wolfwerty33: Wolfwerty has a intringuing primer piece Starfall Shard

    Xholankha the lost one: Our newest occupant of the author index, the Lost One jas entered the January-February 2016 and then posted his "anonymous" piece it's own thread with every intention of expanding on his literary universe. Many eagerly await his next installments.

    Y'ttar Scaletail: This rat in disguise stalwart lizard has been participating in our short story contests for some time.
    A Story of the Stars, reposted short story.
    Those Left Behind reposted short story
    Cold reposted short story from contest about the bound between Cold One and rider
    The Hunger reposted short story about Lizardmen practicing cannibalism
    Slave to the Sword reposted short story about a Daemon bound to a sword
    Tlatlacolli reposed short story about a very unusual spawning
    Of Scales and Sigmarite reposted short story

    Among the Dust, a genre defying piece that mixes the Wild West genre with Warhammer fluff, with contribution from other illustrious writers.

    The Archives

    This is for story pieces written years ago by members that (to my knowledge) do not still peruse our forum. The links are quite old (dating to 7th edition or even 6th edition), but the stories are excellent. Since the original authors are unlikely to see your comments there is not a lot of reason to practice thread necromancy here unless you want to expand on an unfinished story or write a sequel to someone else's work.

    If a writer reveals him or herself as a current member I'll move the link to main section. I am not currently planning to retire inactive writer's links to this section though.

    Balak, the Harbringer of Ruin: Short bio for a very tragic Saurus warrior (my favorite kind!). It'd be nice if someone picked this up and expanded on it.

    "Bo-te-huini": Short and sweet piece about a Skink Chief's hunt for Cold One eggs.

    "Lizardmen Story": Short and sweet piece about a Human raiding party getting what's coming to them in the jungle.

    Revered Guardian's Army Fluff: Revered Guardian hasn't posted in the forum as far as I can tell, but he is the first L-O to put major effort into developing his army's fluff, creating the first high traffic thread in the fluff subforum.

    Sealterbloind's Prophet of Destruction: While Sealterbloind hasn't been on our forum in a long time, she was once well known for her fantastic painting. She also wrote a nice fluff piece for her custom special character, the Prophet of Destruction.

    Tezcat the Banished One: A long time a writer who hasn't been seen in a long time started a piece involving a rogue Old One. It remains unfinished but the story is very enticing. Maybe some one will read it and decide to finish it.

    The Coming of Khaa'met is a great piece by @Axoltyl who we haven't seen in years. Axoltyl owned a lot of pet lizards and incoporated real world behavior of lizards in to the Lizardmen he wrote about beautifully.

    The Glitterspines of Xilixi: Interesting old army fluff for some literally golden lizards. Well thought out to the point of being highly technical.

    The works of Skink3000: Skink3000 debuted on the fluff forum with a nice short story involving Lizardmen fighting naval warfare called The Theft of the Plaque of the Tzeletan Star. Then he wrote a somewhat longer piece called The Outcast's Return. I do not know if he meant to write more, or if this piece is actually complete. A Skink goes on an existing quest to reach the sought after location, but the story stops abruptly and lacks a victorious coming home segment where the outcast actually returns.
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2023
  2. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Temple Cities

    Note any item directly from a GW published work is underlined, all else is created by the L-O community

    Obviously, as a "wiki" this is meant to be edited. Let me know via PM or a reply if you want to add me to change or add something. If it's a minor issue like a spelling or hyperlink error, please don't be offended if I delete your reply after fixing the error.

    Official cities appear in WHF published works with unofficial add-ons included in a follow-up paragraph (if applicable). Unofficial cities all come from L-O writers with links to the relevant threads. I included the geographic location where known, usually with analogies to real world sites. All items appearing in official GW fluff are underlined.

    If a city has an official title given by GW (or the fluff author who created a title for their city) I use it. If there is no title but I think the concept leads to an obvious one, I included a title with an asterisk (*).

    Axlotl: City of Hermits*. Fallen city on the coast a bit north of Rio. I could not find any mention of this city other than a side bar on page 30 of the 7th edition LM book. It is unclear what originally caused the city to fall or become abandoned. Presently a small number of Slann dwell there at the top of the pyramids without attendants not communicating with each other or any servants, using magic to fend off both hunger and the elements.

    Chaqua: City of Gold. Fallen city in the dead center of the Lustrian jungle. Chaqua fell to the Skaven induced plagues, and Tehenhauin, the Prophet of Sotek, used a plaque recovered from Chaqua to rally Skinks to eventually summon Sotek and turn back the Skaven menace. The First maintain a military garrison to ward off warm-blooded gold seekers (officially the Lizardmen know it is attracting raiders, but don’t realize why warmbloods are looting it which I find hard to believe), but the lingering Skaven taint prevents a full resettlement.

    Hexoatl: City of the Sun. Located approximately where Panama should be. Hexoatl is by nature of geography it attracts more warm-blooded invaders than any other major Temple City. The invaders tend to fail miserably since most militant representatives of the Skink, Sauri, and Slann populations all hail from here: Tik’taq’to , Kroq-Gar, and Mazdamundi respectively.

    Most if not all of Fhanados’ characters hail from Hexoatl, including the Feathered Saurus, Aki-Pterixx, and the Eternity Warden, Szeratops.

    Huatl: The Reawakening. Fallen city near the coast of Lustria’s eastern most point. I could not find what happened to this city (so we’ll give its cause of death to the first fluff writer to take a stab at, or we say “the Great Catastrophe did it” because almost all the other fallen cities seem to have that origin). Its sole claim to fame is that is the only official “fallen” city that the Slann (and their hordes of workers) are attempting to restore and resettle.

    Itza: The First City. Located approximately where Brasilia should be. Itza is the most populous Temple City both in terms of Slann and Skinks. Hexoatl may or may not have more Sauri than the other cities (the more militant Hexoatl might beat them). In official GW fluff, this was the city where the Lizardmen eventually reversed the tide of war versus the Daemon hordes during the Great Catastrophe. Kroak’s mummy is kept here. Go-Rok is from here.

    In Scalenex’s fluff pieces, Itza’s ruler, Chuqxlata, is a frequent background character who acts a non-violent antagonist since Chuqxlata and the other Slann of the city like to meddle with the affairs of lesser Temple Cities (arguably ALL other Temple Cities would be lesser Temple Cities).

    In Fhanados’ fluff piece, Itza was in disagreement with Hexoatl and eventually drew in lesser Temple Cities as allies eventually escalating to actual armed combat between Sauri.

    Oyxl: The Eternal City. Fallen city roughly where Paraguay is. Oyxl is the only Temple City not in the jungle and is located south of the Lustria jungles at the northern edge of the Culchan Plains. Its main temple is still used by several Skink Priest and the city has a small garrison defending them, including Culchan riding Skink cavalry.

    Though he didn't include Culchans, years ago, a forumite based his army fluff around this city.

    Pahuax: City of Ash. Fallen city located roughly where Venezuela is. Pahuax fell to Daemons then aged unnaturally fast after the ruling Slann Lord Poxaxalan attempted to blast the invaders with a nova blast and miscast sucking his entire army into the Chaos Realm. Only the Chameleon Skink hero, Oxyotl survived eventually escaping the Chaos Realm becoming a roving anti-Daemon crusader.

    Quetza: The Defiled. Fallen city just to the east of Itza. Quetza survived the Great Catastrophe but the Slann order the city abandoned some point later for unknown reasons. Centuries later, Skaven took over the empty city and used it as their base of operations before the coming of Sotek. Makes you think doesn’t it? Did the Slann want the Skaven to go there? The Skaven were purged from the city, but it remains too tainted for the First Children of the Old Ones to even consider resettling it.

    In Skink Chief's ongoing fluff piece, there is a newly discovered plaque revealing a potential window to cleanse and resettle the city.

    Tlanxla: City of the Sky. Fallen city located roughly where Brazil, Peru, and Colombia intersect. Tlanxla was destroyed during the Great Catastrophe, but was reoccupied as a military outpost briefly during the Skaven wars, then abandoned after the Coming of Sotek.

    Tlax: The City of Ghosts. Pronounced like “Tlash.” Fallen city barely inland from the coast just west of Huatl. Destroyed by Daemons during the Great Catastrophe. The areas is haunted by spectral Sauri battle ghostly Daemons, the sight of which has driven many would-be invaders to Lustria insane.

    Tlaxtlan: The City of the Moon. Located a bit inland from Brazil’s center north coastline. The city is mostly depicted as a center for astrology and astronomy. Naturally Tetto’eko hails from here.

    Xlanhuapec: The City of Mists. Located a bit inland from Brazil’s north eastern coastline. The smallest of the great intact Temple Cities. Xlanhuapec enjoys the mixed blessing of holding a disproportionate share of the treasures of the Old Ones. Its magical obscuring enchantments deter most would-be invaders. Chakax, the famous Eternity Warden hails from here.

    In Scalenex’s fluff, Xlanhuapec ruler, Lord Xixlatel is an enigmatic swing vote in Slann politics though he has little done so far.

    Xhotl: City of Vengeance* Fallen city located roughly where Brazil and Bolivia share a border. It was destroyed by Daemons. Best known as the city where Kroq-Gar initially hailed from. In fact, I am pretty sure that is the only thing that was ever written about it.

    Xahutec: City of Echoes. Fallen city on the coast sandwiched between Huatl and Tlaxtlan. Xahutec was destroyed by Daemons during the Great Catastrophe. Numerous attempts have been made to resettle it, the most famous one involved the death and near corruption of the Slann Lord Zhul who telepathically battled a great Daemon and died before being avenged by his subjects who slew the (badly wounded) creature. Some kind of taint still remains and the city was abandoned for all time after the failed settlement attempt of Zhul’s successor Tenoq.

    Zlatan: The City of Being Ignored by Recent GW writers*. Zlatan is the main Temple City in the Southlands. It featured in two stories in the fifth edition book with reports from a lost captain from Cathay and a trader from Araby. It never fell to any invader, but GW has quietly worked to sweep it under the rug since fifth edition.

    In Scalenex’s fluff, Zlatan is run by the Slann, Lord Trawlikshen (though there may be some higher ranking Slann there in a state of torpor). The Slann of the Zlatan have a limited telepathic channel with Klodorex and have nearly universally sided with Merestar’s side in the Great Debate. Zlatan has established a tentative alliance with the Dwarfs of the isolated Southlands hold of Karak Zorn.

    Dragon Isles: Not technically a city, but it is a place where Lizardmen live far to the west of Lustria (so far west it becomes "the East" near faux-Asia). Official fluff doesn't go into much detail, but this island/these islands represent a place where Skinks, Sauri and Kroxigor have had to make due without the leadership of any Slann for centuries. Some interpretations portray the Lizardmen here as savage and bestial. Some have given them aspects of Samurai culture (due to being fairly close to where faux-Japan is.)

    And the Rest: The following Temple Cities are included on the map in at least one Lizardmen book, but they have no background or depth besides their name and title.
    Hualotal (City of Masks)
    Subatunn (The City Below)
    Karax (The Lost City)
    Qu'ittax (City of Scales)
    Spektazuma (City of Lenses) We actually have a thread with some active brainstorming on this city
    Chupayotl (The Sunken City), the unofficial guide to the city's awesomeness is here.
    Xlanzec (City of the Outsider)

    Note ASSASSIN_NR_1 has claimed Xlanzec as his army's fluff city straddling the divined between unofficial and official fluff. His version of Xlanzec distinguishes itself via well thought out character names inspired by real world mythological figures.

    Unofficial Temple Cities

    All of these are Temple Cities named and profiled by a L-O forumite as their army fluff and/or used as a setting for narrative fluff pieces.

    Atlican: The City of Tears. @Chaqkrolax’s Temple City. The mountainous city holds an ill-understood artifact that the Old Ones once used to control the weather. The Slann can’t operate it, but the city is under perpetual rain fall, hence the “tears.”

    Axlotl: City that was partially developed way back in 2009 by @Glyn. Fluff piece never finished sadly.

    Cuexotl: The Ruby City. @CaptainKirk’s Temple City. A small city heavily warded with obscuring foliage and filled with well-painted bad asses.

    Cuaqtla: @Kcibrihp-Esurc’s Temple City. Ruled by the Slann, Goqtli. Cuaqlta is located on a small island about halfway between Lustria and the Southlands.

    Ichtaca: @NIGHTBRINGER's Temple City, semi-secret and guarding a rarified spawning pool

    Klodorex: The Kahoun of the Lost Ones. Pronounced “Klah-door-ex.” The main setting for most of @Scalenex’s fluff pieces. Klodorex is known for unusual spawnings and is the political rallying point for Slann opposing Mazdamundi’s interpretation of the Great Debate. They also hold the only Lustrian telepathic connection to the Southland’s City of Zlatan. Klodorex was created to defend the Monument of Izzatal.

    In Spawning of Bob pieces it is known as Malodorex, no doubt out of jealousy.

    Los’tmabo’tl: The City of Oddness. @spawning of Bob’s Temple City. Los’tmabo’tl, increasing number of odd spawnings lead the more conventional First to leave the city and other Temple Cities to send their misfits there on one-way missions. This apostrophe ridden, pun-filled, madhouse is/was ruled by the mighty Slann Taisteslaikch'ken. While most of his early comics were set in or near Los’tmabo’tl, Bob’s signature heroes have been roaming the world having wacky adventures in his written pieces.

    Lunaxoatl: Fluff city for @Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl, who would have guessed! Noteworthy for being hidden way up north in the Old World where no one suspects Lizardmen to dwell.

    Mutal: The City of Time. @Warden's Temple City. The Home of the Jade Host is known for it's water features, Mayan inspired names, and the political divide between the conservative old guard Skinks who prefer defense and the Sotek worshipping Skinks who prefer offense.

    Nameless City: City of Darkness. @wolfmage's Temple City. A Temple City was corrupted during the Great Catastrophe, it was sealed away and it's name stricken from records. The inhabitants bid their time consulting their few remaining plaques telling them to wait a thousand years for the seals to break then to go out and purge corruption around the world to cleanse their city's corruption.

    Poneextlan: The City of the Messenger is @Tlac'Natai the Observer's Temple City. Dedicated to the fairly underrepresented Old One Uxmac, Poneextlan has the distinction of being a desert city, rather than a jungle city. We first saw it in Monsoon Season, the winning piece of the July-August 2015 Short Story Contest. Then he expanded on it with A Change of Pace. Poneextlan's intriguing setting has inadvertently persuaded Bob to make fan fiction for his setting.

    Tlaxtzoatl, The Floating Temple of Tzunki: This Kahoun is the fluff city of @Vengefulnoob. An island that venerates Tzunki ruled by the Slann, Zoek that has an unusually friendly relationship with a settlement of nearby humans.

    Turochlitan: Kahoun of Folly. Pronounced “Turr-ROCK-lit-ton.” This little city was built to house a failed experiment by the Slann Merestar to see if Humans would prosper under the direct guidance of the First Children of the Old Ones. This first showed up in @Scalenex ’s short piece The Fall of Turochlitan and is briefly referenced in several later pieces as many of the inhabitants are now undead under the command of the vampire lord Renliss.

    Turochlitan has been picked up by other writers. @Fhanados once mentioned them in passing to compare and contrast them with the Amazons who he dated as being an earlier experiment. @discomute developed the Human side’s perspective of Turochlitan with his Hunter’s Day series and then with the piece. My Father, the Inventor and its sequel Ramifications.

    Qu’ittax: @Gorgosaurus’ fluff city. We know little about it save that it’s being attacked and is at a cliff hanger.

    Xalfu: @Avenger 's fluff city. Mainly noteworthy for being located away from the Lizardmen's traditional stomping grounds as a forward outpost.

    Xan'icha: The City of Silent Steps. @Quetzakroakl’s Temple City. Most cities are known for their sacred artifacts, but Xan'icha is known for its profane artifacts. Here, The First Children of the Old Ones store captured Chaos artifacts in heavily warded vaults. They are sort of like the Old One’s hazmat squad.

    Xili: The City of Fire. Favored of the Old One's Temple City founded on the site of a recently erupted volcano by the sole Slann survivor of Pahuax.

    Yalthera: Kahoun of the Cursed. Yalthera was a Kahoun that was tainted by Skaven than left abandoned by the First Children of the Old Ones. The vampire Renliss periodically keeps a small garrison here in order to harvest Quatlixa from the tainted spawning pools. This was the resting place of the lost Crown of the Brother’s Bridge that the protagonists quested for in @Scalenex's piece, Divided We Fall.

    Zarmunda: The City of Waves. Bufo's Temple City. Naturally The City of Waves in on a volcanic island.

    Non-Lizardmen Lustrian Settlements
    (See @Warden's thread for more details plus published references)

    Amazon Island: All-female tribes dwelling within the jungle along the Amaxon river, on an impregnable island temple fortress in the center of the great river. Originally believed to be descendants of outcasts of the original Norscan settlement of Skeggi (to justify fair skinned blondes in the southern hemisphere) and believed to have some sort of eternal youth bestowing mcguffin.(partially to tell Fountain of Youth stories but mostly so the scantily clad blondes can always be in their early twenties).

    Arheim: Another colony of the High Elves, but far to the north of the Isthmus of Pahuax, closer to the realms of the Dark Elves. Barely touched on in official fluff. I'd be interested in an explanation to how and why it managed to not be obliterated by the Druichii.

    Cadavo: Estalian colony located south of Port Reaver along the Isthmus of Pahuax destroyed three successive times by Lizardmen, the third time Mazdamundi intervened personally. The other outsider cities a free pass for some reason though...

    Citadel of Dusk: High Elf citadel that guards the western route to Cathay. The High Elves are the rulers the seas, opposing the constant Estalian and Tilean trading fleets, also dispatch expeditions into Lustrian Jungles.

    Dalmark Town: Abandoned settlement along the Ithmus of Pahuax near the Aymara Swamps and the Monument of the Moon. Sounds like an Imperial name, no reason for its abandonment is given.

    Port Reaver: Based loosely on the real world's Tortuga. Port Reaver is a haven to pirates around the world, thousands of miles from shipping routes they could commit piracy on.

    Skeggi: Founded in year 888 by the Norse raider Losteriksson, located on the northern end of the Isthmus of Pahuax. The colonists are eager to trade, and the colony is easily accessible by most Old Worlders arriving in Lustria for the first time.

    It's referenced in too many official and L-O stories to count, but I give And the petals tasted like heaven special mention since @VampTeddy used Skeggi as a major setting rather than just mentioning the city in passing.

    Swamp Town: Nominally an Empire holding. Straddling the line between respectable trade city and pirate haven.

    Vampire Coast: Luthor Harkon, a bat skyte crazy vampire got shipwrecked near Lustria and decided to become a pirate in the near untraveled waters with his zombie sailors. The Vampire Coast had a quasi-official army list supported by White Dwarf during sixth edition. Officially Harkon was conscripted by Nagash during book one of the End Times. Unofficially the Vampire Coast gets mentioned a lot in passing but it was in Dead Water where Scalenex showed he's not afraid to contradict GW fluff.

    Age of Sigmar Locations of Interest

    Cote de Saur: Envisioned by @Galen, the Cote de Saur is an Age of Sigmar realm where former Empire humans and Seraphon have dwell near each other and gradually became co-dependent on each other.

    Creatures of Ghur. A partial bestiary guide to this world from the Seraphon's point of view. Created by @Sudsinabucket

    Realm of Ghur, official published works

    Realm of Metal, Primordia Cavern, Sites and creatures detailed by @Warden

    Shadow Jungles of the Ulgulands, Shadow Realm. Created by @Warden

    Tlanotlhuankai, @Tziruzitza 's fluff city/planetoid. Fortress city of the Lost Jungle is a realm dreamt into existance by Tlazolo in an ever shifting proximity of it's original Lustrian city of Tlanotl .

    Xapati-Kai, the Ark of Itzl: Temple ship envisioned by @Dadoodler with a history stretching from the World that Was into the Age of Sigmar.
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2022
  3. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Glossary of Fluff Terms


    Want to pepper your fluff piece with fluffy terms? Consider these. Underlined items are actually from official GW sources. Most of these are Scalenex terms, but I will include anyone’s fluff suggestions. I’ll credit the source for terms from other people. Official terms from GW published material is underlined (I left out obvious things like “Stegadon.” If I (or another writer) create a term that plays fast and loose with official GW “canon” I mark it with an asterisk.

    I generally avoided actual Saurian terms. If you want to go with that level of detail, check out this thread

    Of course you can ignore any term or concept here that you don’t like, including official GW “canon.” Your fluff is your own.

    Amazons: Warrior women that dwell in Lustria because GW creatively wanted to put Amazons in their equivalent to the Amazon (relic from pun laden fifth edition). They’ve been mentioned in passing in several GW books, but they are not developed in depth (that I’m aware of at least). They are originally of Norse descent and they have access to some sort of vaguely described magic MacGuffin that lets them maintain their youth, presumably to cover the plot hole of a group with no breeding males can persist for centuries and lets the Amazon population remain young and attractive for illustrators and sculptors. Writers wanting to use a realism makeover could give their tribe subordinate males.

    Fhanados’ chapter, “Untamed Wilds”, in his ongoing fluff piece actually applied some depth to the Amazons by making them Human worshippers of the Old Ones.

    Anathema: Creatures whose spawnings are deemed to be outside the Great Plan, that should eventually be eradicated, including but not limited to Greenskins, Fimir, Skaven, Beastmen, and unnecessary apostrophes.

    “Big Four”: Colloquial term for the four greatest intact Temple Cities: Itza, Hexoatl, Xlanhuapec, and Tlaxtlan. Most actual residents of the aforementioned cities find the term disrespectful, at least the Skinks do.

    “Canopy Bereft of Leaves”: Colloquial expression labeling someone as being crazy or off-balance.

    Caste*: A Skink’s preordained role upon their spawning. A Skink is born to the Worker, Beast, or Warrior (also called Sotek) Caste, noted by their coloration.

    Worker castes are the most common and the only ones every spawned alongside Kroxigor. They perform all work not dealing with animals and usually train so as to be able to fight in cohorts in times of war. Warrior or Sotek caste Skinks are full-time warriors deploying as skirmishers in times of war and scouts in times of peace. Beast Caste Skinks cultivate and breed domesticated animals, catch and tame trainable wild animals. In times of war, they are the Terradon and Ripperdactyl riders, the Stegadon Howdah crews, and the Salamander and Razordon handlers.

    Skink Priests are technically beyond the caste system but most identify with one of the three castes, especially the Beast Priests who are nearly always born in the same spawnings as regular Beast caste Skinks. Sauri do not have castes in the same sense as Skinks since they are all spawned to fight. Though some spawnings are with markings destining them for being Temple Guard or Cold One Cavalry. Spawnings may create less flashy aptitude based pseudo-castes. (faster, more sociable with Skinks, more tireless, etc)

    “Chaos Take You!”: Curse that loosely translates to “go to Hell!”

    Chaqkai*: A tribe of Slann-less Lizardmen that make up the fluff army of @little-myth

    Dragon Isles: An island somewhat near Cathay where the First are still spawned but the Slann have been dead there for centuries. The Lizardmen there are pretty savage and bestial. It hasn’t been developed enough because GW has gradually been marginalizing the Lizardmen outside of Lustria while simultaneously marginalizing the peoples of their faux-Asia.

    “Drown in mud!”: Pretty literal. This is the Skink curse for the English curse “drop dead!” or “eat skyte and die!”

    Eaters, the: Somewhat derogatory term for Ogres and Halflings. If they need to be differentiated they are called Big Eaters and Little Eaters respectively. Sometimes referred to as the Unfinished Race. If the Saurian speaker wants to convey respect or tolerance (rare for the First) they are called the Last Race.

    Eldest Anathema: Formal term for Fimir. Despite their rarity, their coldblooded nature and magical aptitude make them worth keep tracking of.

    Eternity Warden: A Saurus Scar Veteran or Oldblood dedicated to the protection of the sacred. Temples, artifacts, Skink Priests, and above all else the Slann. It’s unclear from official sources whether Saurus Eternity Wardens are marked for their calling at their spawning or Sauri are promoted to the position after centuries of service. Possibly both. The way I see it many from Temple Guard spawnings have a destined future Eternity Warden, but with battlefield casualties, Slann have to make do with the best suited Saurus available.

    Fallen: Humans, Ogres, Halflings, Elves, Dwarves, or theoretically Lizardmen that have sided with dark powers (though some First do not distinguish between Prodigals and Fallen). Commonly refers to the Warriors of Chaos, Chaos Dwarves, Vampire Counts, Tomb Kings, and Dark Elves.

    Nearly every race classification is disputed. Conservative Slann and their retainers prefer not to subdivide the Prodigals from the Fallen at all. Some First classify the Tomb Kings as Prodigals rather than Fallen since they try to uphold Order despite being trapped in an unnatural state of undeath. Some try to label the Wood Elves as Fallen since they have pledged their allegiance to fickle and alien nature spirits. Some label the mainstream Ogres as Fallen for worshiping the Great Maw. Some classify the Dark Elves as Prodigals for attempting to create bastion of order, albeit a very cruel sort of order..

    First: The self-referential term for Lizardmen. “First” is short form for “First Children of the Old Ones”, collectively referring to Slann, Sauri, Kroxigor, and Skinks.

    Generation, Slann:: There have only been five spawnings of Slann (on the world sphere at least, there may or may not have been Slann that arrived with the Old Ones, but they died with their masters if they existed at all). Even the youngest Slann are thousands of years. old.

    The First Generation have all been for thousands of years before the next generation of Slann. The only one named in WHF lore is Kroak, but the 5th through 7th edition books all say there are other relic mummies. The Venerable Lord Zepoc mentioned in the Marco Colombo story (5th edition book) was likely of the First Generation given the massive power his relic mummy wielded. The First Generation’s main accomplishment is that they were the architects of the Temple Cities and the Geomantic Web that connected them.

    The Second Generation Slann are the eldest living Slann. The 5th edition book had a Second Generation Slann ruling the five great cities of Hexoatl, Tlaxtlan, Izta, Xlanhuapec and the Southlands city of Zlatan and called them Lords. Sixth edition created an official alternate Southands list and disallowed Second and Third Generation Slann (back when Generation actually had an in-game crunch effect). Despite this they kept the official number of Second Generation Slann at five leaving it vague whether Zlatan has a Second Gen Slann that doesn’t go out to lead armies, or if instead Lustria was ret-conned to have a fifth roving Second Gen Slann, or perhaps the writers simply forgot to edit the number when they copied and pasted the material for the next book. Seventh Ed book, the Southlands are barely a footnote, but there are still five Second Gen Slann. The 8th Ed book basically ret-conned the Southlands into an ex-Lizardmen holding.

    The 5th Edition book called the Third Generation Slann Master Mage-Priests and said there were about twice as many living members of the Third Generation as the Second. They don’t give numbers for the fourth and fifth generation but the Slann in general have “perhaps a few hundred in total.” Later edition numbers do not get more specific about Slann Generations. Unless they buried it somewhere I missed, the 8th edition book does not mention Slann Generations at all. It’s just as well. A Third and Fifth Generation Slann probably seem to be at the same power level to an enemy. It’s just that the younger Slann is giving the battle close to his full attention and the older Slann is probably casting spells while half asleep or multi-tasking.

    Fourth Race: Humans. Sometimes called the Xho’za’khanx meaning “the untamed ones.” The two terms for Humans get switched around a lot depending on how useful or irritating the particular Humans in question are in the eyes of the Saurian speaker.

    “Friendly Predator, Hungry Predator”: Lizardmen playing “Good Cop, Bad Cop”. The First rarely interrogate prisoners. This usually applies to a situation when two superiors are pressuring a subordinate.

    Grand High Skink: The highest ranking Skink Priest in a Temple City or Kahoun. They are the top leader for running the day-to-day operations of their Temple City taking care of the aspects of ruling a population that the Slann can’t or won’t bother with.

    Great Catastrophe, the: When the Old Ones accidentally opened gateways to the Chaos Realms. Daemons spilled forth attacked everything in sight, devastated many Temple Cities and were eventually defeated at great cost.

    Great Debate, the*: The debate between Slann on whether to accept Mazdamundi’s or Merestar’s interpretation of the proper way to shepherd the lesser races.

    Mazdamundi interpretation calls for eradicating the Anathema and forcing all the Prodigal races to return to their lands of origin. He and supporters believe that if things aren’t returned to the status they were at when the Old Ones first created the new races, the rest of the steps against outlined in their hundreds of golden plaques Chaos will be useless because they are founded on the assumption that the races wills stay put.

    Merestar’s interpretation believes that the Old Ones intended the Prodigal races to spread as a bulwark against Chaos. They favor purging or converting the Fallen to allow the Prodigals to remove their internal distractions and let them fight the Anathema in place of the First fighting the Anathema to allow the First to concentrate on the forces of Chaos.

    The Great Debate is the main metaplot for Scalenex’s universe. This conflicts with GW latest published work. As of eighth edition, Mazdamundi no longer wants to relocate the Prodigal races to their homelands and simply wants to purge the Anathema (though in previous editions Mazdamundi did indeed want to forcibly relocate the forces of Order to their ancestral homelands.

    Great Plan, the: The mysterious poorly understood plan set forth by the Old Ones.

    “Grubs and Potatoes”: “The meat and potatoes” of the issue. The heart of the issue or the most important part of something.

    High Skink: Formal term for a Skink Priest.

    “His Pond is Murky”: He is agitated or confused.

    Last Journey: When a Skink, Saurus, or Kroxigor too old, sick or injured to continue useful service to their Temple City goes off into the jungle alone to die after a brief ritual by their friends honoring their prior service. Skinks do not perform this very often, especially if they are literate and can work as scribe, or in some other non-physical pursuit. Some Lustrian pack or herd animals do this and it is believed that is the original inspiration for the practice among the First..

    Last Race: Polite term to discuss the Ogres and Halflings. More commonly called “the Eaters.” Note they are both collectively referred to as the Last Race instead of the Last Races because it is believed they were created together to serve the same general purpose. They collectively share the title "Last" the way the Slann, Saurus, Skinks and Kroxigor collectively share the title "First."

    Kahoun*: “Small and revered.” A lesser Temple City that is currently occupied by the Lizardmen. Most unofficial Lizardmen cities created for army fluff would fall into this category whether they use the term Kahoun or not.

    Mahrlect: The English language lacks a four letter word that translates into this.

    Master of the Skies: Tik’tak’to’s official title as the head of Lustria’s “air force”. It’s unclear whether this title is unique to him or if other cities have an equivalent.

    Master of the Watch*: The Skink Chief of a Temple City in charge of organizing their patrols. Usually, but not always a Terradon rider. Very large cities may have multiple Masters of the Watch usually with qualifiers like “Master of the Southeastern Watch.”

    Mockeries: Beastmen. Also called “the False First.” Both names refers to the fact they are evolved from non-sapient warm-blooded beings in a sick parody of how Saurus, Skinks, and Kroxigor were also evolved from non-sapient coldblooded beings. Sometimes actually called “Beastmen” by First who know or suspect that they have a connection with Humans. Lizardmen with a modicum of respect for Humans may consider Beastmen to be Mockeries against Humans as well as Mockeries against the First.

    Night of the Baleful Moon: The night when the Chaos Moon is closest to the world sphere. What Humans in the Empire call: “Geheimnisnacht.”

    Old Foes: Daemons. Also called Xlanax, meaning “Outsider” in more formal settings.

    Prodigals: Beings created by the Old Ones that haven’t betrayed their role in the Old One’s Great Plan, but aren’t exactly acting like they are supposed to. Includes most Humans, High Elves, Wood Elves, Ogres, Halflings, and Dwarfs. The First are split on whether to consider Tomb Kings as Prodigals or Fallen. The Lizardmen of the Dragon Isles would arguably be considered Prodigals.

    Puddle Brain: Idiot.

    Puddled-brained: Idiotic.

    Quatlixa*: Loosely translates into “Blood Servants of Vengeance.” These are Saurus Ghouls raised via necromantic magic used on spawning pools irreparably tainted by the actions of Clan Pestilens during the time of Prophecy of Sotek. Normally, tainted spanwings die within hours but the Quatlixa are kept in a state neither dead nor alive, much like the ghouls across the World Pond. These are currently used as shock troops by Lord Renliss and his minions.

    Second Race: Elves. Sometimes called Itz’xa’khanx meaning “ringed by ocean”, though that term is falling out of favor since the majority of Elves dwell outside of Ulthuan. In the circles of Skink leaders, the term is almost political*. Those who say “the Second Race” are implying they are okay, with the Elven exodus and those who say “ringed by ocean” clearly endorse all Elves returning to Ulthuan.

    “Sotek Run”: Colloquially term for a military operation expected to be one-sided in favor of the First and likely yield many sacrificial prisoners.

    Saurian: The language of Slann, Skinks, Saurus, and Kroxigor though the four groups have a progressively coarser dialect in the order given. The best official source is page 39 of the seventh edition LM book, but we have an extensive thread with fan-made goodness for the language archived from the old LM forum, the Temple Pyramid Vault.

    Sporemen: Orcs, Goblins, and Snotlings. So named because they are spawned from spores. More casually referred to as “greenskins” just like everyone else (at least if none of the Lizardmen in that city have green skin themselves…).

    Spine of Sotek: Name given to the mountains in the west of Lustria that roughly correspond to the Andes. Since Sotek came about relatively late in the timeline of the First Children of the Old Ones, I’m going to assume they originally called the mountains the “Spine of Nobody in Particular”.

    Tadpole: A person (not necessarily a Lizardman) who is childish, naïve, or fixated on asinine pursuits.

    Third Race: Dwarves. Sometimes called Dro’ka’khanx meaning “those who delve.” Unlike with the Elves, there is less political motivation behind terminology because Dwarfs haven’t spread around the world much. Relatively few Lizardmen are aware of Karak Zorn and even fewer are aware of the Chaos Dwarves.

    Trials, the*: The tests administered to reveal and hopefully awaken the powers of a budding Skink Priest. The Heavens trials involve fasting and mediation upon the stars until receiving a vision. The Beasts Trials involve interacting with various animals, and examining the animals for unusual behavior. Skink Priests with unusual magical aptitudes tend to have Fate select challenges for them that end up shocking them into revealing their powers.

    Wet: Adjective describing a Lizardmen as inexperienced or naïve. An amphibian metaphor: “They are so new out of their spawning pool, they haven’t dried off yet.”

    World Pond: The ocean. Usually referring to the one that corresponds to the “Atlantic” not the “Pacific” though the term can refer to either or both. The phraseology reveals that the First in general refer to most things by terms of familiar fresh water and that the Slann see things on such a large scale that the ocean is merely a pond.

    Xha-kota: Skaven. A term meaning “unnatural spawn of the Rat”. Also called rat-men, vermin, Sotek fodder, ratfolk pure anathema, rodent men, tumors, and defilers, among many other colorful nicknames.

    Old Ones in Brief

    I made this summary from the 5th through 8th edition Lizardmen books. The 5th edition book focused on fluff stories. The 6th edition book had minimial fluff because they had to make room for the alternate army list, and 8th edition has tried to emphasize the importance of mortals orver gods, so the 7th edition book has the most Old One information by far. If you want information on the Old Ones, the richest source is page 36 and 37 of the 7th edition book. Quite a few Old Ones are only mentioned there as far as I know: Caxautn, Potec, Quetli, Rigg, Uxmac, Xhokha, and the three lost ones Conalxa, Inhamex, and Yuxa.

    Caxautn: This is the Old One assocated with predators. “He who stalks the deep jungles, whose passing causes the beasts to become suddenly silent and the winds to become still.”

    Chotec: Chotec the sun god, is arguably the preeminent Old One in Lizardmen religion. The sun was viewed as the source of all life and power in many real-world ancient human cultures. Now picture its importance magnified in a people that need to warm up just to move. Chotec is usually associated with fiery colors, yellow, orange, red or combinations thereof. Magical items associated with Chotec involve fire, light, and/or sudden reserves of energy. Since Chotec is such an important Old One, his blessings are non-specific and likely to refer to good fortune. Those said to have his blessing are considered lucky and/or are natural leader though they can be prideful and aloof.

    Huanchi: Huanchi the Jaguar God is the Old One of night. He is associated with stealth. He is usually associated with the color black, or at least darker shades of common colors. Despite his focus on stealth in fluff, magic items with his name attached in older books are more commonly associated with speed than darkness or trickery. Those with his blessing are exceptionally stealthy and often have excellent night vision, but struggle when standing in the light. Some are literally bothered by bright light, most are at least uncomfortable when being the center of attention.

    Itzl: Itzl is the Old One of cold blooded beasts. He is associated with cunning, strength, and speed. The aspects of a hunter. Those with his blessing have a kinship or affinity with wild beasts, especially predators, but they sometimes have trouble relating to people.

    Potec: Potec is said to be one of the top Old Ones on the same tier as Chotec and Tepoc, but as far as I know, is only mentioned briefly in the seventh edition Lizardmen book and no others. Potec is "he who wards against the supernatural.”

    Quetli: Quetli is a woefully underdeveloped war god only mentioned briefly once in the seventh edition Lizardmen book. He is called “Protector of the True Way.” I suspect that the writers meant to lift Quetzl from the earlier editions and made a typo since Quetzl.

    Quetzl: Apart from Sotek, the Old One Quetzl is the premier warrior god of the Lizardmen. Whereas Sotek is all about rending one’s enemies, Quetzl’s focus on being resilient in the face of danger. Magical items associated with Quetzl bestow protection. Those with Quetzl’s blessing are often unusually tough and resilient but sometimes slow to act.

    Rigg: Rigg is the Old One known as “the Outcast” and one of the very few Old Ones referred to in a feminine context. Yet more evidence GW writers don’t like women. Rigg is written on the sacred plaques to be the “Mother of Kalith”, yet none of the First know who "Kalith" is.

    Sotek: Arguably not an Old One at all since his first appearance is well after the Great Cataclysm. Also, unlike the other Old Ones Sotek occasionally does mighty things. Sotek worship took off among the Skinks when Tehenhauin led his beleaguered people while the Slann contemplated their navels over the lost plaque of Chaqua. Sotek is invoked in battle a lot, and the desire to obtain sacrifices to Sotek is a major motivator for the First. References to Sotek are too numerous to mention. Sotek’s color is nearly always associated with the color red. Those blessed by Sotek are normally brave and ferocious, but sometimes reckless

    Tepok: Tepok is the Old One of magic. Sometimes depicted as a feathered serpent of the air. Tepok is frequently associated with the color purple. As the god of magic, he has been associated with many varied magical items over the several editions Lizardmen have existed. Those blessed by Sotek have magical abilities, or least magic resistance. They have keen minds but are sometimes aloof.

    Tlazcotl: Tlazcotl is the Old One that represents the beneficial aspects of being coldblooded. Being able to remain unmoved and unflinchingly dedicated to their task. Generally Temple Guard are claimed to enjoy Tlazcotl’s blessing.

    Tlanxla: Tlanxla isn’t developed much. He’s an Old One of war and rode a chariot across the sky, yet Lizardmen have no flying chariot options in their army, what gives? In the 5th through 8th edition books, only once that I’m aware of is he talked about outside the context of empowering Kroq-Gar’s magic spear. He embodies the warlike nature of the Lizardmen. Not sure what that means since at least half of the Old Ones have a clear martial aspect to them.

    Tzunki: Tzunki is the Old One of water. Besides being associated with the beneficial aspects of water, Tzunki is also associated with agility, keen eye sight, and speed. Sometimes he associated with the sea green color. Sometimes he is associated with mottled colors. Those blessed by Tzunki are good swimmers and may have functional gills in addition to lungs making them truly amphibious. They are often agile and fast, but sometimes a little mercurial and flighty,

    Uxmac: This Old One is the messenger of the gods and expected to return someday bearing the word of the Old Ones. Makes sense, if only one of the Old Ones came back to the mortal world, I would expect it to be the one whose job was to run messages to the mortal world.

    Xhokha: This Old One “is the spirit of stone, the giver of strength, and the "Arbiter of Duty.”

    Xhotl: Xhotl is mentioned briefly as the Old One that is namesake of the city of Xhotl and the chooser of those destined for greatness.

    Xholanka: Xholanka is an Old One known as “The Lost” and referenced with seemingly vague and contradictory references to any “but the deepest intellect.” In Scalenex’s writing, those marked by Xholanka (anyone with “kai” in the name) are more or less both blessed and cursed. In addition to Xholanka who is entitled “the Lost,” sacred plaques mention Conalxa, Inhamex, and Yuxa as being Old Ones but there is no context as to what these lost gods did. Other Old Ones are presumed completely forgotten.

    Xapati: Xapati is not developed much. Presumably he is the Old One of revenge. He is associated with the 6th edition magical item the Blood Statuette of Spite and is not mentioned elsewhere.

    Flora and Fauna

    I deliberately left out really obvious entries like "Stegadon"

    Antok: Antoks are swift footed antelope-like mammals that dwell in Lustria. First appeared in The Red Day.

    Culchan: A flightless bird common to the Culchan Plains south of the Lustria jungles. Vaguely similar to an aggressive emu or ostrich. Sometimes tamed as mounts for Skinks. @The Sauric Ace has been developing them further.

    Death Flies: Very large flies (twice the size of a real world horse fly) that are attracted to fresh corpses.

    Derelethi: “Paradox spiders”. Their poison is deadly in and of itself, but if it’s mixed with nearly any other poison it will neutralize both poisons. Derelethi venom is collected by Skinks to use as an antidote against many poisons (and it’s how they eat something brought down with poisoned shooting). Derelethi spiders are roughly as wide as a human hand when their legs are spread out.

    Horned One: A slightly faster, somewhat smarter sub-breed of Cold One with slightly less raw ferocity. More common in the Southlands than in Lustria. Southlands Lizardmen field whole units of Skink Cavalry mounted on Horned Ones. In Lustria Horned Ones, are generally only used for rare and potent individuals. General Skinks of high rank or Saurus with keen minds.

    Huagerdon: A small quadruped lizard with a keen sense of smell and a flexible pack instinct. Best described as the Lizardmen’s equivalent to a dog.

    Itxi Grubs: These specially prepared dried grubs give a temporary boost to Skink priests or Slann when casting spells. It is unknown whether this would work for other wizards as the Lizardmen don't share these.

    Kroloqs: Small scavenger lizards that feed on carrion or even droppings.

    Lacrey: A large dung beetle. It shows up in the First’s equivalent of Aesop’s Fables as a metaphorical talking animal for illustrative purposes since lacreys are are viewed as clumsy and foolish.

    Lurkerdons*: Aquatic dinosaurs about twice the size of horse. In the Southlands they are occasionally used as cavalry mounts for very brave Beast caste Skinks.

    Rot Flower: A flower that’s petals really stink. Its nectar is used like smelling salts to induce consciousness.

    Rylok: A large avian scavenger similar to a turkey vulture.

    Talisaurus: Long-necked dinosaurs that reach maturity at the size of a Clydesdales and can grow to the size of a young elephant. While not being defenseless, they are one of the most common large sized prey species in Lustria.

    Xiliqua Root: “Fire blood root.” Xiliqua root gum will artificially warm the blood of those who chew it. Allowing Lizardmen to function somewhat normally in areas colder than they would normally prefer without relying on magic.

    Link to excellent off-site fan-made Lustrian bestiary


    Names the First use to describe common spells. Omissions are deliberate, a fireball is still fireball whatever language you are speaking. Beasts and Heavens have more names than the other spells. That is also deliberate. Most of these names originated from Skink Priests. They are more familiar with Heavens and Beasts spells and have a touch of vanity. I imagine names for Heavens and Beasts spells would change more often and have more local variants.

    If a Slann does something really impressive with lots of Skink witnesses with a spell, the Skinks of that Slann’s Temple City or Kahoun are likely to rename the spell after that Slann. Though the name rarely spreads outside their locale.

    Most of these are Scalenex created terms but Spawning of Bob vetted all of them.

    Chotec’s Blades - Flaming Sword of Rhuin.
    Phantom Salamander - The Burning Head
    Chotec’s Cage - Fulminating Flame Cage

    Chotec’s Endurance Cantrip that allows the First to safely dwell in cold environments (even artic conditions) for long periods of time.

    Itzl’s Blessing – Wyssan’s Wildform (sometimes called “Pack’s Might”)
    Quango’s Memory – Flock of Doom. It doesn’t actually involve Quangos, but it rarely involves crows. Whatever the local birds that are numerous in the area is what’s used.
    Itzl’s Hide – Pann’s Impenetrable Pelt (sometimes called “Stegadon’s Resilience”)
    The Curse of Huanchi – The Curse of Anaheir
    Itzl’s Fury – Savage Beast of Horros (sometimes called “Carnosaur’s Might,” in the Southlands it’s commonly known as “Kroxigor’s Might.”)
    Mantle of the Predator: Transformation of Kadon, naturally they are more apt to turn into things like Carnosaurs or Stegadons than Chimera and Manticores. (Sometimes called “Wrath of Itzl”)

    Serpent Sight: Cantrip that temporarily heightens sense of smell to phenomenal levels, but causes deafness for the spell duration. It also temporarily bestows a darting forked snake tongue.

    Mantle of the Prey: Cantrip that lets the caster turn into a very tiny animal like a frog or newt.

    Itzl’s Kinship: Cantrip that lets the caster communicate with non-sapient animals.

    Scale Rot – Plague of Rust
    Tepoc’s Blades – Enchanted Blades of Aiban
    Saurus Hide – Glittering Robe
    Tepoc’s Huagerdons – Gehenna’s Golden Hounds
    Transmutation of Stone – Transmutation of Lead

    Chotec’s Wrathful Gaze – Shem’s Burning Gaze
    Tepoc’s Protection – Pha’s Protection
    Tlazcotl’s Repose – Light of Battle
    Net of Light – Net of Amytok (called “Merestar’s Net” in Klodorex)
    Xhotl’s Fury – Birona’s Timewarp

    No actual changes to BRB spells. They are so literally named, why would Skinks mess with it?

    Xocha’s Sustenance - Cantrip allows Slann and their guardians to go for extremely long periods of time without any food, water, or rest. This cantrip can be extended to cover a whole army though the effects are diluted (the subjects need a lot less food, water, and sleep but they can’t forgo these things completely).

    Sky’s Blessing – Harmonic Convergence (sometimes actually called “Harmonic Convergence”)
    Sky’s Curse – Curse of the Midnight Wind (sometimes actually called “Curse of the Midnight Wind)
    Sky’s Fang – Uranon’s Thunderbolt (sometimes called “Sotek’s Fang”)
    Herald of Sotek – Comet of Casandora (sometimes called “Tetto’eko’s Comet”)
    Sky’s Bite – Chain Lightning (sometimes called “Sotek’s Bite”)

    Miasma of Xlanhapec – Melkoth’s Miasma
    Huanchi’s Great Talon – The Penumbral Pendulum
    Blades of Resolve – Okkam’s Mindrazor, the stronger your resolve, the stronger your weapons.

    Prodigal’s Tongue: Cantrip that lets a speaker speak and be understood by any intelligent creature. Despite the name, it works on Anathema too. (Daemons can already do this at will*).

    Shadow Construct*: Generic term for weapons, tools, images, or creatures formed out of shadows made solid. Constructs form the basis of all the non-hexes of the lore. It also personalized the lore. Two Shadow wizards may use completely different looking constructs to cast the same spell. For instance: Penumbral Pendulum could look like a sword, axe, hammer, or a charging monster.


    Predator’s Mien – Aspect of the Dreadknight
    Leech of Essence – Caress of Laniph
    Leech of Life – The Fate of Bjuna
    Doom Sun – Purple Sun of Xereus

    Magic Items of the First

    I did not bother including any magical items in the eighth edition rulebook because we already know them. I only included seventh edition magical items that were included in fluff pieces or that struck me as especially interesting. I am willing (and eager) to accept nominations by PM for more magical items to include or requests to reference fluff pieces where new magical items were created or existing magical items from published GW works are used in interesting ways.

    If there is demand I will add more magical items from old LM books no longer used when I have time to burn.

    Amulet of Chotek’s Wrath: Basically the Ruby of Ring of Ruin but on a Lizardmen necklace. It’s been used by multiple Skinks in Scalenex’s fluff pieces.

    Burning Blade of Chotec: Magical item from seventh edition army book that piercing armor easily and bestows flaming attacks. In Scalenex’s fluff piece, Renliss wields one of these stolen from a Scar Veteran.

    Cube of Darkness: We are all familiar with the magical item from the current army book, it was also in the seventh edition army book and two of Scalenex’s pieces. Scalenex assumes the First collectively own several of these and not just one. Klodorex has at least one, used by Yarshen in “The Orphaned Temple City” and stolen by Huan-kai in Legacies (but recovered later “off camera.”).

    Crown of the Brother’s Bridge*: A circlet of gold that adjusts to fit any sized head. It bestows telepathy on normal mortals and drastically increases the range of a Slann’s telepathy. It was the MacGuffin of Scalenex’s piece, “Divided We Fall”.

    Fangs of Sotek: Paired set of magic daggers that have changed hands multiple times in Scalenex’s piece “Divided We Fall” and was featured in “New Alliances” where it is currently wielded by General Belrikt in the Southlands.

    Itxi Grubs: Magical item from the seventh edition army book. Dried grubs imbued with the magical power of the earth. They could temporarily enhance the magical power of Skink Priests or Slann who ate them. Fluffwise they seemed to hover somewhere between rare and abundant. One Slann’s last words were “Bring me another Itxi Grub.” In an old army book, a Slann's recorded last words were "hand me another Itxi grub." [citation needed]

    Mace of the Carnosaurs: Magical mace set with Carnosaur teeth. It was given to Kaitar as a badge of office in “The Orphaned Temple City.”

    Potion of Kroxigor’s Might: Potion that vastly increases the Strength of the drinker for a couple minutes. Used several times by Belrikt in “New Alliances.”

    Speaking Stone: A simple looking rock with a glyph for “tongues” on it, typically worn around the neck via a cord. Allows the possessor to speak and be understood in any language or accent flawlessly. One is used in Scalenex’s fluff piece “Divided We Fall.” More Speaking Stones will undoubtedly show up in Scalenex’s fluff pieces whenever he needs a justification for First characters to speak with outsiders.

    Staff of the Lost Sun: Magic weapon from the seventh edition army book that shoots burning shafts of light (that somehow didn’t cause flaming attacks, what the mahrlect?). It was used multiple times in Scalenex’s piece “The Orphaned Temple City,” often as a signaling device as much as a weapon.

    Sword of the Hornet: Magic item from seventh edition army book that bestowed Always Strikes First. Now I’m going to assume that if the First have their equivalent of the Sword of Swift Slaying and that they call it this. I figure almost every BRB magic item used by the Lizardmen would have a “local” name.

    Tzunki’s Blade: Not to be confused with the seventh edition magical item the Blade of Revered Tzunki which cuts through armor as if it isn’t there. Tzunki’s Blade fights with its own volition. Which is a boon if the wielder cannot fight very well on their own and a hindrance if the wielder is a good fighter in his own right. While it changed hands several times in Scalenex’s novella, Legacies, it was recovered by Klodorex’s army and is sitting in a Temple Vault rather than in Lord Renliss’ stash.
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2024
  4. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Collection of Threads to Aid Fluff Writers

    Potential Sources of Information for Writers.

    This is intended to stimulate ideas and discussion. These are not how-to requirements for what your writing must include.

    More or less comprehensive list of pre-AoS Lizardmen fluff


    Lustria and Southlands Maps
    Temple City Maps and Diagrams

    Formal Resources

    Official Timeline of Lizardmen Events Seraphon/Lizardmen

    Detailed Guide to speaking High Saurian

    Random Lizardmen name generator Seraphon/Lizardmen

    Using actual Aztec names to name Lizardmen characters Seraphon/Lizardmen

    List of Slann names that show up in GW published work with their reference page numbers

    Off-site glossary of named canon characters

    Random Name Generator for LIzardmen/Seraphon Seraphon/Lizardmen

    Broad Topics, mostly informal

    Birds and the Bees of Spawning Pools (very old thread but still good)
    Spawning Pools Revisited
    Can Spawning Pools be Moved?

    Day to Day Culture
    Cats, Would Lizardmen or Seraphon keep them as pets? Seraphon/Lizardmen
    Discussion on Lizardmen etiquette
    How do Slann talk? Seraphon/Lizardmen
    Music by or about Lizardmen Seraphon/Lizardmen
    Functions of a Temple City COMPREHENSIVE!
    Regional Dialects of the Saurian language
    Taboos for Lizardmen COMPREHENSIVE!
    Temples and Religious Practices for Lizardmen COMPREHENSIVE! Seraphon/Lizardmen
    What name do Seraphon call themselves? Seraphon

    Where do the Slann Temple Ships Drift in Space Seraphon

    Character Death and Survival as a Storytelling Tool COMPREHENSIVE!
    How do Lizardmen honor their dead?
    What do Lizardmen do when their spawning brothers are mostly gone?
    What happens to severely wounded Lizardmen?
    Views on the Afterlife for Lizardmen/Seraphon Seraphon/Lizardmen

    Flora and Fauna
    Carnivorous Plants capable of harming human sized targets Seraphon/Lizardmen
    Carnivorous Snappers
    Collssodon and other unidentified creatures
    General discussion thread on the ecology and biology of Lustrian dinos with models
    Long necked dinosaurs in Lustria or Seraphon dominated worlds Seraphon/Lizardmen
    Seasonal Variation in Lustria and the Southlands
    Theoretical Cold One issues

    Assorted High Quality Videos on Fantasy Writing and World Building
    Changes in GW fluff over time COMPREHENSIVE! Seraphon/Lizardmen
    Ongoing discussion on assorted writing topics
    Swearing in fantasy writing. Seraphon/Lizardmen
    Warhammer Wild West alternate setting
    Comparing Lizardmen and Seraphon to D&D Lizardfolk
    Water travel (sea and rivers) Lizardmen

    Outsider Relations
    Can outsiders defect to the Lizardmen?
    Fimir and Lizardmen
    How do Lizardmen overcome language barriers with other races?
    Lizardmen views on the other races
    Vampires in Warhammer Age of Sigmar/Warhammer Fantasy

    Can Daemons of Order/Virtue exist? Seraphon/Lizardmen COMPREHENSIVE!
    Can Lizardmen go bad?
    Did Old Ones Plan Fail? Seraphon/Lizardmen
    Does Sotek exist in Age of Sigmar? Seraphon
    Do Lizardmen have free will? (very old thread but still good)
    Narrative Magic beyond the official spells
    Psychology for Seraphon Seraphon
    Temple Ships Seraphon
    What do Ward Saves look like?
    What if Kroak came back?
    What are Sunbloods? Seraphon

    Physiology of Lizardmen and Seraphon
    Can Saurus Swim? Seraphon/Lizardmen
    Chameleon Skinks turning color unintentionally
    Life span of fantasy creatures in GW settings Seraphon/Lizardmen
    Non-verbal communication for Lizardmen
    What do Lizardmen use their tails for?

    Warfare Culture
    Defensive Structures and Strategies for Lizardmen. COMPREHENSIVE!
    How do Temple Guard fit in with the Saurus heirarchy? (very old thread but still good)
    Lizardmen and real-world Meso-American ball games (very old thread but still good)
    What do Saurus do when they aren’t fighting?
    Saurus Culture
    Sunbloods, where do they fit in the hieararchy? Seraphon
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 13, 2023
  5. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Last edited: Dec 7, 2019
  6. Slanputin

    Slanputin Well-Known Member

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    Re: Lustriapedia, a fluff resource for readers and writers a

    Thanks, Scalenex - great resource.

    Looks like I'm going to have to expand my literary universe if I'm going to compete with the other writers here!
  7. spawning of Bob

    spawning of Bob Well-Known Member

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    Re: Lustriapedia, a fluff resource for readers and writers a

    Wow. I knew this was coming, but this is above and beyond expectations. So, I absorb your powers, right?

    If we have some additions should we PM you or add a lengthy / silly reply?
    Nazqua and Paradoxical Pacifism like this.
  8. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Re: Lustriapedia, a fluff resource for readers and writers a

    Glad you approve

    You can reply with additional posts OR use a PM.

    Like the Tactica Index I am likely to delete old "add _____" replies once in a while for requests that have been long since addressed.
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2015
    Nazqua and Paradoxical Pacifism like this.
  9. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    I've been pawing through the back pages of the fluff forum and adding archival stories, writer's resources, and unofficial Temple Cities. I'm not going to announce every time there is a new link like with the Tactica Index because this one is so young.

    A random sampling suggests the links apart from the short story contest all work after the forum upgrade switch, let me know if that is not the case with any other specific links are not working and I'll try to fix it.
    Nazqua and Paradoxical Pacifism like this.
  10. Fleetfiend

    Fleetfiend Member

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    So, I was just looking at the map in the newest LM book, and there are a lot of cities not listed here. Here are the ones I noticed:

    Hualotal (City of Masks)

    Subatunn (The City Below)

    Karax (The Lost City)

    Qu'ittax (City of Scales)

    Spektazuma (City of Lenses)

    Chupayotl (The Sunken City)

    Xlanzec (City of the Outsider)

    There isn't any more detailed information about them outside of their titles as far as I can tell, but they are definitely official cities.

    ASSASSIN_NR_1 Well-Known Member

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    So Xlanzec can officially be my city now :D
  12. spawning of Bob

    spawning of Bob Well-Known Member

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    More information please.

    Are Dansk Slannsk special in some way?
    Nazqua and Paradoxical Pacifism like this.
  13. Slanputin

    Slanputin Well-Known Member

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    Chupayotl (The Sunken City) was definitely in the previous edition's fluff, however GW did indeed add a tonne of new cities. I'm glad they extended the background, even if most of them are still ruined :(

    BTW, will there be another section detailing solo temples/shrines/places of power/interesting monuments etc. that are featured on the map? There's a good number of them, so if there's too many perhaps the more prominent settlements/citadels outside the Temple Cities?

    e.g. "The Temple of Kara" (current edition), "Ziggarut of the Dawn" (current edition), "The Floating Pyramid" (previous edition).
    Nazqua and Paradoxical Pacifism like this.

    ASSASSIN_NR_1 Well-Known Member

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    I meant that if Xlanzec was in the old book but isn't now, I could take it as "my" city (as I in a way already have) And make it a more distinct city, making it completely my own.

    Or did I get your message wrong and answered something obvious?
    Nazqua and Paradoxical Pacifism like this.
  15. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    I didn't pay much attention to the new map in the 8th ed book, so I didn't notice all the new old cities until @Fleetfiend. Now that I am aware of them, I may start to include them. I created a made up ruined city of Yalthera in a Skinks Quest, I might retroactively edit to change Yalthera to one of the undeveloped ruined cities, but not Xlanzec of course.

    Basically yes. If GW does not develop something on one of their maps, the first forumite to write detailed fluff for it can claim to have the "official" version, official at least as far as Lustria-Online is concerned. Of course, just like writers can and should ignore GW published fluff when they don't like it, forumites can ignore forum made stuff if they don't like it. Still it's easier to build on what someone else has done. I'm going to try to incorporate fan-made stuff from other writers into my fluff if possible, at least in passing.

    There was also an attempt to write fluff for Spetazuma, the City of Lenses but that never made it off the launch pad and StealthKnightsteg has not logged on to the forums since before the upgrade.

    Aspiring army fluff developers can write what they want, but my suggestion is to come up with reasons for ruined cities besides "Daemons wrecked it"since the overwhelming majority of the GW developed ruined Temple Cities have that origin story.
  16. Kcibrihp-Esurc

    Kcibrihp-Esurc Well-Known Member

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    My temple city was wrecked by daemons, but spawning pools function anyways (They were built to) so it was resettled!
    Nazqua and Paradoxical Pacifism like this.
  17. spawning of Bob

    spawning of Bob Well-Known Member

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    So daemons still wrecked it. Yawn.
    If apostrophes had brought it crashing down that might provoke some interest.
  18. Slanputin

    Slanputin Well-Known Member

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    I think someone should write about a parallel universe where Daemonic Fortresses were wrecked by an incursion of Lizardmen, and it was only through the intervention by some plucky Skaven seers that managed to suck magic from the world that quelled the onslaught....for now.
    Last edited: May 14, 2015
  19. spawning of Bob

    spawning of Bob Well-Known Member

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    You stole my idea!
  20. StegadonSheperd

    StegadonSheperd Member

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    Great thread guys! Surely a lot of inspiration for stories in here!

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